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:�-=', <br /> � � <br /> 78- UGOOyI <br /> �� EXPANDABLE MORTGAGE <br /> ASSIGNMENT OF RENT$ Loan r,, �135?0?-7 <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That Kurti s E. Rump and Janet K.. Rump, husband and wi fe <br /> (hereinafler called the Mortgagors)in consideration o(the sum of <br /> Twenty-One Thousand Eiqht 1lundred and f�0/100--------------------- Dollars(3 21 ,?0�.00 ) <br /> � �oaned to Mortgagors,do hereby grant, barga�n, sell and convey unto COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION of Omaha, <br /> Nebraska, (hereinatter called "Commercial"), its successors and assigns, the tottowing descnbed real estate. situated m the County of. <br /> Hall State of Nebraska,to�wit; <br /> East one-half (E!2) of the �dorth ninety-one (Q1 ) feet of the 4Jest half (41�) <br /> of the North half (f��) of Qlock eleven (11), in Pleasant Home Subdivision <br /> of part of the East half of the Southeast nuarter (F1SF�;) of Section 21 , <br /> in Township 11 ^Jorth, R,anae � 41est of the Fth �."+. , in 4a11 County, !JE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME. w�Ui the appurtenances thereunto 5elong�ng, unto Coniniernal �ts suctesso�s ano assigns_torevei <br /> Said Mortgagors hereby covenant with sa�tl Coinrnercial its su�cessors and assigns th�t Mor(gagors are lawfully se�ze�ot sa�d piem�ses_that <br /> they are free from encmnbrances. ana lhat they wil! lorevei wariant an0 tlefen0 !he htle to saia preniises against the lawfW cia�ms of all persons <br /> whonisoever <br /> Providetl, nevertheless these presents are upon the tu!luwing conCihons: <br /> That whereas the sa�d Mortgagors as members of Connneraal nave this aate executeo a note ewdenc�ng such loan antl agreeing ro�epav sa�d <br /> swn of money wi[h inte�est, in paymenls as sel foith �n sm0 nute�nd have a�ieee to abide by tfie term,s of said ,iote anc+ Charter�ntl;n( <br /> Commerc ial. <br /> That whereas this morlgage shall secure any aUd�t�aial a�v;inces w�th �.nferest wh�ch �cay at the ophon:d Com���er��al be rnatle by Coir� <br /> merual to the untlers�gned Mortgago�s or their wccessc�s ui t�[�c t„any ;;�rpose at any bme belo;e the release antl cancellat�on of thus mcitgage. <br /> but PROVIDED HOWEVER at no time sha!� the aggregate pnnapa�� amounl secured by this mortgage. neing the amount tlue at ar�y hrce on saitl <br /> ongmal note and any additional advances r�ade, eaceed an an�ounl equa� to I lii pe;cent ot !he amount of the onginal note,twt in no everot shali <br /> said note exceed the n�aximum amowi(pem��tted by law an� PROVIDED HOWEVER that nomuig heie�n contained sh�i� be consdered as�in iting <br /> the amount that shall Ge secwetl hereby when advancrd to ;�rotect the secw�ty or �n accoNance w�th covenants contained�n the niortgage <br /> Now. if the said Morigagors shai�. pay oi cause to be paid the saitl sums of i�ioney when set torth in said note,and any other note fcr <br /> additwnal advances made unhl said debl i5 IuUy pa�U w�tF �nterest. then these przsents shsli be voitl�.otherHise. to be and rerna�n�n full force ana <br /> eftect,but�l default should be made, <br /> �a� In any u� the paynients aue or�saia note and a�ry nthe� ��,ote f�.�r aad�!�nnai adv.3nces�na�e as fhe�em agieeil to be��aae for iniee months or <br /> ibi In keeping lhe impruvemenis on saia prem�ses �nsuretl agamst loss by ieason of fire I�ghtn�ng and other hazards induoed in extentletl <br /> coverage �nsu�ance �n an amount not iess than the unpa�o baiance bf saia ���oitgage loan. m a coinpany or compan�es acr,epfable tc Cem- <br /> merc�al. the onginal of such pol�cy oi pol�c�es to be iield by Cun�meraai and w�[h a r��ortgage clause attachetl to sa�d policy or potic�es. <br /> �n favm of Coinrnernal ur <br /> �c� In the paymenl of taxes ana assessments lev�ea uuon sa�d pie�n�ses. or or, th�s riortgage be(o�e they are tleiinquent�, or <br /> �a� if there �s any change�n the ow��eish�i� or trie �ea��esta�F ���,��t�agee he�e�n hy saie �°�tt�er�utnght o� by �ana contrac' er by ass�gnment ot <br /> any interest thereon or otherw�se: <br /> then, m any of the above set forth events the whoie �naehtetlness herehy secuiea shau at the optiun of Commerc�ai, unrnetl�ately become tlue and <br /> payable w�thsut further notice and the amount oue untler sa�o note ana any othe� note for atla�t�onai ativances matle shall,fron�the tlate of the exercise <br /> of said upt�on bear mlerest al the max�rnum�egal �ate pei annum ann tlns inortgage rnay then be fo�edosed fo saGsfy the amount tlue on sa�a note. and <br /> any other �vote�or addrtional ativances. logether w�th all suins paio hy Commerc�al fa ins:rance t,�zes assessments antl abstract extension charges, <br /> w�th�nterest theieon fion�the tlale of uaynient at the maxin��wn legal r,ate <br /> PROVIDED that in no event. e�thei before oi afte; defauit sha!i the �nlerest due undei sa�a note and th�s mortgage and any other note fo;a0� <br /> ditionai advances maae exceed the maxinwm lawfu'�nlerest rate <br /> PROVIDED.furthei that in the evenl that tlefau'! ucars �n the n�ak�ug ��' (he 4,avments aue on sa�e note and on any othei note to�ada�boral <br /> ativances as tY�eiein agreetl to be ir�ade or �n keep�ng trie pre����.ses �nsuree as ab�,ve prov�oed o� �f tletault be n�ade�n the paynient of the taxes <br /> o� assessraenls iev�etl upon the piem�ses above desc��bed oi upur� th�s nrortgage before thev �re by iaw delinQuenL Commerc�al shali be enLtied <br /> to the imrnetliate pessession of the prenuses aGcve aesu�bed. tc.k�etr�ei w�th a'i rents proceetls and �ssues ans�nguut of the�ren,�ses ana r^ay <br /> in its U�scretron use the rents so tai as it tleenis nec�essaiv tor tt��e purpose ot maA�ng repa�rs�pon ihe{��remises antl foi !he pay���ent of insurc,nce <br /> prenuums taxes and assessments upon such prem�ses antl to�necessary expenses�narred in renting sa�0 premises and cr,l!ecLng�en! !heretro�n. anp <br /> to apply same on sa��note and any notes ewdenung future ativances he�euntlei unt�l the intlebteuness secwetl�s luily pa�d; ana Ibr such pwposes. <br /> ihe unders�gned does lie�eby sell. assign.set ovei ane t�anstei unto Co�nnie�c:a!ail of saitl rents P��ceetls ana�nr.omes mciu0ing anv lantl contract <br /> paymenls due mortgage owners o� any othei �nconies�f any lype wnatsoever !.o:n sa�0 p�operty te Ue<ippl�ea on the notes above-desc��betl�, but saia <br /> Cominereial shall in no case bt° i iable lor the faiiuie to p�ocure tenants tu conect rents.oi to piasec�te achons ro recovei pussession ot saitl u�erni ses. <br /> The Mortgagors turlher appo�nt Comrneinal uf Onieha Nebraska tYie�r attorney in �ac! g�v�ng sa�d attomey power�rrevocabiy e�thei on�ts ��wn <br /> name or Morlgagvrs' names to take a�l neressary steps loi proceedings in couit or otherw�,se. tu cause said premises to be vacatetl. to cc�ie[t rPntals <br /> or other incomes due antl when vacant .c�e�et the same t� ����ahe n��. icaswiab�.r iepe�is ena p;�y taxes out ci sa�a ients prot�ts c�nuac[paymrnts or <br /> �ncOm¢S Bnd t0 do 3tl Such things Bither by it5 pwn olhrer5 oi 17y othe�p��hes dWy aulhnuzPO 3r�N d,q)2���!ed hy�: 3�its 3oFr?��� � ^ ;1ur��)5� 3nC <br /> t0 Chaige b� pay d reasunable tee for Such Serwces. ai� ;t Ihe aDnve to t�e aone�t suCh UmeS nnd �n Such marmer au0 on suCh ferm5 as ie ther 5a�tl <br /> attorney may seem best with lull power ot subsbNLon. <br /> The bbrtgagois hereby agree that rf Commerc�ai e�the� w�luntar�lv c; �uvoiunta��.ly becumes o� s:natlp a party tc�anv swt or p��ceed�nd se��ahng <br /> to the here�nbefore described real estate or to th�s inortgage m sa�C nu(e or notes other Lian a fu�eci,s�re�nsLtuted hy Cor��n�eic�al Mc�tgagors will <br /> reimburse Commercial foi all reasonable costs incurre0 by Connnercia: w saia su�!oi pruceeding The Mor!�agors fuithe:agiee that�' the hereint�efore <br /> d¢Saibed real ESlale U� any pa�t �he�eot be Contlenineo untle� Ihe power ut err!ine0t dOmant. iir i5 o�he�wi5e aCpuirfttl tor 3 puD�!c uSe. the Na�!-ageS <br /> awarded, the pioceeds for the tak�ng and for the considerat�on foi such acqu�s�Uon tu the extent of the full arcount ot the remain�ng unpa�tl intleb[etl� <br /> ness secured by this moitgage be ana they herebv a�e ass�gned te Commeraa' antl shai', be pa�d fe�mw�th te Commeraai to be zpp!�e"_-�n acco:mt ot <br /> the last matunng mstal!ments ct such �noebtedness <br /> Dated m�s __ _ _. Z1.IL___ aay o+ tJov�mbQr ,c 77 <br /> ' ._, <br /> Iy P E NCE OF "�—�-'—� _ � c._l-� L f'"<� _, -"� . _ <br /> `-P����������-�-�`'/�`'��_�-� Kurti s E. Rump �� <br /> _ _ � ,�r ,f ;�,, , <br /> � , _,-���y�: ; <br /> . _ _ _ ; <br /> _____ _._..._ ____ _ _ _ ___ __ ___ J6net K. Rump -, <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> 1 55 - ---__ ___ _ _ _ _ ' <br /> COUNTY OF 3uffdlo <br /> �;, <br /> � On th�s ��St_ . tlaV of ... :dOVBiilb@t^ 19 �� befoie ;ne a notar �uGl�c �nano fr,i sa�tl Cr�,unty prs�,na�l <br /> Ih!abOve-namr!d Y t y ra�!,p <br /> Kurtis c. Kump and Janet K_ i:urnp, iwsbanu ana wife <br /> to me well known to be the ideniical person or persons whose name �s or names aie atfixetl tc the annve mortgage as hranre� ;�� p�a��!��.u�, :inu the� Le �� <br /> or she,seveially acknowledge the saitl�n�����t�ie execution thereot to be the�r vefuntary act antl dee� <br /> � � .14F';If.' i' ;:i:��,�:�. _ _._----� <br /> WITNESS rny hand and Notarial Seal th�s }�i last SioOeMAtteh. � /� ?' . <br /> --� <br /> � �1r.;C ;� .,.... . ��-,��'Lli���a-��=i��.' f .. <br /> � Mr :ummissw^. Ec� �,, .' - ,.`, ,, ., � <br /> My conunission e�,Uiies on the .?gth ... " ---daV oT ���T . - :'- J� •^ .�. <br />