<br />�
<br /> r -�
<br /> ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS �oan N:. ._c�3_7_�1-7 _ _ _
<br /> I{NOW ALL MEN BY 7HESE PRESENTS That Eugene !I. ;ioops and ;:esle lioo�s, husband and wife
<br /> (hereinafter called�he Mortgagorsl in consideration oi the sum of
<br /> Fourteen Thousand Eight liundred and no/1�0------------------------Dollars1514 ^t)0.0�----1
<br /> loaned to Mortgagors, do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOC�IATION of Omaha.
<br /> � Nebraska, (hereinatter called "Commerc�al"), its successors and assigns, the following descnbed real estate situated in the County of.
<br /> Ha 11 State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> Lot twenty-seven (27) in klest Ileinhts Addition to the City of Grand Island
<br /> !!all County, 'debraska.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, with the appurtenances thereunto beionging. unte Cornr,eraal ifs successors ar�n nss�gns.forever
<br /> Saitl Mortgagors hereby covenant w�th sa�C Cornrnerual. �ts sur.cessois antl ass�gns that Mortgagors are lawfulty se¢etl o�sa�a prennses [hat
<br /> lhey aie hee from encurnbrances and that they w�u fortvei warrant ana defena the title to said prem�ses ag3�nst the lawl�l cla�ms r,t �II pe�sons
<br /> whonisoever.
<br /> Piovided. nevertheless. these piesents are upon the foilowing contlit�nns:
<br /> That whereas the sard Mortgagors as niembers ot Cor*�merc�a: have th�s aate executed a nore ewdencing such loan and agree�ng to repay s��9
<br /> surt? of money. with �nterest, in paymenls as set torth �n saia ncte arid have agreta tc ab�de by the te�ms of sa�4 note anC Chartei an0 By�Laws cf
<br /> Comnieraa�.
<br /> That whereas this inoitgage shall secure any aad�tiona� adv�nces. Kith interesL whnch �iiay. dt the option of Conunerc�aL Ge niBae tay C�����.
<br /> meiaal to the undersigned Mortga�;ors or the�� successors�n h[ie f;v a�ry;u:p^;e at any t�r:e before the reiease�nd�ancellaha�crt th�s�-,ortgage
<br /> bul PROVIDED HOWEVER at no tiine shall the aggreguti� pr�napa�� a�;�nunt secured by this mortgage being the amount�ue at any tirne on sa�r7
<br /> onginal note and any addihorial sdvances �naue excea�tl an amount equal tu 11�`.� percent ot the aniount of the ongina!nofe but in nu event sha!�
<br /> s��d note exceed the max�mum amowrt pennitteU by law anu PRJVIDED HOWEVER tt�at nothmg heiem containetl shall be ccns�tlereo as!�mit�ng
<br /> the an�ouni thal shall be secureu hereby when advanced to pi�tect Iha secunty or �n �ccordance w�(h covenants conta�neC�n the niortgag��
<br /> NoN�, �f the said Mortgagors shali pay or cause to be paiu the sa�d sur��s of�,roney when due �s sef ferth�n said note.and any other note foi
<br /> addiUonal ativances n�ade unLl said deb�is fully pa�tl with interest. then these presents shal� be vo�d�,nther,vise. �o beantl reRiain in fuil fr,rce antl
<br /> effect; but�f tletauit shoula be rriatle:
<br /> �a� In any o(the payinents tlue on sa�d note anu anV othe� nete fr�r ado�tronal advancas inade as there�n agreed to be rtiade lor three r�i�,�iths ��r
<br /> �b� In keepuig the inip�oveir!ents on sn�d pren��ises �risu�etl aga�nst loss by ieason of f�re lightn�ng antl other hazartls indutlee �n extended
<br /> coverage insurance �n an arnount nct less than the unpaid balance of sa�d mo�tgage loan. �n a company or compames acceptable to Com
<br /> mercial, the onginal ol such pol�ty u� poi�c�es tn be helti by Comme�c�ei and w�th �mortgage clause attached fo sa�d policy or pcliaes.
<br /> in favor of Coinmeicial�.ar
<br /> �c� In the payment ot taxes and assess�nents lev�ea upon said prec�,ises. ur�n th�s rnortgage be(ore they are tlel�nquenl�, o�
<br /> �a� If there�s any change �n the owueish�P of Ihe �e�,� estate mortgagea herein ny s2ie e�ther nuV�gh?oi !ry �antl contract or py assignrnpnt of
<br /> any�nteresl thereon oi otherw�se:
<br /> then �n any of the above set forth evenis fhe whoie �naebtedness heret�y secured sh�ll at the option of Commercial immed�ately become tlue and
<br /> payable w�thout further nohce and the amoun(Oue undei sa�a note ana any other note fr,r atlmhona�ativances ma0e shall froin the dale of the exeic�,e
<br /> of saitl option, bear interest at the maximum legai iate per annum,and th�s mortgage may then be foreclosed ro saGsly the amounf due ori saia no(e anc
<br /> any other no[e for atlditional ativances, together w�th nlf su,ns pa�d by Cummercial for �nsurance. taxes.assessments and abstract extens�on charges.
<br /> witb interest thereon from the date of pay,uentat the rr,ax�niur!�.legal iate.
<br /> PROVIDED that �n no event. either befoie o� after tlefauR. shali the �nte,est tlue untler said note antl this mortgage and any other reote tor atl�
<br /> tl�tional advances niade ezceetl the�nax�rnwn iawful �nterest r;�(e
<br /> PROVIDED-fuither that in the event Iha� Aefauit utcu�s �n the �nak��ng n,t tYie payments' tlue on saiu note and on any other uote tr;r edmtiona�
<br /> a0vances as IYere�n agreed tc be n��oe, crc n�� keeping the prem�ses �nsurea as above prowaed or �f default be made m the pay�nent of the tazes
<br /> OI 3SSBSSnler7l5 levi@d upOn lhB prBnnSP.S <l�)ovP dPSI.�iDeC nr ����on thl5 iilprt�agf. bEfOlE IhBy dfe by law dEliltqUEnt �OmmCfC�dl Shdll bP Bnh[120
<br /> to the inimediate possession of Uie pieinises above tlesc��bed togelher with aU rents ��ioceeds ana �ssues a��sing ouf;f Ihe uren��s���. and riay
<br /> in �ts discretion use the renis sc �ar as �I tleeins necessa�v !oi the purpuse of mal�ing rep2irs upon the prer.uses antl for the payn'�ent of msuranCe
<br /> piem�mns,taxes and assessmenls upon such pren��ses ana fc>i necessary expenses�ncurrea in renhn�sa�d�rennses and collect�ng ient theiefiom ana
<br /> to apply same on said note an0 any no[es evioenc�rig future ativances he�eunder urih! the indebtedness securetl �s fully pa�d�.antl(or such purposes.
<br /> tlie undeisigned does hereby sell ass�gn set ovei and transler unto Commeic��� all of sa�d rents proceec+s and �ncomes�nclud�ng any �ana contract
<br /> payments tlue mortgage owners or �ny other �ncomes uf any type whatsoever fron, sa�d properry to be appl�ed on the notes aDove-descnpea,but sa�o
<br /> Commeic�alshall�n no case be I�abie fo� the failure ro pioare tenants tc co!tect rents, oi�o piosew!e actions te iecover possess�on ot sa�u Frem�ses
<br /> The Mortgagois further appoint Commeiaal of Om�aha Nebiaska Iheir attomey �n fart g�wng said attorney puwer��nevoc�abiy e�ther un�Is own
<br /> name or Mortgagors'narnes to tal�e ail necessary steps fer piuceetluigs n�i court oi otherwise to cause saitl prennses to be vacated fo Coliect�entals
<br /> o�ather incort�es due antl wher vacan� 'o:eref thc sa �e tc c�,aMe,,!' reasnn»'�e repairs an�;pay L,aes cvt of ia�C ients prof�ts con(iaU payroents ui
<br /> mcomes aod te do all such things either bv �ts own u(fice�s oi by other nart�es�ulv authoi�ze�antl appo�nted hy �t as �is agent(�r sa�d;�i,�;ose.;�ntl
<br /> tu cha�ge ui pay c ieasunaGle fee (ui suCl� seiv��es. 8il ut the above t��C�e Ovne 2f 5uch b�ries an0 !n Such rnannei anG on SUCh�er^�S is to ?he�:5a��
<br /> al�omey may seem bes! with full power of suGshtut�on
<br /> The Mortgagors heieby agree that �t Coinmerc�ai e�ther �olw�tanly oi �nvoiuntenty t�econies oi �s:nade a pa�ty to iny su�t ur p�o�eetl�rg rei�Lng
<br /> to the hereinbefore describetl real estate. oi lo this mortgage m saia n,te�; ,wtes' �ther than;�toieclos��e .nsbtu�ee by Con�meic�;�l Mortgagois will
<br /> iein�bwse Cun�meicial for all ieasonable costs incur�ed 6y Conmieiva� n� sa,o su�!oi proceetlin� The Moitgagars!�rther agiee that �1 the he����uhe(ore
<br /> descnb2d teai estate 4r any pait theteof �cGndeniueU uuaei tYle power oI ert�nent tlonia�n, or �s o�herw�se acquuea for;�publ�C use. Ihe Oa�".ugrs
<br /> awardetl. the proceeds for the taking and tor the considerat�ou lo� such ac�uis�t�on to the eAtent ot the fu!i amount of the rema�n:ngunpaiC �naebteo�
<br /> ness secured by this mortgage, be.antl they heieby are.ass�gned to Cort�meiciai antl shall be pa�tl forthw�th fo Commerc�a� te be appi�ed on accoimt of
<br /> Me!ast matu�ing�nstallments of such�ntlebtedness
<br /> Datea this ..___`t.Lh ___. day of_ �].3IlL3ty ;9 71 :� / �
<br /> � i
<br /> I _ ._.. SENCE 0� (�/ ���c,..�. �� �``�.`'"
<br /> � LUQBfI(' i;� I100P5 �
<br /> .___
<br /> .._.._. _ .__._. _ �-- —... __�__ _..__... .__ . _ !
<br /> ------__.--__-_ _�__. ... .. ..__ '�C'S�@ llOOpS .. . ._
<br /> I ss _____ _____ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ __ ;. "M
<br /> COUNTYOF Hall
<br /> On this 5�� _ day of J�[�t�i�t^y 19 7;3 before me. a notary pubfic �n and for sard Countv persuna�iy came ��'�`�
<br /> the above-named
<br /> Euaene �I. il000s and Wesl� H�n;�s, h�isl,�n�i �n,l wifa
<br /> to me well known to be the identical person or persons whose name �s or names aie affixea to the above�nortgage as grankn c Rr,n;r;;s anu !ne4 n�• ,
<br /> or she, severally acknowledge Me said instrume�t and the eXeation thereof, t��,gi„(bprr voluntary act antl deetl.
<br /> lbM01-p C:�TfR E
<br /> WITNESS my hand and Notar�al Seat th�s tl an ea�iast a��ipQTAfiY
<br /> �d11E OF NEBRASIUi "
<br />. 117•� ' v:, �
<br />�.,: My com���,�ss'ion expires on the .......�. _.__._ l:: J�. . ;' �.
<br />