<br /> � �
<br /> �s- ��o!����o
<br /> MORTGAGF.
<br /> MOR7'GAGE LOAN IvO. 22,961
<br /> � KNOWALLMENBYTHESEPRFSENTS:That Floyd A. Gearhart and Etta S. Gearhart, each ltl h15
<br /> and her own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> _ Murtgagur,wheth-r one ur more in c;wnsid-ratiun of the cutn of
<br /> Seventeen THousand end No/100-------------------- _DDLLw�s
<br /> loaned to sxid murtgagor by The Fyuiubie Building and Luan Aswciatiun uf Grand Islend,Nebraska,Mortgagee,upon 1�0 shares of stock of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No.L 22,9(� ,a�hereby grant, cunvey and mortgage unw the said ASSfxIqTlON the f'ullowing
<br /> deu;ribed rexl estate, situated in Hall Cuunty,Aebraska�.
<br /> wgethrr with all thr tenemen[s, lierrditaments and appurtenances thrrrunio belungmg, �nduding attached fluor covenngs,aL winduw scroens,
<br /> winduw shades,blinds,swrm wmdows,ewnings,heatmg,air cundltiuning,and plumbing end wa�er eyuipment and acceswna thrroto,pumps,stuves,
<br /> rcfngeraturs,and uthrr fixtures and ayuipment nuw ur htrealier anuchrd tu or used!n n,nnrcili�n wieh said real estate.
<br /> And whemas thr said mortgagor has agreed and durs herrby xgree that the mur!gag.�r shall and will paq all taxes and assesunents lened or
<br /> assrssed upun uid premisrs and up�m�his mortgage and thr bund serured [hrrebv belure thr same shall becume delinyuenr,to furnish appruved
<br /> insurancr up.>n the buildings un sa�d prcmiars s�watrd m thr sum uf 5 1]���n.�Q pnyable tu said qS50('IATlO\ and tu deliver w siid
<br /> ASSO('IATION the Fx.ticles fui said msurancr;and not tu cummit ur prrnut any w�str��n ur about safd premises;
<br /> In case uf drfault m the per(urnience uf xny o(the cerms xnd cunditiuns ol this murtgagr ur the bund secured hereby,the mortgxgee shell,
<br /> on drmxnd, br entlUed tu Immediate p�ssrssiun ul thr murtgnged premi>es end Uie murtg,xgur hereby ass�gns, trnnslers and xts uver [u the
<br /> mortg,ygee yll the rrnts,revanues and incume w be drrrved(rom thr murtgaged premises during such time as[ha murtgage indebtedmss shall rrrtuin
<br /> unpaid:and the mortgagec shall have the powrr tu appuint any ngrnt ur agrnis it mey desur fur the purpou uf repairing said premius and renting
<br /> the srmt and cullrcting the rents,rrvenurs and incume,and it mey pay��ut �>f said incomr all r�prnsrs uf repauing said prmnises and necessary
<br /> cummissions and rxpenses mcurred in renting and managing the samr end of collecting rcntals tlierelrom; the b�lancr remaining, if any,tu be
<br /> applied toward thr disi:hargr uf syid mungagr indebtedness:c hrse rights ul the murtgagrr may br exercised at xny time during the existence of such
<br /> detault,irrespecuve uf any trmporary warver uf thr same.
<br /> Thrar Pre�ents,huwevrr,are up.�n[hr Cundrtion,7'hat�f thr sa�d Mungag��r shall repay mid loun un or befure thr maturity o(sa�d shares by
<br /> paymrnu pay munthly to sald pSS(X'IpT10N�.if tha sum specifieJ in the Bund securod herebq ns�nterest and pnncipal on wid luan,on ur befurc
<br /> the Twrntieth day uf each and rvrry month,untll sald lorn�s full��paid;pay all tazes and assessments levied ugainst said premises and on thia Mortgag�e
<br /> and�hn Bond»e��ured therrby,before delinyurncy;f w�nlsh approved insurnnce upon thr buddings ikir�ron in the sum ot SZ�.00�.�� pnyable
<br /> ro safd ASS(X'IATION:repey tu said qSS(X'IqT'ION upun drmand�11 money by it paid fur such tazns,asussmrnts and msurance wuh interest at
<br /> the rtu�x�mum lagal ratr thereun f rom da�r u(paymrnt ell�f wh�ct�Murtgagur herrby agrers tu p:�y;permu nu waste on.u�d premises:keep and comply
<br /> wt�h xtl the agreemems and cundrt�uns uf the Bund for$ 1��QOQ �Q this day grven by thr seid blortgag�r w sa�d qSS(X IATION,ynd wmply
<br /> with yll the reyuircrnenh�I the Cunsi��utiun and By-Laws uf seid qSSOC'IATIOh;thrn these pre�nts shall become null and void,othenvisr they
<br /> shxll remyin �n lu❑ furce and may be ture��losed ai the ophun uf�he said ASSOC'IATION after f'aJure ior threr months w make eny uf said
<br /> pyyments ur be�hree m�nths m anean m making sa�d muntlily paymcnis,ur tu kerp and cumply with�he ngroerntn�s and cunditrons o(said Bond;
<br /> and Murtgagor agrees w tuvr a rrcervrr appomeed iurthwith�n such(ureclusure proeredmgs.
<br /> If therr�s any chxnge�n ownership of the rexl estatr mort�xged herein, by sale w�utherwise,[hen [he enurr remaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> secuted shall,r�the uptiun u(The f�.ywtable Building and Luan Asux�atiun.�f(;�and Island,Nrbruska,brcume�mmediately due and payable without
<br /> further notice, and the xmuunt remrinmg due under said bond,and any othrr bund for nny additional advances made thereunSer,shall,fwm the
<br /> date oY ezeiclse u(sxiJ upiiun,bear mte�rs�at the mxximum legal rete,•end th�s murtgage may then be foreclused to satlil)�the urtount due on said
<br /> bcu�d,and any other bund for ydd�tionxl adwncrs,together wnh all sums paid by wid The Eywtabin Building and Luan Aswcwtion of Grand Island,
<br /> NeAry�lca(or insurance,txxes and asaessments,and abstracting extrnsion chargrs, wnh interest thereon, lrum date uf payment at the maximum
<br /> k�al rate.
<br /> As provided in the Bond securrd hrreby,wh�le thic murtgage remeins in CIICCI thr murtgagee may hereafter advync:r additional sums w the
<br /> maleers of said Bond,the'v essigns ur sucassors in interrst,which sums shall br withfn the�ecunty ui�h�s mortgage ihr same as tha Yunds uriglnaily
<br /> �ecured thereby,the to[rl amount o(pnncipal debt not to excxed at any time the original amuunt of this murtgyge.
<br /> Dated this rd. day of �anuary A.D.. IY�$
<br /> G
<br /> oy ea r -
<br /> Etta S. Gearhart
<br /> COUNTY OF HAI.L u� On Ihis 3rd. aYy�r January 19]$ ,be(ore me,
<br /> ''i
<br /> the undersi6ned,a Notyry Public in and for said County,perwnally came �'- '�� •�ro.
<br /> Floyd A. Gearhart pnd Etta S. 6earhart, each in his and h!r own ri�ht and as s�ou�e of
<br /> each other � are a�� y��W��o � k,xk
<br /> ����«�����P�*�S whou n=me S AV'E affixed to the above instrummt as mortg,egor $ and t he.y sererrlly ::,�py,.�.�'
<br /> adcnovledymd tLe crid inurument a be the i r voluntary ut and deed. -.
<br /> YV1T!JESS my hsad and NoWr,a1 Serl the drta x(urecrid. ""'� 'i � � .
<br /> ,__.... ._.._._. M�Curntni�ion expire� � .� ,� �a..� .,�
<br /> . �, .y-.., vr � � frt�n� y! �"��+.^i.i/ � (-ie'.�-^.��
<br /> ��ywY� �
<br /> Notar Public
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