� �
<br /> 7$- �)OU 058
<br /> MORTGAGE'LOAN NO. I 99_9Fi9
<br /> � KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That Da 1 e L. Skow and Sh i rl ey hl. $ICOW, eac h 1 II F11 S and her I
<br /> own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> Mortgagor,whether one or mo¢,in cunuderation of the�um uf
<br /> Thirty Eight Thousand and No/100------------------_------�--------------------ooL�wxs
<br /> loaned to said murtgagor by The F:yuitable Building and Luan Assuciation of Grand Island,Nebraska,Mortgugee,upop shares of stock uf
<br /> uid ASSOClAT10N, Cutificate Nu. L ZZ�9C)P ,do hereby gnn[, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOC'IATION [he following
<br /> deuribed rea!estate, utuated in Hall County,Nebraska�
<br /> tu�,ether with aU the tenements,horeditaments and appurtenances theraunw belunging,including attached floor cuverings, all wlndow sr,reenc,
<br /> window shacies,blinds,sturm windows,awnings,heating,air conditioning,and plumbing and water eyuipment and an:tssuries thereto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> rcfrigerators,and other fixlures and eyuipment now or hereafter attached tu or uud m connection with said real estate.
<br /> And wherers the said mortgagor hu ugrced and dues hereby ugree thnt the murtgagor shall and wiil pay all [axes and asaessinents levied or
<br /> acsessed upun caid premisrs and upon this murtgxge and the bund srcurcd therebY� brfure the same shall becume delinyurnt�. to furnish approved
<br /> incurance upun the buiid�ngs on seid premises situatrd in the sum of S 38��00.U� payabte to said ASSOClAT10N and [o deUver to s.y�d
<br /> ASSIX'IATION thr policies for said insurance;and not iu cummit ur permit any waste on ur nbuut said premis�s;
<br /> In case uf default in the perfurmance of'any of the terms and conditions of thn murtgage ur the bond secured hrreby, [he mortgagee shall,
<br /> un drmrnd, be entiUed w immedia[e pussession ul the mortgaged premisrs and the murtgago� hrreby assigns, transfers and sets over to the
<br /> mortguQce ali the rents,revrnues and income tu be derived from the mortgaged premises dunng such time as the murtgage indebtednete shall remun
<br /> unprid;anJ the mortgagee shatl havr the power to appoint any agent.>r agents it may desirr tbr the purpuse of ropairing said premims and renun�
<br /> [he same and collecting�he rents,revenurs and income,and rt may pay uut of said incume all expenses of rep�iring s��d prerrtises and neassary
<br /> cvmmissiuns and expe nses incurred in renting and m�naging the same xnd uf collecting rentals therefrom: the balance remxining, if any,tu be
<br /> app1ied toward the discharge of syid morigrge indebecdness:these rights of thr murtgagee may br exercised at any time during[he existence uf such
<br /> deTault,irrespective of�ny tempurarv w�iver uf the same.
<br /> These Prcsents, huweva,are upun the Cundit�on,That if tYie snid Mortgagur shall repny sxid luan on ur before the maturity uf said shares by
<br /> paymenr,pyy monthly tu said ASS(�IATION of the sum specifieJ in the B�n1 xcured hereby at mtrrest end principal on said luan,on ur beforc
<br /> tht Twenticth�y uf each and every munth,until said luan is fully paid;pay nll taxes and assessments levied ygainst said premises and un th�s Mor[gage
<br /> and the Bund secured thereby,before drlinyuency;fumish xpproved insurance upcm the buildings ihrroun in the sum of S 3$�0�0.00 paYable
<br /> to said ASS(KIATION;repay tu said ASS(X IATION upon dertund all muney by�t pxid(ur such taxes,assessments and insurance with mtercst�t
<br /> the mrximum legal raie thereon frum date of paymeni all of which Mortgagur hereby agrees w pay:permit no waste on ax�d prertusest�eep and cumply
<br /> with all the agreemrnts and conditions u(the Bund fur 5 3H.0��.�0 this day grven by the uid Mortgrgur w seid ASSCX:IATION,and wmply
<br /> with all the reyuire�nents uf thr Cunstitutiun and By-Laws of said ASSOCIATION; then theu presents shall bccome null xnd vuid,utherw�ae thep
<br /> shall rertuin in 1'ull furce and mry be(ureclosed at �he uptiun uf the said ASSO('IATION atcer failurt tbr three months [u mxke any of sx�d
<br /> pyyments ur be three munths in a�rears�n making said munihly payments,or to keep and cumply w�th[he agrermen[s nnd condiGons uf said Bund;
<br /> and Mortgygur egrees to h�ve a receivrr appuinted forthwYth in such toreclusurr pruceedings.
<br /> If d�ere is any changr m uwnership o(thr real estatr murtgaged herein, by sale or utherwise,[hen the entirc remaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> Yecured shall,at the optiun of The Equityble Building nnd Luan Aswcution uf Grynd Island,Nebraska,bewme immed'utely due and pxyable without
<br /> further nut�ce,xnd the amuunt �emrining due unde�s�id bund,�utd any uthri bond fur any additional advances made thereunder,shall,from the
<br /> dale of exercise o(stid option,bear intercst at the maximum legal rrte,and this rtwrtgage may then be foreclosed to articf�y the xmount due on said
<br /> bond,and any uther lwnd for ydditional advances,together wi[h all sums paid by said The Equitable Building and Luan A�cis[ion of Grand Island,
<br /> Nebncka for insurance,tazec and assessments,and abstracting extension churges, with interest thereon, trom dau uf payment at the ma�umum
<br /> lepl rate.
<br /> As pruvided in the Bond secured hereby,while this morlgxge rema�ns in ef'trct the mortgagee may hereafter advance additional sums to[he
<br /> maicen o(srid Bond,theu acxigns ur suc.:esaon in interest,which sums shall be within the securiry uf this murtgrge the same as the funds originally
<br /> �ecurcd thereE the wUl amount uf principal debt not ro ezceed at any time[he uriginal amount of this mortgage.
<br /> pated th� ,� 4th� ay�r January 4.o.�y 78
<br /> , � �
<br /> '� � 1 ,
<br /> e ---_ _
<br /> Sfiir y M. OM
<br /> STwTe oF NtB�siu, � p,���;8 4th day of January iy �S ,befure me, �
<br /> COUN7Y OF HALL�
<br /> the undertigned,a Notary Public in and for sud County,perwnally came �"�" �.^;�
<br /> � Da and Shirley M. Skow. each in his and her own right a�d�as spous����e��w��� �:
<br /> � xdc/;E 'v "�'r
<br /> 5 wtmse names d1'e affissed to the above instrument u mortgs�or S and they severally �;k
<br /> ,a!� ,: -. thei r
<br /> .-adcw�d�.d cne ip�ynK ' a a be vulunt.ry act ynd doea.
<br /> , - t'1+ITN!'.$��Y IUM and Nourn/Seal the date aloresud. ' �.
<br /> rn \
<br /> f t, Mr c�mm�jtioo e�s\��\, ��y D '� \ �,,;, `���` �,.
<br /> y � f� Nntarv RiFlic
<br /> � '�I,r��'h".Yl.,�;%f ��
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