� �
<br /> 7. In the ewet Mo�t�ag� failo to PaY 8RY claim, liea or encumbrano�e or �e bzee or eoree�enb above mentioned.
<br /> or pay ths peamiums ot ineuranae. or lreep asid poamiee� in repair, or �6aU aammit or peimit the aommiesion ot anY
<br /> wa�Eo. or ah�li de�ault ut Uis p�armaooe � at�y of the teemr, uowenenb aad asee�emenb d fl�s proeai�wry note �ecurod
<br /> bY this mo�et�e, oe o[ tl� moetp�e, or it the D�ta�rtgaQar �hall aha�on �ald p+ope�et,y, or i[ tbs blorti��es �liatl be m�de
<br /> . p.re,vv t,s s,�y �uit a, a000unt or the ezistenoe ot this moecgu�e or �nv�ol..ia� ths tit�s to aaid .ast e�te, khs Moecp�ee
<br /> �Rr w1v �d cJaim.. 1ie+�s. eawmlar�c►oeo, rs�oes, a..es�ents, or pre�miuoH, wi� ri�ht o[ w�bro�arioa tl�eceund�er, or
<br /> +naks sepain, or p�udure s � 1ftb. aad maY Pa+a.vre w�cl� ah�eacb d titl� oe ofber ev3deaae ot tiUe a� it d�mo�
<br /> � sewrwes'. ar p�Y awu't aos�. �od all woo� �o paid, wif6 infere�t at ths maamum rabe allow�6is by laa, �h�ll h�eaome I
<br /> a Pert d t6s iadebte�ar hexbY �ec,'ared. a� slro the w�ho,e o[ tl�e iadebtedae�s ��eed l�+el�y �1! 6soome aad be
<br /> immediatalq due aod payable at the option ot tbe MortgaQee witlwut notiae or demaad. w+hit� aa�e 6eeebY ezP�'�Y
<br /> aivod. aod mis mortsa�e auy 6e lorecio�erl
<br /> 8. If t�fe iodebfedneYY Yecured hereby ia now or hereatter in w�6o18 or ia part furtlfer �e[au�ed bY dittbel moetp�e�.
<br /> �ot oecuritier a�ad t�h�e�t�ty n�hereunder, either�oo��nUey'or indePendentlY aand � oeder es i�may de-
<br /> lsimino. No delaY by Mortg�ee in exerciaing anY riBht or remedy hereunder, or o�e asoirled by law, rinll operete
<br /> sa a waiver thereot or preclude tl�e exercise thereof durinQ the oontiuuanoe of aay d�sult hereuader. No c�nae in me
<br /> owaerflaIp ot raid premiree rhell releaee, reduce or ot!►ee�w�l�e aSect a�yy peesonal liahility or the lkin lfereby ceeated.
<br /> 9. Widwut a�ectin� the liability of an,v Pereon� includin8 Mort�or. (other tl�an any Per�oe► �pre�iY relea�ad in
<br /> writinQ) for paymea�t ot any indebtedneea aecured hereby or for pedorinanoe o! a�y obliQatioa c�ootined hereio, aad
<br /> wifl�att a�actinQ ttae righta ot Mortgagee wict� �e�c to any q+�.,uity noc e��asty re�eased 3n w�3t�, Mort�.Qes m.y,
<br /> at aqy time and iram time to time, either 6efore or atter the maturity ot eaid note, and wit�iwt notioa or oonreot: (a ) re-
<br /> taeoe s�y penon tiable tor payment ot a2! or any part of the iadebtedners or tor performaaoe a( a
<br /> ( b) make any agreement eztending the time or otherwise aldering the terme of � ���II�
<br /> ednaea, or modifyiaa or waivi PaY�nt ot all or aoy part a[ the iadebt-
<br /> ng any obligation, or eubordinating, modifying or othenviee dealinj with f3�e lieu or c6ar/e
<br /> hereof; (c) exerciee or eefrain trom exercising or waive any right Mortgagee may 6ave; (d) sooept additiom! eeciujty
<br /> of ae�y kind; and (e) release or otherwise deal with any property, real or pereonal, eecur;� t6e indebfsdmr, includin�
<br /> atl or aqy part o[ tbe PropertY mortBaBed heeeby.
<br /> 10. Thio mottga�e tas�y be forecloeed with all legal or equiffibie riQhts. permitted under tlfe )aws o[ tbe Statie at
<br /> Nebrsalra not ezpiarsly provided for herein inuring to the beife5t ot tl�e Mortgagee.
<br /> 11. When the foregoing oovenants and agreemente have been pertormed, thia mortQa�e �hall be void aad �lall be
<br /> eeleesed at the e�cpenae ot the Mortgagor; othenviee to remain in !ull forae atd edect.
<br /> 12. The words "Mortgagor" snd `•Mortgagee" ae usc+d herein indude the plureL aod aLo ruooearois in intieee�t,
<br /> such ea heirs, eiecutore, administratore, deviseee, granbeee, suoceaeore aid aesigns.
<br /> IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, the Mortgagor has hereunW e�,�ubed thie inetrua�ent t3tie f if th �y � January
<br /> 19 78
<br /> Jame.�. _A.. . . Batle _ . . . _ . _ .. .. . ... . . . . . . . . . _ ... . . ...•• � _ ..�'. �. u--�.. _ . ...... . . . . .. .. _ . .. _ .
<br /> ' � � _ . .2l1 _ _ �se,��F�
<br /> .�utki. .A.. . . $aS.ie. _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ �.c-.�"/�:- . _ _ _ _
<br /> STATE Ol�' NEBBASKA, �
<br /> as.:
<br /> CC�ilNTY OF Adams
<br /> Befor�s rwe. a �ry p�blic qrrotiJled /or eoid counsy, pereorpjjy ao�wt James R . Batie and Ruth A . Batie ,
<br /> husband and vife
<br /> kwo�n Ao n�e to be tlYs idea�ic+�l pe�son or pereons who aigned the (oregoin� inrbrsment e�d oe4nou�lal�e�d tiu eseru-
<br /> �isw tAervo/ to bt 1Vie, Aie► or thtir r�oluntary xt and dea+d.
<br /> Wit� ney liawd and no ' ���"�' �
<br /> e 11/M�l �OT�H' • *Lb N /U �p�y P�l11iC
<br /> � H:: :; a �; r F. � �: �. �c. H _ . . ... . ... . .- -- - --- � �_.. . .N
<br /> 7�iC My Co�am. F]p. 1urN 7, 19�
<br /> 3TATE OF NEBRASKA, Yy c�awiniseiow es�wrw��i 7 , 19 PO•
<br /> es.:
<br /> COUNTY OF
<br /> � �, 6 �+Y P�►� V�f� f� aaid countY. Pe�so�lly ca�ne
<br /> Prrriaiswt oj
<br /> 4noron to nu to be tlu Presidens and identuxi[ rsan m!w , o Corponstion
<br /> t�e esee�stion thereoj to be kia uole � °�^°� � jO1'�SO� inrbruwent, and ael�nou�Jsd�d
<br /> ntary aet and deed as such o(�cer and the oofrinmry act avl de�d o� aai� onrpoistior►
<br /> awd tMt ita enrpo�tt ssal uaat drereM oJ�Es�e�d by ida astli�rity.
<br /> Witnea nty Jrawd and notarial aeal ow , 19 .
<br /> - _. _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . . _ _ . _ . Noliary Public
<br /> d�y rnnamieoion ezpire� . 19 .
<br /> , , , . - ; , ,.
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