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� � <br /> �g_ UOU029 <br /> 111 If nnJ w lonp a� .aW oulr uf r �en Ja�r anJ ihn mHrumtnl ere m.urrJ ur .ua rrinwrcJ unJci ihe pn � u.u�n. . ,l ihr \.,n. �nei H� ����� n� �\. L .�n <br /> emuunl suflicieN lu accumulrle in Ihe hrnJn uf Ihr huWrr unc 11 � monlh pnui In it . Jue Jutr Ihe .�nnu.d morlgagc mwran.r p� cinu�in �n ordrr r�i <br /> prori�e wch holJcr wnh (uM1� tu paY .urh premwm �u Ihe Sr.rclury uf Hou�ing ..nd t 'rhnn Ik� clopmcnl pw .uant i„ ihv N.won:J A�. I . <br /> a� amrndtd . anJ appGceblr Rcgulauon+ tAcrrunJrr, ur <br /> IIU 1f anJ w luny u+ filt� OOIC UI CY<0 JJIC Ai1J Illln IO��NTCOI AfC hCIJ hy IM1f Se.rclnn nl Houvng �and l � rh:m Ik� rlupmcnl . a momhl � .hur�c un <br /> � litu uf a mun�{xgt imurancr pr<nuum � which �hall hr in nn amuunl eVuul lu unrtwcl(Ih i 1 : I 'I ��1 onr hnlf 11 ;' i per irnlum of Ihr a � cragr aut - <br /> stendinQ bdane< Jue un Ihr nanr cumpuled wrthout iakmy imu accuunt dehnyurnae� ur prcp:n mrm� : <br /> 1 h/ A �um tyu�l �u lht ground renla, if any , ne V duC , plw Ihr prcrnmm . th:A w ill ne V hriumr dur anJ pn�eMr on p�hnc. ul fite anJ ��Ihrr h�uaN unurnncr <br /> cuvrnny tht nlaxl�pyed prUplrty. Plu. fa�t. and a�.r.�menl. nUl Jue on the nlurlgaged proprrl � Inll u. i�it� nldleJ h1 Ihr 41�nl�pnycrl le.� ..11 .um� ai <br /> rrsJy Paid thvrefur drvidrd hy Ihe numher u! munlh. Io clwp�e hrfurc ��ne monlh pnur Io the Jatc u hen .uch gruunJ rent . . prcnnum . . Ie�r. and u. .c.. <br /> menM will hrcom< ddiiu�uem . wcM1 wm� lu hr bNd by Mix�g;�grc �n Iru.11u puy �aiJ grounJ rcnn , prernmm. . �a�r. end .peo:,l :i..c..mrnt� �. anJ <br /> !tl All DeymeN� mentiuned in Ihe lau prccrJin� +ubwrlion� of thh par�graph and all pu) rnrnh I�� Ix• rn�Jr undrr Ihr nulr .ecurcd bereb� �hali hr aJJrJ <br /> loYether. 'end 1bt �yreyett amuunl Ihrrru( +hnll he pniJ M1S Ihr M�+rtK:�gur ru.h munth in a .�n�lr p:� � mcnl w hr apphrd h� Ihc M��rlsager in thc (ullou . <br /> ing itrm. �a Ihe order tel lor[h. <br /> 111 prrmium charyr+ undcr �hr n nva.1 uf mwr:m.r � ilh �hc Sr.relan' u( Huu�iny :�nJ l rh,�n 1 h•� cl��prncnl . ur m„nrhl� :h.u}r nn Lcu nf r <br /> uuuranrr prrimumi . a. Ihe ca r ma} I�r . yy�, <br /> IIU ground rent�. �usc� . a.+t++mrnh, lin und ��thor hntnN �mun�n.c prrm� um. . T1Y <br /> IIIU inmrc.� un ehr n.qe �eeure� hrrrhv �, nnd four CeIItS 4C � <br /> (IV r nmurUtaliun o! thr nnci al i ( �md no�e <br /> Any drfie�<ni y m Ihv nmuuo� of any wch u�;rcgate manthlv pn��mrni .hulL unle.. madr ku„d h� � hr N�,n�..pur �xi��r w thr dur Jair � A thr ne �l wih <br /> paymeN , cunr��Nle an roem uf drf:wll unJer Ihi+ m��ngnge 'I�hr N��n�nEer rtn. � .ullra o ' -Ieir .h.ugc . . mn i. � c �ccrJi��A�lllsllfhl� e�. h dollar � � I i <br /> nf eaah Peymrnl more Ihun fil�rrn i I � 1 dn1 . hi mr:.n io c�� . er Ihr erlr.. e�Mmr imohrJ u� handhn� Jdu�yuenl pa� mcnl . <br /> :3 . "I'hat if 6he wlal of the paymen �.� med�� by thr NnrlRaKur undvr i ��/ o( para�ruph '? pr�•ci�ding -hal1 �� Yci�ed <br /> the umount of payment� a�•�urlly made by th �� 11urtKeK��t� fur eruund mnt� , ta �v- anJ ��.��• �.�mrnt� ur in =uranco pre- <br /> mium� , ss, thr ca=i� ma� bi•, -ui•h exce+s , � f thr loan iti wrrrnt , at the uptiun of chr Muregagur, shall hr crrdited b� <br /> 6hi• '1'�irtKaKee on �ub.�eyuenl paymenl � to tx• mada� b} lhi• 11urt �aK�v, or re•fundi�J tu thi� 11ortK •rKur If, huwf• ver, the <br /> munthly payment.� made by the M�xtKagor undrr r /�) uf paragraph 1 precc-ding sh�ll nuc he• sufficicnt tu pay Krcwnd <br /> rent, laxe� und u.�-e�.men� - or in �uranee pr��mium� , a,� lhi• i s i� ma� be . � h�-n �he � ami� :hal i beeome due and pay - <br /> ablt• lhen 6he \HmtkaKor �hell puy to lhi� 11orIRu{�a•�� am umuun � n�•�•��� -an tu muk �� up ihe deficii�n�•y . un ur b��(urn <br /> thr duU� when pxymi•ni of .�ui•h Kround mnt- . u���• -. .a�.� i� �.m��nt � ur in - ursnc�• pmmium � �hall IH� due If at an� <br /> lime lhe 11urtKuKur -he11 4ender lu the �IurlkaRi�t• . in ai�i�urdani•i• Hith th�� pru � i �iun � uf ihi• noti• -i�cur��d h�•reb� . <br /> full paymrnt uf thr i�ntim indebtednt••� mpn•��•nu•d thun• G� , Ihc• 11un �ak��t� -h :ill . in cumputin �! th�� amuunt ol' .uch <br /> indeb�edness , credit eo the accixrnt uf thc Mortgagur all puymentr m�ule undcr ehe �xu� iswns uf I �tl uf paragraph � <br /> herrof whieh the �lurtkakt�e he- nut b�•cumc- obli �; al��d iu pa� tu thi� �•i•rv•tan ul' Ilou - inR und t 'rben Dr � elc�mc•nt <br /> and an� Aalance remuinink in the• fund� eci• umulut��d unJ��r the pru� i �inm u( ! Ll uf pnraRraph _' herEv�L If there• <br /> �hull be a detaull under en� uf th�� pro�i -iun � uf thi - murtKaK�• re=ul � ink in a public - � 1�• uf �h �� premi �i• .� cuvered <br /> h�•rrby , or if Ihr 'Nurt�aKr�� acyuire.- thi� propi�rh uth ��rNi -o aftt• r de�(rult , [he �k�rtku��•�� �hall appl � , at thi• timi� uf <br /> th�� cummencemrnt uf wch procee•din �;� , ur ul th�• � im�• thi• prupi•rh i � uthrrNi - �• acyuirnd , �ht- bulani•r then mmxin- <br /> inK in th�� fund.� uccumulau•d untk•r / �- I uf parnKr:►ph '1 pn•i i•din�;. a� u cn•dit u�� in �� th�• umuunt uf prin�• ipal thNn <br /> rrmainin� unprid undi�r �uid nou� , and .hall prup�•rl} adju �l an� pa� m�•nt - �� hi . h -hall ha � c• bc•e�r mud�• undc-r I �� l <br /> of pnra�raph Y . <br /> 4 . 'I'h�t [hr Mor[gagur will pn� gruund rrnt. . ta �e� , a+ ,e +. mrnl. . Hatrr r:rir � . and oth�r �wrrnmrntal ur municipul <br /> chnrgrs , fine. . or impu.itiuna , fur which pru� i �iun hn. nut hrrn maJe hrreinhrfore . �nJ in Jrfault thrreuf the '�lurtgu�re may <br /> p�y thr ,amr : .md that thr Murtgagi�r will prumptl � drli � rr the uBi�ial recriph ihrrefur cuthr �lungatiar <br /> S 'ihe Murtgagur kill pat �dl �ate. whirh may he le � ied upun thr AlurtfaEer ' . intere �l m �aid re:d � ��u�e and impru� r- <br /> menh , anJ which may I+r Ie � ieJ upon thi� murtgsgr ��r thr drht ,rrurrd hrreh � � h� it � �nl � ta thr ruent th:d .uch i. nut pruhihit - <br /> ed by Inw and only to the eslent iha� wch will nuI m;. ke thi� lu;in u.uriuu + l . hu� r �cluJing ,,m ini�+me ia � . tita�e ��r FeJrral , <br /> impo�rd un MurlgrKee , anJ will filr � he �,flieial rrrrip� , huw inE , uch pn > ment w ith thr tilurt�:;i�er I ' pon � i��l:�liun ��f thi. undrr- <br /> tnking , ur if the Murtgagur i� pruhihitrd h � am Inw noH or herenftrr c � i.lin� frum pa � ing thr w holr ��r :in � purtian u( the afure - <br /> said taae. , ur upun Ihe renJerin�t uf any raun decrrt pr . �hihitin�; the pa � mrn� h� Ihr Murtgagur ur :� nt �uch la �e. . ur if . uch law <br /> i�r Jrrrrr pruvidr + iha� an� amc�unt �n pniJ h�� thr �lurtg:�Eur . hall hr crrJiled � �n thr mungaEr Jeht , thr llurtgafrr , hall ha � r <br /> lht righl tu gf�e ninrtq dn� s � �antlrn n��tire iu thr uw ner .�f thr murt�aErJ premi .r, . rryuirin� ihr p:n mrni al' thr m .�rtE�ge <br /> drht . If wch nuucr Me gn rn . the .aiJ drht +hall hrr��mr dur . p:iy .ihlr :� nJ r�dlr� tihlr ;n thc ripir:� ti�+n ul . .�iJ nineh Jay . <br /> M1 . Tha! +huuW he fail !u pn } an } �um ur Arep .m � cucenant provided (ur In Ihi. M ��rtg:igr . Ihen � h� ^1��r�gagrr . a � iI. op- <br /> tiun , may pay ur prrfurm �he +eimr . and :�II r � penditure � tio made tih:dl hr adJrd t� � ihr prin�ip:� l .um uw ing un thr :�hu � r nutr . <br /> .hall 1x securad herehy . �nJ +hall hrnr in �err .i :� � � hr r.atr ,r� furth in �hr .:�id nutr . until p:iid <br /> ' . That hr hereh� ;�.�igm . tranti(en :ind .rt . m�rr tu thr 11urt�;agee , tu he apphed low .ud � he p;� } man� ��t thr nulr and ;ill <br /> wm� ,rrurrd hereby in :u.r uf :� �lefauh m � hr prr(urmnnce uf an � uf Ihr irrm . :mJ �uu,:iii� �n � ��1 th� . Mort�.:��r ��r [ he .aid <br /> nute . all the rem, . rr � rnur. and iniomr to hr drri � rJ frum ihe �nurt�:a�rd premhc . dunng ,uch time a , thr mur��.:i�r malrh�cJ - <br /> nr.. .hall rrmain unpaiJ : :md thr Murtgagrr , hull ha � e puurr tu appuint any .igent ur agent . n m:� � dr .irc f„r thr purpu.r of <br /> repairin�; .:�iJ premitir . �nd uf rrnting thr +amr :�nJ �ullrrtinE the rrnt , , re� rnur. nnd inr� �mr . anJ it ma � p;� y � �ut � �( ,aiJ in - <br /> iamr� �dl rkprn� � .�f rrpairing wid prrmi�e � �nJ nr:r �+:�n ���mini� +i .�m �nJ r � pcn .r . inrurrrJ in rcn �ing :�nd man:�Eing � hr <br /> ,amr and uf :ul�rrting rrntak therrfrum : thr halanrr remaininE . if an � , tn he :�pplirJ tuw :�rd the d � .rh:uEe � d .;uJ m . ,n�aFe <br /> mdrbiednr,. . <br /> 8 . l�hal hr w � ll krep thr impru� emrnh nuw c � itiunE .x hrrr:dtcr rrecirJ .,o ih�• mung:��;rJ pr„per � � . in . urcd a. mu � hc <br /> rcyuirrJ frum timr tu Nme h} thr MUflj:e�CC ��;ainu lu. ti h } firc nnJ u�hrr h:varJ . . c:�.ualtir. and �onun�encir . � n . uch <br /> amuunt + anJ for wch pen.�J , a. mn � he rryuirrd hy ihr Murt�;a�ee anJ will p:� � prum �+� l � . ahcn Jur . .� n � prrnuum . � �n .uch <br /> in�urancr pru��uion fur paymrm uf wh�ch ha+ nut hrrn m �Jr htreinhrforr . All in.ur:. ncr .hall hr r;�rnrd in r.�mpanic. :�p- <br /> pro� rd b� thr Murtgager and thr pnl�cie � anJ rencu ,�h thrreu( .hall br hrW h � ihe \1 � � nE:�gec �nd h:� � r :i� Liehc.l � hcrr � o I��. . <br /> payahlr rlau .e� in f:n ��r u( and in form �rcrpt:�hlr tu thc Mort�:�ger . In r � ent .�f I� �,. �1urtE:iE.,r w ill �;i . r immrJi :�tr n�,urr h� <br /> mail �u �hr Mun�,agrr . N hu ma � makr pruuf uf lu.+ il not mnJe promp� l � h�� 11.�r1g;��:ur . :�n�i r;irh in . w:in.e �ump:� n � ��m-. <br /> cerned i, hereh� authon�ed :md dirrrtrd w mc� ke pa � man� (ur � urh I��. , dirertl � t.� thc �1on�;;� Ecr in .ir .sJ ��f ti� thr 11 ��rtg:�g� �r <br /> anJ th� Murtgager �uintl � . ;�nJ Ihr inwrancr prucerJ . . . �r :,n � pan � hcrc �d . muy hr uppl �<J M � hr \1 �a i �;:.gec :�i ii . � �puun riihri <br /> �o ihe rrJ�.�.ti. �n uf Ihr indrhtrdnr.. hrrrh� .e.urrJ or � . � ihr rr, n �r, � i� �n � �r ret�:� � � � ,t' ihr nr� ��rrn J:+ m :�er �l In r . c• nt � .f f� �rrrl� � - <br /> +ure uf thia miirtgage or wher traaster o( title �o Ihr murtg��rd pmprrn in c �tinEui .hmeni uf ihr indeMrJnr� � .ecurrJ hrrcM . <br /> ali nght , utk and interr ,� ut Ihr Mortgagur m anJ tu am insur,inrr pu6c�r+ � hrn in (��rrr . hnll pa. . i�� tht �+urrh:�.cr � �r Eranirr . <br /> 9. That a� addiuonal and collateral .ecunty fur thr puymenl u( thr nole dr.cnhed . ;�nJ :dl ,um . n� hreumr dur una3er thi. <br /> mortgagt . Ihe M.artgaE!ur hercby atiz�gm w the Murtgagre ull prutih , rrvrnue� . n�� alt �e. , nght . anJ hrnrtih accrum� �o the <br /> Mwtgagur u�xler an� and all uil and �a. lru�r. un .niJ prcmi .r . , wilh thr righ� to irrri � e .anJ rr.ript f� �r the .n�nr :inal ;ipply <br /> them tu caid indehtrdnr.. aa well l+efure �+ afler drfault in � hr r��nditiun . u( �hi . murtE:�gr . and thr �1��rtEa�rr m :� � dem;� nJ , �ue � . <br /> for and recover any wch paymeni� when dur anJ pagahlr . but ,hall n��l t+e reyuirrJ .0 tu du l hi. .� .. i�nmrnt i, i �� irr minntr <br /> and l+ecumr null and �ui�i u��n releasr uf thiti mur�ga�r . � <br /> 10. Thnt thr MurtYa�or Wi11 keep the hui{ding� upun ,aid premi+r . in guud rrpair , ;�nJ nrithrr �nmmii n� ir prrmit N ;i .ie �" �" • <br /> � u�wn +aid land . nor sulfer thc wiai premists to he u�cd for any unlawful purpose . I <br /> I1 . That if the premius , �x any pan thereof . l+e cundemnrd under thr puwrr uf eminrnl d.+rnain . � �r ucywrrd fur a puhh� �; ' <br /> uc't . H�e damagec au- arded fbt rroc•e�Ac fnr tltt laking �d nr tfie cnn.iAer:Ai� •n G .r . � re' h :�rqiri� iti� .n �� , �hr r . trnr � .f rh., f� � li � <br /> amuunt uf indebtedne+ up.�n this murtka�ae and thr nu�e uhi:h it i� ki � rn tu �rcurr rrmainink un�.� i.l . :�rn c�rch� .� . .ivnrJ M thc <br /> Morts-agix to t1+e MortRagee , aed shall he paid fonhw�[h t�r said M�xtpa�,�e tu hr npplieJ h� thr I;�nrr un a:ruum ��t the ne � i <br /> maturing installmrnh ��f wch indef+�rd�r++ . _ <br /> ,.. . � <br />�� <br />