<br /> � �
<br /> ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS �-�ar,No _%1_�;700-�_____
<br /> KNOW ALl MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That ?e�rome K �p?le and P�frjcia �. `�lle, h -��,nd and � �f^
<br /> (hereinafter called ihe Mortgagors)m consitleraUon of the sum of
<br /> Thir*_v_n�ine Th t.��nd N�nP u ,n�re^ A..� , _���'• . _ ___. -- ---- . .. -- Dollars(5'^,^ .OQ--- .�
<br /> � loaned �o Mortgagors, do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto COMMERCIAL fEDERAI SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION of Omaha.
<br /> Nebraska, (hereinafter called "Commeraal"), iis successors and assigns, the following descnbed real estate, situated m the County of,
<br /> {Ia11 State oi Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> Lnt i° �'.cdi.',v _3!'.^. Tht►'d �ULd . ., .Or � �'..�! COU.'r, , � Y,, ,},. -
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME. with the appurte��ances thereunlu beiong�ng. unto Co�n�nerc�a� its successors and assigns forever.
<br /> Said Mortgagors hereby covenant with said Cmnrneraai, its su�cessors antl ass�gns that Morlgagors are lawfully se�zed of said prem�ses.that
<br /> they are free from encumbrances. and thal they will torever wariant antl aefend the title to said prenuses against the law`u� Uauns of all peisons
<br /> whomsoever.
<br /> P�ovided. uevertheless, Ihese presents are upon ihe L�Ilowing cond�t�ons:
<br /> That whereas the said Mortgagors as members of Comniercial have th�s tlate execuled a note eviaenang such ioan antl agree�ng tc;epay sa�^
<br /> sum ol money. with inteiest, in payments as set forth m said note and have agieetl lo abitle by the lerms of saitl note antl Charter antl 8y-Laws c;f
<br /> Commercial.
<br /> That whereas this rtiorlgage shall secure any add�tiona! auvances_ w�th ;nteresL wh�ch may, at the opbon of Comn�ere�al.be matle by Corn
<br /> metcial to Ihe undersigned Moitgagois�i Ihe��wccessuis�u t�tle(�i anq ;,uipose at any Urne before(he ie!ease auC cancetlat�on of th�s inoitgege.
<br /> Gut PROVIDED.HOWEVER. af no t�me shall the nggregate pnnapal amounf 5ecure0 by thi5 mortgage be�ng the amount oue at any !�me on sa�d
<br /> onginal note and any addihonai advances matle. exceetl an amount equ�l to 110 pe�cent ot thean�ount of the onginal note but in no event shali
<br /> said note exceed the maxnnur amount peinntted by law antl PROVIDED HDWEVER, that noth�ng he�e�n conta�netl shall be cons�derea as limit�ng
<br /> the amount that shall be seared hereby when ativanced lo protect the secunty or in accoidance with covenants contained in the morigage.
<br /> Now. rf the sai0 Mortgagors shaii pay or cause ro be paid the saitl sun�s o(rnoney when due,as set foith in said nole. antl any other note tor
<br /> additional advances made until sa�d tlebt is fuliy paid with �nteiest. fhen these p�esents shali be voi��.other,vise. tr,beand rema�n in tWl fcrce antl
<br /> effect bul if default shoultl be matle:
<br /> +a� In any of the paymenfs tlue on saitl note and any other note foi additiona'�, advances made as therein agreeo tc be matle to;three months. ��
<br /> ib� In keep�ng the improvements on sa�d piemises �nsuied aga�nst ioss by reasan of (�re, I�ghtmng and other hazards�ndutletl m exlentled
<br /> coverage insurance m 2n amount not Iess Ihan the unpaitl balance of sa�d rnortgage loan �n a coripany or compa�ies accepta�le to Com
<br /> mercial. the original of such po��cy or pol�cies to Ue hel� by Coinmerc�al. and w�th a rnortgage clause attached to sa�tl pol�cy or pol�c�es.
<br /> m favor of CommerciaC or
<br /> in In the payment of taxes an0 assessments lev�etl upon sa�a premises. or on th�s mortgage befoie they are delinquent;or
<br /> ;d� If there is any change in the owneiship of the �eal estate n��ortgaged herem hy sale eithei ouhight or by iane contract,or by ass�gn�ren!o'
<br /> any�nterest thereon or otherw�se:
<br /> then, in any of the above set for[h even�s. the whofe intlebtetlness hereby secured shail, at the opt�on of Commeraal immetliately become due anc
<br /> payable without lur[her notice antl the amount aue under said note and any othe�note fo!add�t�onai advances made shall. froin the date ot the exe�c�se
<br /> ol saitl option, bear interest at the maximmn legal rate pei annum and th�s mcrtgage may then be foredosed to sabs(y the arnount due on sa�d note ana
<br /> any other note fo� additional advances. together with all sunis pai�i by Connnernai for �nsurance. taxes.assessments ano abstract extension charges
<br /> with mterest thereon from the date of payment at the max�mum legai rate
<br /> PROVIDED that in no event, either pefore oi atter defaulL shal� the �nterest due under sa�d note and th�s mortgage an�any other note for aa
<br /> ditiona�advances made exceed lhe maxinmi��lawful mreiest rafe
<br /> PROVIDED further tha��n the event fhat detauit occi�is �n ?he �„2k�n6 of the paynients due on sa�d note,and on any o[her note fo� adaitiona!
<br /> ativances, as theieui agreed to be inade. or �n heepmg the piein�ses �nsured, as aDooe prov��tletl.or �f default Ue made�n the payment ut the taxes
<br /> or assessments lev�ed u�vn the preni�ses above aesci�bea o� upon fh�s �eorlgage t�efore they are by law delinpuent Conin�erc�al sha�l De entittea
<br /> to the imnied�ate possess�on of the preinises atwve uescrit�ea togetfier wrtn ali ren!s proceeds antl issues ans�ng uul of the piemises antl e�aa
<br /> m �ts discrehon use the rents so fa� as �1 tleerns necessary toi the purpcse o�makmg�epaus upon the prem�ses antl toi the payment oi,nsurance
<br /> premiums,taxes and assessments upon such prem�ses and for necessary expenses�narretl�n renting sa�d,rem�ses ano collecung rent there'iem,,and
<br /> to apply same on saitl note and any notes ewtlenc�ng luture advances hereunder unt�t the�ndebteoness secured �s tuily paid;antl for sucn purposes.
<br /> the undersigned does hereby sell assign set over ana transfe� unro Coirnnercia! all uf sa�d�ents. proceeds an�incomes including any lana contract
<br /> paymeMs due mortgage owners o� any othei mcomes u( any type whatsoeve� hom sa�d piuperty to be appl�etl o�i the notes abcve oescnbetl, but saia
<br /> Commerc�alshallm no case be liable lor the tailure tu procure tenants to coiiec(rents or to prosewte aclions to recover possession of sa�d pieimses
<br /> The Mur�gagors turther appoint Commeicial ot Omaha Neb�aska the�r attorney �n fact giving saitl atto�ney power�nevocably e�ther on�ts own
<br /> name or Mortgagors' names to take all necessary steps for pioceed�ngs�n court ur otherw�se to cause saitl Urem�ses [o be vacated to collect rentais
<br /> or othe� incomes due.antl when vacant. ro�eiet the same. to�nahe a��. ieasonab�e�epaiis ana pay taxes wt ot said rents, profits contract paynienfs or
<br /> incomes and to do atl such th�ng,either by its owri oftices ur by cthe�parties tlu�v authanzetl and appo�ntee bv:1 as�ts agen!for s�a:^;;vrUose.anC
<br /> to charge or pay a reasonable fee for such serwces. ali o! the ahove to be oone at such t�mes and �n such manner�nd on such terms as ro the�r sa�e
<br /> atlomey may seem best.with tutl power of subsiitu�ion
<br /> The Mortgagors hereby agrez thal if Commercial e�ther volur.taniy or �nvoiuntar�ly becomes o� �s reatle a party tc aey wit oi pioceedm�,ieiat�ng
<br /> to the hereinbetore descnbea real estate or to th�s niort�;age or sa�d note oi noles qther than a foie���osuie�nsUtotetl by Conin�e�aai Moi[gagors w;ll
<br /> reimburse Comniercial lor alt reasonable cosls incu�reo hy Conimercia� �n sa�a sm+oi pioceetl�ng The Matga�e�s tu�ther agiee thal�f thr he�e���belore
<br /> des[nbCd ieal est0te or any part thereot be contlemne0 ur�tlei the power of eennent tlomain or is otheiw:�se acquire�for a pub�ic use the aa�^,ages
<br /> awarded, the proceeds for the taking, and for the considerat�on tor such acqu�s�bon to the extent of the fu!!a��wunt ot the iema�ning unpa�tl �ndebtea�
<br /> ness secured by ih�s mortgage,be. and tfiey hereby are ass�gned to Commercial and shali be paid torthw�th to Commeivai to be appi,etl un account ot
<br /> th!last maWring insWilmerrts of such indebtedness
<br /> Dated this-----,"}�------- day of _�HILt3__.; !9 :_ , !�'/1/�
<br /> IN T NCE OF �' �''�-y"` �� ���
<br /> �i j `c . ° 'le�
<br /> -- ---------______ _ ____
<br /> 1� .� ��--_ _ __ _ -- • •.
<br /> ., • , - .
<br /> __ _ a:. , . ., .
<br /> STATE OFNEBRASf(A y � � w'
<br /> l COUNTY Of '1a11 ss. --------- __ �
<br /> _.._..__. _ _
<br /> .,
<br /> ' On ifiis Sth . _ day of �'r.e;'"J �9 �! , hefore ine a notary pubtic �n and foi said Cuun!y peisona'iy can:e '�
<br /> �e abeve nareC
<br /> J_rY'G��1P };. SB1Ta �f. � ^AF �� i-a ' . SPl lr t •� . � rfP
<br /> to me well knava to be the idenGcal person or persons whose name �s oi names are atfixed to the abeve mortgage as giantor ;: �rar�!nrs:v�a?hrv he "
<br /> or she,severa�ly acknowledge the said instrument and ihe execution thereof to be their voluntary act antl deetl.
<br /> WITNESS my hand and Notanal Seal this d an ar last
<br /> �xrEa '_'...---_
<br /> ���NOTAR i ����---��
<br />_.; My winmissmn expires on the _.__.__ �ATE OF NEBRMS!(A .-Y 14- N�t;r, �'..t 1^ �
<br />