� �
<br /> 78- U00027
<br /> 111 I( anJ �o lung �> >a�J nulc ul e.en dalr anJ Ihro �n�lrumrnl erc mw�rJ oi arr rc�n.urvJ undei �hr pro. i .iun. .d thr ':aoon:J Iluuw�g a:i .in
<br /> amounl wfFicknl io aecumulatr m If� hanJ+ uf the huldrr unr i I � mnnih pn.�r �.� il + Jur d.de Ihc ennu:d muilga�c ur.ur.m.c prrmium m �.rJer io
<br /> pro� �dt wch Mdder r�ih (undn iu pu� w.h prcmmm w thc �rcr. �ar� uf Hnuvnp enJ IRFan ik. ri.�����.•��� p�r .�:,�i d � �hc \;��iun�l Hou ��ng Aci .
<br /> ae xmended . anJ app6rnFlt Nrguluuun. IhrreunJer. ur
<br /> Ilb If anA w lun� n.+ +nW nole .�I e � en Ja1r unJ thn m�Immenl arr held b) �he tirerclan .d Nou.mg unJ l rhun Ur. rli.pnicnL a mumhl� .hurge nn
<br /> �. r lieu of e moI[yaQe imuraner prrmiuml which +hall he m an nmuum tyuwl lo �mr� narlf�h � I : I '1 ��( une -hal( � I !' i pri �enlum .d fhr e .rr;agr uW �
<br /> f .Iendinyl+ulancr due un thr no�e cumpuled wuhuut Iu4mg m�u accuum driin4uenr�r. ��r prepe cmrnn .
<br /> Ib/ A +um eVuwl lu Ihe �{round renh. d �ny. ne � 1 dur. plu. Ihr AremWm + Ihat w�ill ne �� hrcumr due +�nJ payable nn �wil�ue. �d fitc nnd olhrr han�N �n. urenrr
<br /> coverin� Ihe murtya�{ed proprrty , plu. te�e. anJ ae+r�+men�� neAi duc on �hr murlgnKeJ pruperi � IeII a. r+I�mutrJ h� ihr blungaµcci le.. nll •um� .J
<br /> rtady paid thCmfur div�ded by Iht numher uf m��nlh+ Iu elapsr hrfore onr munth pnur tu �hr dute uArn w.h krounJ rrnl . . prvinwni . , in�c� ;,nJ .n.c.��
<br /> menle u�iil f+ecome dNinquenl , wch wm� to hr hrld hy Nurtg:�Nrr in Iru.1 tn puy vnd NrnunJ nnn . prcmmm . . Iaic . an.t .pcu.J n�.c .+mem� . end
<br /> !cl All paymente mentwnsd in Ihe Iu�u precedm� �uMrruum uf Ihi� p�ragraph and all payrnrm� �o f.r m:�Jr unJrr ihr m�ir .r� wrJ hrrch� .hnll hr aJdcJ
<br /> W¢eihrr. and tht uypreQair amoun( thrnu( .hall hr paW hy Ihr Mongaga�r ee� h nwnlh m n .inglr p:�� m¢m i.� M �ppi�rJ h� �hr M�+rlKuger �o thr /olluu .
<br /> inQ ilem+ m the ordCr +e� lorlh '
<br /> IU premwm charyte. undrr �Ar .un«act u( m.urnn:r w�nh Ihr ti��retnn of H.w.mN .ind 1 Thnn Ik � rlopmern ur munth�� . har�r � �n 6ru o( munyaµc
<br /> m.urancr prcmwmi. a. thr ca,r m� y hc �. � ��
<br /> 1111 Woum1 reNs. taat� . u..r+menH . fire and uthrr ha�arJ m.uran.o prcnuum. �/�
<br /> UIII intercat on the naio .ecurrJ h<r<hy : und F011P Ce[1 S �-�y+ �
<br /> U V 1 amurlizyGun of thr pnn.�pal u! .aid nolc
<br /> Any drficiency in Ihr amuum u( an � �uch uygrcg:�te mon�hly pu� mem .h.JL uul�•.. m..Je �;u��d M thr M�nig,iFur pnor to Ihr Jue Jetr o( rha• nr � t w.h
<br /> p�YmenL conelitulr nn r�tm uf Jrfauh unJtr Ih�. murtgag< l�he Murtgngee m:. y :ullr� i e - ' Inte . h.uEc . ' nni t�r r .cerd iy�,�(�A(lur en. h d� �iiar i11 i
<br /> uf each paYmenl murc th:m lificrn I ISldu� � Ip AKJI� t0 CUtCf IFICYN(N CA(�ffl\l' imuhrJ �n handhn4d�lmyucni pa � mem .
<br /> 2 . That if �he uxai uf the pa� ment� mddr by the Hort �aKor under r /� l nf paraRraph Y preea•dink �hsU c• �ct•rJ
<br /> the amuunt o ( paymrnl� acWally mddr by th�• 1lortkaK�•�� for eruund ren1 - . � a��r- and a - ��• -�mi•nt - or in -uram r pm-
<br /> mium� . a� bh�• e •a-e ma� bF�. .wch excetis , if chc luan iti currenc , at the option uf ihr INortgagur, shall t�e credltcd by
<br /> thP 11ortKaKec• on �ub�rquent paymenl - W b�� mede� b� Ihi� 11urlR�aKur. ur m(und�•d to th�� �1urtRaKor If, huN �vrr, th�•
<br /> manthly paymcnt.� maJe by thr M�rtgagur under rl� ) uf p.nraKraph ' precedinK �,-#�all nui hr .ufficiene to pay gr.,wid
<br /> ret�l, taxi•. ;�nd d��e�.ment.. ur in �urxnco prc•mium � , a- thi• i� ar �• mac b�• Hhen the ��me .�hall bt��•om�- du�• and pa� -
<br /> able the�n lhe �1�srt�;a�;or .hall pe� tu the 11orIKaR�•o am :�muun� ne� i• � -un tu ma6�� up tho drfii i ��nr� . on or b�-fon�
<br /> the duu• when payment at �u�•h kround mnt- , tas�� - , a�- �•��mi�nt - nr in -ur:uu��� pmmium � �hull tr� dui� If at an}
<br /> lim�� the 11urlKaKor :hall lendrr tu the 11ur� }�u�e��. in u�•�•ord:uict� Nith tht• pru� i - iun - uf th �• nulE• ���i•ured h�•n� b� .
<br /> (ull payment oC the �+nlire indebtedn���- repn•-��nu•d thi•rehc , thi• �lunka���i� �hul l . in cumpulinK lh�� amuunt u( .w h
<br /> indebtedness , credit tu the acc�wnt uf the Mong:igor all p;�cmrntti m;u1r undrr the- Exu� � � ion. uf ! "/ uf paraKraE�fi L
<br /> hc�reof Nhieh the 11orl�±x�e�� hn- nu� b�•cumi� ublikal��d �n pa� in eh�� .tiocn �tan ol' Iluu � in� and I rban Ik' �E' It�MKrnt
<br /> artd an� belance remainin�! in the fund� accumulated undi•r the pruci �iun - of / l� 1 ot parakraph 'l herr�� f. If ther�•
<br /> -:hall br a defeult undtrr an� uf tha• pro� i > iun = uf thi - murt�a��• rr �ultinK in e pu6lir . elc• uf thv pmmi -r � co� ��r�vf
<br /> hereby , o� if lhe �k�r6KaKee• xcyuire� �ht� pr��pi•rh uthi•rKi -e nfli•r d��fault . th�� 11��rtRe�ei• .hall appl � , at th�� tim�� i� f
<br /> thf� rommeni•em��nl of ..uc•h prucei�dinK� , or al th�� time thi• pruper[y f - u4h�vµ i -i• niyuin•d , lhe balan �r the�n n�main-
<br /> in � in ihr fund� s�•eumulatrd undrr / IJ ut puru�rrph _" prt�c�•din� . a� a i n•dit :�;nin - i thi• smuun � nf prini• ipal Iht•n
<br /> rc�naininK unpaid undc•r �aid nou� , and �hull prupi• rl � ❑dju - t am pa � m�•n[ � Hhiih -hal1 ha � �� br�c•n madt• under r �+ !
<br /> uf pxr:yKraph '2 .
<br /> 3 'i�hat the MunKrgur will paq gruunJ rrm . . ta �r. . a. .r . .mrnt . . Hntrr r;itr. , and u� hrr go� trnment:il �x mum�ip�l
<br /> rhargr+ , fines , ur impo�itionti , fur which pn. � i��un ha� nu� hern rnnde hrreinbrf.�re , nnJ in dr(.� ult ihrreof ihe '�lurtgagrr may
<br /> pay ihr +ame : and that thr Murtg�gur will promptl � Jrli � er ihe uHi� ial re� eip� . � hrrefur tu the M .�ngnErr .
<br /> 5 . The Mongagor u� ill pay aU taxr> which ma � he le� ied upun � hr �1urt�,aEec � + interr.� �n .:iid real r.t.itr and impr.�� r-
<br /> ment+ , and Khich mac hr le � ird upun thi. mun�agr or thr Jeht .riureJ hercM � h� n unl � t�� ihe rvrm th.it �urh i . n��t prnhihii -
<br /> ed by law and onh tu thr C � �ent thn� wch Hill nui makr � hi . luan uwri.�u. l . hu � r �rluding .�ny �nrumr t.� a . tit�tr .�r Federal .
<br /> impusrd un Mortg.igee . anJ will filr the oftiruil rcrrip� . h.�H in� wrh papmrm w ith thr Murt�agre l ' pun � i.d:�ti�m uf Ihi. undrr-
<br /> tukinK , ur if thr M��rlKagar i. pruhihiteJ h�� any laN n��H . �r herea(trr r � � +tin� fr��m pn � in�, thr w h��lr ur an � purhon u( thr aforr -
<br /> aaid iare+ . or upun the renJrring uf an � iourt Jrcrre pruhihiting � he puy mrnt M thr MurtgaEur .0 an � w�h t.i �r, . ��r d ,urh law
<br /> ur drerrr proviJe. that any amuunt �a� paid hc � hr 11orlka�;ur . h:dl hr crediled un thr m��rtE:igr drM , th� �lorlg��rr . h:dl ha � r
<br /> [hr righl lu gnr ninrly day � ' wrinen nulicr !u the nwner u( the mur�Kaged premi �e. . rryuirinE Ihr p:� � mrn� � d � hr mor [�,a�tr
<br /> defit . If such nutice hrgi � rn . �hr +aid drbt ,h:ill hra�mr .fur . p:� � ahlr unJ .ullritihlr :�� th� eipirn � iun uf ,a�iJ ninrt � d:i � .
<br /> h. That 1huuW hr (ail to pa �' nm wm ��r Arrp uny cuvo•n �ini pn�c �drJ fur � n Ihi. '�lunga�r . ihin thr �fi�rtgaErr . :it rt . up .
<br /> tiun , may pay ur perfurm the .nmr . and .� ll r � prnJiture . .0 madr .hall he aJdeJ �u thr �� � n�i�ul ,um � �w in� un Ihr :�hu� r nu�r .
<br /> shallhe +ecurrd hrreh� , and +h:dl he�r intrrc �t at Ihr r.��r ,rt (unh m the .aiJ nu� r . unul p� iJ
<br /> 7. That he herehy a�.ign� , tramfen nnJ �e� * u� rr tu � hr 11url�;a�er . rt� br applird I. �w �rJ thr p:iymeni u( thr note anJ ull
<br /> sum� xcured hrrehy in c�sr ot a def ault in thr prrferm;mu uf an � uf thr �erm . :�nJ runditic�m ��( th„ M��ngngr � �r thr .aid
<br /> nutr, all thr rrntti , revenur� anJ incumr tu br Jeri + eJ frum thr murtKagral prcmi�r . during .urh umr :�. thr murt�.agr inJrhtrJ -
<br /> nn,� tihall remain unpaid ; :�nd �he Murtgagee �hall haar puwer w appuim any ugem ��r agem , i� m:� � x1r��rr fur thr purp.�+r of
<br /> repairing �aid prrmi �r� and uf renting tht .:�me and �allrriing thr rent , . re � rnur, :md incumc . :ind ii mu � pa � c�ut ot .:� i �i in -
<br /> a�mrti all eaprn.e� o( rrpairin�t .a�J prrmi�e+ anJ nrie.oan �ommi�.iom anJ r � prn.r. incurrcd in rrnunE :mJ man:��.in�, thc
<br /> same and af rulleiting rentul � thercfrum : Ihr h:� lance rrmaininE , i( an � . w hr applird � � �Nar� thr di .: hnrFe o( .;uJ m ��rt �.�Fr
<br /> mdchtednr� + .
<br /> B. l�hat he wil� keep Ihr improvrmrm � nuH eai,nn�: ur hrrr;� ftrr rrrrlcJ �� n thr m� +rl}agrJ pr ��prt � � . m�urcd :� � m.� � hr
<br /> rcyuired frum � imr tu � imr hq� �hr MurtgaErr :�g:un�t Iu+. h � �1rr nnJ uihrr h:i�:uJ . . .a.u:� lur. :�nd � � �ntingrnrir. in . urh
<br /> amuunt. and for +uch prri��J . a. m:� � he rryuired h� Ihr �fun ���;rr :md will pa � prurnptl � . uh< n � ur . :�n � premium . ��n . uih
<br /> insurance provitiiun fur paymrnt uf whirh ha, nut hren madr hereint+rfurc All in.uran .c ,hull hr � .,rrird in �umpame � ap-
<br /> pruved b� the Mnngagce �nd thr pulicie , anJ renrHnl � thrreuf .hall I+c� hrld M thr 11 � �rt�;aEre .� nd ha � r nna: hr.1 thrrr�. � I� �.+
<br /> pay5lhle cHau+es" in faaur uf :�nd in fiirm atrept:ihle t�� Ihr ylurt�;.��er In rvent uf lo.. M��rtga�u� w ill �;i . c irnmrdiatr nuurr h�
<br /> mail lo the Murtg�ger , w�ho ma5 rnnke pruuf ��f lu. . if nut mn�e prumptly h� �1un�:nE�,r . aod r;i. h mwi :�nrr ;� �mpan � �� �n -
<br /> rernrd i+ hereby authurizrd and d�rertrd tu makr [�A � IIICN fOf �UCh �U� � a�1fPit � � tu If1P �� ��rlEaFre in �IcaJ . �l In I �lr �� �RI}:i�U1
<br /> and the Mortgagee ���iml} . :, nd thr fn.ur,�nrr prurerd , . ��r ;ui � �art therr � �f . m.� � hc ,,pplir� M ihr \t � �n �.,�c � .�i it � . �pu� � n c � � hci
<br /> �u thr rrduction uf the indrhtednr� � hrreh� �erured �u tu thr re.wr;itii�n i�rrrp;ur .�f Ihc pr �+prrl � d.� m ;,�:rd In a• � rnt � �I tuir : l� �
<br /> .urr ol �hu mortga�te ur u� her tran .trr uf litle tu the mortgagrd proprrt � � n rsUnEw.h�nrnt � �f thr indrhtr� nr � � .r� urrJ hrrrh � .
<br /> nll right . ti[In anJ intrrr+t u( �hr Murl�,agur in nnd w an } imw��ncr p.�lir�e. then �n I.i� rr .h:dl pn. , i� � � hr {�ur. hn.rr � �r �,ran� rr
<br /> 9. That as additional and collateral .acurit � for thr pa� mrnt �rf thr nu�r dr�irihrd . .+ nJ all wm . iu hr�umr due under thi�
<br /> mortgage . [he Mortgagur hereb} a,+i�tn, lu thr M.�rtKagrr ull proli� � , rr . rnuc+ . � uya� � ir + . tlght + nn� hrnr�u. nccrum� t. + ihr
<br /> MorlgaRor under an� anJ all oil and ga� lea�rti yn ,�id premi+e, . ,N ith thr right tu rrrei � e :�nd re�ripl t ��r thc +un�r anJ .ipph
<br /> then� 'tu said indebtedne+s as well before az nfter defnull in the ronditiom .�f Ihi. murt�:��tr . :�nd thr Murt�takrc mn � Jrm :md . .ur �-
<br /> (or and recover any such payment. when dur and p:� yahlr . hut . hall nut he rrywred ,.� t .� Jo fhn :i ,. l�;nmrnt i, n� iermin:�te
<br /> and become null and � uid u��n release of thi+ murtg�ge . . ;,i"
<br /> 10. That thr Maxtgagar will keep ihe bu�ldings u��n �aid prrmur. in guuJ rrp:ur . anJ nrithrr ���mmu n��� �rinm w :� .�r
<br /> upon said I�nd , nor su8er the saW premises Io t+r used fu� any unlawful purpo.r . � ' '% •
<br /> . I1 . Tlut if the premises . cu xny part �hercuf. I+e conclemned under thr puwer uf rminrnt J��rn;un . � �r ,, �yuirrd f� �r :� �+uhlir �"
<br /> use . the damaRes awarded , the proceed� fi�r thr takm�¢ i�f, or the cnnciderntion tur .uih niuw .�d��n . i� � thcr rctrnt � �f ihr tiJl
<br /> amcwm of �ndehtednes upon this mo�tgage nnd the nc�te w hirh it i� given t �+ ucure rrmainin� unp;ud . :ue hrrrM ;n . lgned h� ihe
<br /> MortRagor w dit Mi.rtgaget . and shalf he paid forthwith tu sa�d Mixtgagee iu f+e apphrd hc thr Inttrr uo :�c:ount � �t ihr nr � �
<br /> ma[uring installmentti of such irWebtedness . "
<br /> �
<br />