� �
<br /> 78 _ e►�l���j48
<br /> MORTf,AGE
<br /> MOR7GAGE LOAN NO. L22�948
<br /> � KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEN7'S:That Mi chae 1 �. A1 dri dge dlld Sheryl A. A1 dri dge, 2dCh 1 fl
<br /> his and her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> _ Mortgogo=_whethrr one or mure in cunsidention of the cum of
<br /> Eight Thousand Six Hundred and No/100-----_------ _____ Tio�Lwru
<br /> luaned lo said rtwrtgagur by The F:quitable Building and Luan Ass��ciation of Grand Island.Nebraska,Mortgagee,upun $( shares of stock of
<br /> arid ASSOC1ATlON, Certificyte No. L 22�94$ ,du hereby grant, wnvey and rnortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> described real estate, �ituated 'u� Hall Cuunty,Nebraska:
<br /> NEBRASKA.
<br /> together wnh xll ihe trnamenu, heredltamrnts and appurtenances thr�eunto belungmg. meluding attached floor covrnngs,all winduw screens,
<br /> window shedes,bGnds,sturm w5nduws,awnmgs,heahng,au conditiuning,and plumbing and wnter equipment xnd accrssuries thereto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> rcfry{eraturs,u�d uthrr tixtures and eyuipment nuw or he�eafter atteched to or used m�unnecGun with said renl estate.
<br /> And whereas the wid murtgagor has agrrrd and does hrreby agree that thr nwrig�gor shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied ur
<br /> yssess-.: upnn srid premisee end upun this murtgagr and Ihr bund sec�yrd�ty:�;��befure ihe same shall become delinyuent:tv furnish nppruved
<br /> insu;ance upu��il�r bwldings un wid prem�srs snuatrd�n�he sum uf$LS.b U paqable tu said ASSOCIATION and to Jeliver to said
<br /> ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurence;and nut to commit or prrmit any wastr on ur abuut srid prrmises:
<br /> In cyse uf de(ault in ihe per(ur�nance of any uf the terms enS condi�ions uf tius murtgage or the bond securel hereby,the mortgaE{ee shall,
<br /> on dnmxnd, be enhtled w unmediate possession uf thr murtgaged prrmixs end the murtgagur herrby assigns, transfers and sets uver to the
<br /> murtgygee all the mnts,revenues and income tu br denved Crom[hr mortgagrd premises during such time as�he murtgage Indebtedness shall remain
<br /> unpy:d:end thr murtgagee shall have thr power to appuin�any agent or agents it maq desire(ur the purpose of repairing said premises and renting
<br /> the syme and cullecting the rents,revenurs nnd income,and it may pay out of sxid incumc all exprnses o(repxiring said premises and neauary
<br /> cummisuons and expensrs mcurred m renUng and manz�ing thr samr and uf collecting remals therefrorn; the balance remaining,it any,to be
<br /> rpplied wward�he dischargr o(sa�d mort�}age indebtedness:these rights�f the murtgngee niay be exrrciud at any time during the existenae uf such
<br /> default,irrrspcctive o(a�iy tempxary waivcr o(the sume.
<br /> These Prrsents,however,ere upon the Condmon,Thet if thr said Murtgagur shall rrpay sald luan on or befure the rnaturity uf sa�d sharos by
<br /> paymen�:puy nwnthly w said ASSO('1ATION.+7 thr sum spzcified in the Bund securcd hercby as mtrrest and prmcipnl un said luxn,on or before
<br /> the Twentieth day uf exch and every mvnth,until sa�d luan Is fullq paid:pay nll taxrs end assessmrms levied against sxid promises and on this Murtga�5e
<br /> and thr&�nd�ecured thereby,beforr delinyuency:f�urn�sh appruved insurance upun ihr buildmgs thereun in[he sum uf$$�6�0.�� puyablr
<br /> to saW ASSOCIATION: rep�y to said ASSOCIqT10N upun demand all munev by it pa�d fc�r such taxts,assessmmits and �nsurance with�nterest a[
<br /> the rtu�ximr�ri kgal retr theieon fruin datr of paymen�all uf which Murtgagur herehy agrees cupay:permit no wes[e on mid premises:keep andcomply
<br /> with all the xgreements and conditiunx of ehe Bond(ur$ $ (OQ.00 thls 1ay grven by the said Murtgagur to said pSS(x'IAT[QN,and cumply
<br /> with yll the requiremrnts of thr Cunstiiutiun and dy-Laws or said ASSOC'IAT10N: then these presenn sha.11 become null and vo�d,utherwise they
<br /> ahall rem�ln in (ull furcr and �nay be fureclosed at thr optiun of thr said ASS(XIqTION after (ailure fix thrae munths tu maka any uf syld
<br /> paymems ur be three munihs in arrenrs m makmg sald munthly paymen�s,ur w keep and wmply with tha agreements and cund�tions of sxid Bond;
<br /> rnd Mongagor agrees tu have a rcceivrr nppointed forthw�th In such(orecl�sure proceedings.
<br /> I(there �s any changr in uwnrrship of the rexl estate murtgsged herefn,by salr or utherwise,then the entire remaining indtbtedness hrreby
<br /> �ea:ured ilw11,yt[he upt�un uf The Equiuble Budding and Luan Aswc�atiun u(C�und Island.Nebraska,become immedlatdy due and payable withuut
<br /> further nuti�,snd the artu.iunt remainmg due under s�aid bund, end any other bond for any�dditiunal advances madr[hrreunder,shall,trum[he
<br /> date uf ezrrciae o(sr�d opuon,bear mterest a�the maximum legal rate,and this murtg�e rruiy then be(oroclused to sytisfy the amount due on said
<br /> bond,xnd any uther bond(or additional xdvances,together wnh s11 sums paid by syd The Equitable Building and Luan Aswciation ot Grand liland,
<br /> Nebraeke for insuranex,tazes and assessments,and abstrrcting ezrens�un charges, with interest thereon, }rum date uf payment at the rtuzimum
<br /> le�al nte.
<br /> As provided ia tlte Bund secured hereby,while thu murt�ge remains in et7ect the rtwrtgagee may herealter advanoe additional sums Io the
<br /> makers uf said Bond,Iheir assigns or successurs in une�est,whuh sums stwll be wnhin the security o1 ttus mongage the same as the f'unds orginally
<br /> . �scured thercby,the totd amount o(pnncipal debt not eo exceed at any timr the uriginal artwunt ol this m.�rtgage.
<br /> °"°°cr"S 2 t �yy�r December n.[�.,iy 77
<br /> ���iYc{z'�r-Gr,�� �✓��.•,,,�' � .S% �'r'icr�.�.
<br /> c ae D. ri ge �—-- Sher�`A.��ri dge
<br /> STA7'�OF NEBRASKA, � On this 21st �a �f December
<br /> COUN7Y OF HALL y 1 H�� .before me, ��
<br /> the undercjgned,a No4ry Public in a{�d for sud Cuunty,personaLy ��
<br /> Michael D. Aldridge and Sheryl A. Aldridge. each in his and her own right and as spouse o�`
<br /> QiC�f OtF161'• who a�..e personaUy{cnown to , ��
<br /> �et to be the identipl perfon g who�e name a►� yffixed to the above instrument as mortgagor5 and they severelly `�
<br /> adcwo�vkdoed tHe wid ieatrument w be the 9 r voluetarv act and deed /�--�
<br /> WITNFSS my hand and Nu4uia!Snal the drte oforeeud � ,� �-•,yy - ? —; .
<br /> �N�P4 N �
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