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ti�� <br />._. � . � <br /> �--�:�=:, :_. -----_�-.�.-�-- <br /> -� -. .._.�__ .._____ �.__...__.---- -- - - . <br /> 78- �OOU21 � <br /> .. t:- <br /> � . . �. - � _ __� <br /> ORD221AlICE I10. 6297 <br /> 1s ordiaane� to vseace a portion of Geozge Strpt ln eh� Cit� ot Gzand ialand, Il�bsaska, <br /> eatditionad upoo th� s�s�rvation of a utility saaaent; md to provids td� stl�etive dat� <br /> b!l�Ot. ' <br /> DE IT OR�AINED BY THE MAYOA AND COUNCIL O! I7tE CIlY OF GRAND ISL1lID, I23SASU: <br /> SLCTLOl1 1. Thac pazt of George Strest, l�iag b�twea the aorch lina of 81oek Thirt�- <br /> !iw (35) and tlu soush lias of Block 'lhisty-two (32), froa ch� sa�t lia� ot Darr wwnw <br /> te tls� w�t�rlr liae of th� ia[ersaction eamprisiag tA� noztdwst�rly lia� of Old Llneoln <br /> Hishvay and t!u wet line of Eo`gi Awau�, all b�in� ia Packer �nd dars'• S�eond Additioa <br /> la tht C1ty of Grand Z�land, Nebraalca, b�, aad herebr is, vaeatsd, pro�lded aed eoadltiooed, <br /> that th� City of Grand Island hereby reserv�s a puplic utilities eas�a�nt u follov�: <br /> - ��blie Utilitr Easemeat <br /> ♦ tsaet of land beinp� the north twenty (20) teet, or 6.096 m�ter�, of •aid � <br /> �sested Ceorge Street, aad a tract of land twalw (12) feat, or 3.658 �st�r�, <br /> la vidth, beinq the south prolongation of the alle� in Elock Thizty-tvo (32) <br /> ot Packer and Bazr's Second Addition in ttu City of Gr�ad Ialand, NebrasJca, <br /> iso� the south Line of said bloek 'fhirty-tvo (32) to th� eenter lia� of said <br /> vatatsd Geozgs Screet, being forty (40) feet, or 12.192 met�r�, in l�ngth; said <br /> esuts of land to be used to coastruet, operate, salntain, s:tend, repair, <br /> srplae�, and remove vater maina. -sanitar7► •evezs, stots severs, manhol�s, <br /> ovsshesd and underground eleetric di�tribution lins• and pole�, t�lsphon� liaas <br /> �ed po lss, and other appurtenancss eonaeeted therewith, in, upoa►, over, und�r- <br /> , ssath, and chrough said easemenc area, togecher vith ch� right of iagre�s and <br /> �tt�s through and aerose the es�ement area for the exercisina ot the riRhtt <br /> h�s�in iranted. No improvemsnts, strueture�, or buildins• of any Iciad viutso- <br /> e�nt ahall be alloved Sn, upon, or oves tlu easeenent herein retain•d, exe�pt <br /> tltat fenes�, sidewalks, and hazdsurfaeed drlvevay� shall be alloved ia said <br /> ass�oent hzrein retained: providad, Ctut whanever ai+y •ueh fence�, sidevallu, <br /> or hardsurfsced drivevay• nesd to be za�owd for the purpose of exereisles <br /> t6� risht� herein Rranted, clu� ahall b� r�aoved and s�placed ac tt+e ucp�na� <br /> � . o! tlu psoperty ovn�r. <br /> - !h� foz�soing portion of vaeated Geors� Str�et, ineludias 'ths aru r�tained tor <br /> _ a publie utility ess�ment, eontains 17,748 •qwra fe�t, os 1,648.7d9 squacs sstsrs, <br /> �er� os less, all as ahovn oe the drawins aurked lzhibit "A" dated 12-22-77 <br /> attsehed hereto aad incorporated herein b� rtfarencs. <br /> SECTI�I 2. Sluc the title to th� str��t vaeated b� Seetien 1 of t�i� ordinaaes slfall <br /> ravsrt to tla� o�ners of lot• os laad� abutti� t!� �aee in propostioa te tb� rasp�etive <br /> orn�ssl+ips ot sueh lot• oe arounds. <br /> �LClI01t 7. lhat thi� ordinanee vith t!u plat is hereb� dlr�et�d to A� f11sd in tha <br /> otlie� of tlse Resitter of Deeds, Hall Count�, Nebra�ka. <br /> SECTION 4. 2Z+is erdinanea shall bs in foze• and cake •ff�et froa �ad aft�r 1ts pass�se <br /> and publleatioa rithin fifteea day� in oee Sssw ot ths Grand Itland Dail� IndepsnQant, <br /> vitDout th� plat, a� psovided by lav. <br /> Eoaet�d :;t C; �,7 ��7 . ' . <br /> ea etft o t e uaci <br /> . - �� �T FOlty <br /> A2TlS?i � ' > <br /> � __ ....r"�' <br /> - ry er <br /> 0 2� 19 <br /> LEGAL DEPARTMENT <br /> �� <br /> 1 <br /> � r <br /> � <br />