<br /> I �
<br /> 7$ � I)C)�?�)f�6
<br /> MORTr,wc,e
<br /> � MORTGAGE LOAN NO. 2_l 2LOI
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That Davi d L. Larson, a s i ngle person
<br /> __ Mortgagor,wt�ther one ur more,in cunsideretion of Ihe aum of
<br /> Seven Thousand Six Hundred and No/100-_------ ___ _ ---------------��Lwxs
<br /> Iwmed to said murtgagor by The Equitable BuBding ynd Lurn Associatiun uf Grand Islnnd,Nebraska,Murtgagre,upon —�- shares of ttodc of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificate Nu. L 22�8�1 ,du hereby grant, convey and murtgu�re unw the said ASS(X'lATION the following
<br /> described real estate,situated in Nall County,Nebrrska:
<br /> tc�elher w�th all the tenements,heredrtamrms and appurtenancrs therrumu belonging, including xt[eched iluur coverings, all winduw screens,
<br /> winduw shxdes,blinds,swrm winSuws,awnings,hea�ing,air cond�ti�ning,and plumbing and water eyuipment and accessuries thereto,pumps,YlUVl6,
<br /> rcfrigerawrs,and uther flxtums and eywpmrnt now ur herea(ter attached tu ur used in connechon wrth said real rstate.
<br /> And whereas the sald mortgagur has agreed and does hereby a�erre tha� the murtg�g.,r ahall and witl pay all taxes and as�eccnunts levied ur
<br /> assessed upon said premisrs and upun this mortgy5e and the bond secuqd ��{eby brfi�re the same shall becume delinyurn[�.W furnith approved
<br /> incurancY upun the buiidings un saW premisrs situxted in the sum of S �.�w•u� payable to said ASSOCIATION and to de4ver to srid
<br /> ASSOCIATION the poGcies(or said insurynce;and nut to cummit or permit any waste on�>r about seid promius:
<br /> In case of de(xuli in the perCormance ul'any uf the terms and cundrtions �f th�s m�xtgxge ur ttir bond secured hereby,che mortga�u�atl,
<br /> on dertumd, be entitled w immediate possessiun of�he murtgaged premius anJ the murtgagur hereby assygna. [r�nsfrrs and eets over to the
<br /> rtwrtQy{ee atl the rems,rovenues ynd income tu br derived from the mortgaged premises dunng su.:h time as the murtgrgr indebttdnese chall rcmrut
<br /> unp�id;and the mortgagcn shaU tuve the puwer tu appuint any xgem ur agents n m�y des�re(or the purpuse ul repturing said pmmises and rentu�
<br /> the ume and wlkctmg the mnts,rovenues ynd income,and it may pay out of srid incume �Il expenus uf repairing srid premises and neaseary
<br /> oommisuons and expenus incurred in rentmg and managing the samr and of collecting remals thnrefrom; ihc bslancr remaming,if any,to bt
<br /> �pp1kd ioward the dixha�ge of wid murtgagr mdebtedness thesr nghts uf ihe mortgygee may be ezercised at any timn during the existence uf such
<br /> de�'aWt,irrespective uf any trmpurary waivtr uf the seme.
<br /> These Presents,huwever,arr upun the Cbndrtiun,That If the sxid Murtgagur shall repay �id luxn un or befure the maturny uf said shYres by
<br /> payment;pay mun[hly tu wid ASS(x7AT10N uf[he sum apecified in the Bund�eeured hnreby es mterest and prindpal un saud loan,on oi before
<br /> the Twentieth Jay uf rach and everp month,until said luan is fully pyid;p�y all taxes and ussessments levind xga�nst seid preinises and on thls Murtga�e .
<br /> and the&�nd secumd thereAy,before deLnyuency:furn�sh approved insurance upun[he bu�ldings thrreun In the sum�f 5 ��60�.�� puyable
<br /> to�id ASSOCIATIO!�;repyy to sa�d ASS(XIATION upon demrnd�11 mw�ey by it paid fur such iaxes,assensments and insurance w5th interest at
<br /> the mrximum legrl rate thereun frum dyu of paymrnt all of which Murcgagur hr�ebq ngrcrs to pay:prrnut i�u waste on said premises;keep ynd wmply
<br /> with all the ygreemenls and u.mditions uf the Bond for S 7,6�.0�this 1ay grven by the said Mungaeur w sa�d ASS(X IATION,and�romply
<br /> wnh all the requuements of Ihe Const�tuUun and By•Laws u}'said ASSO('IATION;[hen these prescnts shall becoinn null rnd void,utherwiye they
<br /> slfall remain �n lull furce and rnyy be furecloced at the optiun uf thr said ASSOCIATION efter failure for three mun[h� tu mnke any of srid
<br /> payme�te ur be thrre munths�n yrrcy�s m rnxking ra�d monthly peymrats,ur to kcrp xnd wmply with the agreements and cundiGons uf syid Bund:
<br /> and Mortgagur rgmrx to havr a recervrr apputnted(ur�hwith in such fureclusure pruceedings.
<br /> 1}'there is any chxnge�n uwnership uf the rexl estxte mortgagrd herein,by sale ui uthriwise, thrn the cnGre rrmrming mdebtedn_ss hercby
<br /> . oecured shall,ri the aption uf The Eywtabk Buildiry}�nd L,orn Assocu[iun o(Grand lslynd,Nebrysica,become immed�ately dut and paytble withuut
<br /> further nolice,and the am�unt remrininp,due under seid bund,and any otAer bund for rny addiuonal advYnixs made thereunder,sha11,from the
<br /> date uf ezerciie uf srid option,bear interest at the maximum kgal rate,and thic mortgage rru�y then be fbreclused to satisfy the rmount dut on tsid
<br /> bond,and any uther bond for additionrl ydvances,together with xll sume pxid by said T'tit Eqwtxble Building and Luan Asw�cuu�un u(Grand liland,
<br /> Nebryslca for�nsurxnee,taxes and acussmentc,and absuactin�extension charges, with inu�ut thereon, frum date uf pyyment at the mrwmum
<br /> bjtl rate.
<br /> Ax provided in the Bond secured hereby,while�hix murtga¢e remains in rHect thr mortgagoe may hereaf'ter ydwnce additional wimx to the
<br /> awlcers uf said 13�nd,theu aasy{ns or sw;cereurs in interest,wFuch cums shall be withm thr sewriry of tFus mort�age tht same as the 1'unds originally
<br /> �ecwed thereby,the totd amount uf princ�pal debt not to excxed rt any time thr uriginal amount of this mor[gage.
<br /> �.� �a 28th aY�r December A.D,ly�7
<br /> —t��V�I C L. • �c �c-��_��
<br /> counit�t oF t�u s. o.cw: 28th d•r�f December �y 77 .�ro�e�, ':
<br /> �`��. .�; .
<br /> �. che underci`ned,a Noqry Public in and for srid County,peraurwlly pme .
<br /> � Uavid L. Larson. a single person
<br /> � �'� i s verwndly Icnowo ta � ,1��<�
<br /> me to be ILe ideni.u:yt peii.x� wHu�e u�wre 1 S utuce.i w ti�t aeuve�x►trumnnt u mongagor xnA he XIOfOf/1� �
<br /> adt�owbOpd tfie�rd r�[rumee[to be �1{i volu�hry acl a�d deed. � l .,
<br /> u ae�
<br /> N'I7'NESS my Irnd md No4ri�l Se�l tix date a[oroyid. 1` . / � [i� / d..
<br /> My C�oio�expires '� / /���
<br /> — v.� ' i'. i �
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<br /> �-1-�t 4 MY , 1 N�b. �._.-� Nutr[y 8c
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