<br /> � �
<br /> 7_8- i;r�E��)87
<br /> � MORTGAGF.LOAN NO._ �� 22.963
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That Robert L. Fi sh and Donna M. Fl 5 h� EdCh 1 fl h�S and her
<br /> own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> Mortgagor,whether one ur more,in consideration of the sum ot
<br /> Thir�y Four ThQ�sand Fnur Hundrad anrl J�(p/jjJ(1_______ _ DOLLAR5
<br /> loaned tu said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Loan Associa[ion uf Grand Island,Nebras4:x,Mortgaget,upun 344 �yrca of s[ak of
<br /> caid ASSOCIATION, Certificate No.L 22�963 ,do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unro the stid ASSO(:IATION the following
<br /> deacribed «al estate,situated in Nall County,Nebraska:
<br /> tc�gether with a❑ the tenements,kereditaments and appurtmances thereunto bdongmg, including attached tlour covenngs, all winduw sareenx,
<br /> window shades,blinds,sturm winduws,awnings,hrating,air cunditioning,andplumhing nnd water�ywpment and accesaurus thereto,pumpt.swves,
<br /> refrigerators,and other fiztures and eywpment now or hereafter attached to ur used m connecfion with said real estace.
<br /> And whereas�he said mortgagur has agreed end does hereby agrre that the mor�gagor shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied or
<br /> yasessed upem said premises and upon th�s mortgage and the bunJ secu eQ thgrgbyObOe(ore the ume shrll become detinyuent,to furnith rpproved
<br /> inwranct upon the buildings on said premisrs situated in[hr sum of'$ �`�.4UU payable tu seid ASS(x1AT10N and to deliver to said
<br /> ASSOC►AT10N ihr policies for said msurnnce;and not�o cummit or permit any werte un ur abow sa[d premises:
<br /> In case uf de(ault in the perfurmance of any of the terms and condihuns oC this mortgage ur the bond secured hereby,the murtgagte shall,
<br /> on demand, be entided to immediaie pussession o(the mortgagnd premises und the murtgagor hercby assigns, vansl'ers and sets over to the
<br /> mortgagee xll the rents,revenues and inwme w ba derived from the murtgaged premises during such time es the murtgage mdebtedneu slull rertuin
<br /> unpaid;and Aie mortgagee shell heve the puwrr w appom[any agent or agents it may desur fm ihe purpuu of repauing said premises and rrnhng
<br /> the syme and cullecting the rents,revenues and income,and it mey pay out u( suid incume ell expenus of repairing syid premises and necewry
<br /> wmmissiuns and expenses incurred in renting and rrumaging the same and of collecting rrntals thereGom; the balance mmaining,if yny,w be
<br /> applied wward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness;these rights uf thr murtgager mny be exerc�sed at any nme during the existence of such
<br /> default,irrespect�ve of any tempurary waiver of[he same.
<br /> These Presents,however,are upun the Condition,That iY the said Mortgagur shall repay said loan on ur belore the maturity of said sluues by
<br /> payment;pay rtwnthly to said qSSIX'1AT10N uf thr sum specified in the Nund securod herrby as �ntuesr and principal on sa�d loan,un or befom
<br /> the Twentieth day o!each and every month,unlil said loan is fully pxid:pay all taxes and asussments levied against wid prem�ses and un this Mortgx�e
<br /> and the&�nd secured thereby,before delinquency;furnish epproved insurance upun the buildings thereun in the sum of S 34�4�.�� payablr
<br /> to said ASSOCIATION:repay to srid ASS(x1AT10N upun demxnd all munry bp it peid fur such caxes,assessmcn[s nnd insurunce with mterest at
<br /> the maximum legal rate[hereun frum date of paymeni ell uf which Mortgagur hereby xgrees t��pay:pertnit nu waste un said prem�ses:keep and wmply
<br /> with all tht agreemtnts and conditions ul the Bund for 3 34•4��.n�this day given by the said Murtgagur [u said ASSOC'1AT10N,ynd wmpty
<br /> with a0 the requuements of[he Cunstitution and By-Laws of said ASSUCIATION; thrn these presents shall become nul! and vuid,�therwise they
<br /> sha11 remxin in full forae and may be furrclosed at the optiun uf the sxid ASSOCIATION aftor iailure fur three mun[hs w mrkc any oC said
<br /> payments ur be three munths in arrea�s in mxking said monthly payments,or w keep and cumply with the ugroements and cun�iitiuns of said&>nd;
<br /> and Mortgagor agrnes to have a rocniver appointed furthwith in sucti(oreclosurr pruceedings.
<br /> !f them is any change in uwnerahip uf the real estate murtgaged herein,6y sale ur otherwise, thrn the entve rema�ning indebtedness hereby
<br /> secured shall,at tfie optiun ol Thr Equitable Buildmg and Loan Assuciauon uf(}rand Island.Nebraslca,becume unmediately due and payable wrthuut
<br /> " further notice,Ynd [he xmount remaming due under said bond,xnd any o[her bund(ur any xdditiunal adwnces made thereunder,shall,from the
<br /> date nf exercife of said option,bear interest at the maximum legal rate,xnd Ihis murtgage nvy thrn be foreclused to satisfy the amount due un caid
<br /> bond,and any other bond for additional advances,together with all sums prid Ay said 7'he Equitable Building and Loxn Aswciatiun of Grand Ieland,
<br /> Nebn�ka fur insurancz,taxes and ascessments,and xbstrecting rxtension charges, with interest thereon, from date uf pryment at thr max�mum
<br /> k�al rate.
<br /> As P«�vided in the Bond secureJ hereby,while this mortgrge remains in rttest the mortgagee mry hareaf'ter advancr addrtiunal sumc w thr
<br /> m�lcerc of said Bond,their assigns or succ:eswrs in interest,which sums stull be within the security of this murtgage the same as the funds originally
<br /> �ecwed thereby,the total amount uf principxl debt no�to excxed at any ume the uri�nal amount of this murtga�e.
<br /> Ate this 5 'day of �anuary A.D,•19�7
<br /> �.��� �-�° ' � �
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<br /> Oonna M. F9sh
<br /> 57ATE OF NEBRASKA,t }�
<br /> C�,j,Y���(ee. On thie �Jth day uf January 19 )] ,before me. �
<br /> � the under' d,a Noq PubGc in and for sud Count
<br /> � !Y Y,P�'rsonally cxme k�� �� r
<br /> � Robert L. Fish and Donna M. Fish, each in his and her own right and as spouse of�ach
<br /> other who d�^e perso y known to I ��"'�
<br /> _.. ...._ ,u�.�
<br /> ��bO����� �� ���w 5 dY'E affixed to the above instrument xs morty�or 5 and thQV Beverallv '�
<br /> �dcrtuwbd�ed the uid io�ltrwneee to�be��GEI�I�)"��� volunca.y aM and deeA.
<br /> WIT�aY hmd and Notiryy�jy�l the ds[e dorocaid. -
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<br /> �1Y�"omtNnioaE;pieei ( J�_ � 'yr,�'' �e� s i iZir;JLv ' �:r' ;C.
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<br /> sa.sr u � � �. Noqry PubGc
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