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���� � � <br /> 78- uUUU20 <br /> I _ � � _ _ _. ._ _ <br /> O�DZNANCE NO. 6236 <br /> Aa ordinance czsatiag Street Imprwement District No. 946; defining the bouadasiei of <br /> ths d1s[rict; providinF for ths improvement of a etreet within ths dl�trict by paviag, <br /> curbing, guttering, and all ineidencal vork in connectlon therevlth; and ptoofdia`_an ._ <br /> •ffective date of thia ordinance. <br /> EE IT ORDAINED BY SHE MAYOR AND COUR•CZL OF ?IiE Cl2Y OF CRAND ZSLAND, NEBRASYA: <br /> SECZION 1. Stzsec Zmprovement Diatriet No. 946 ia th� City of Grand Isiand, Nebraslca, <br /> !s hereby created. <br /> SECTION 2. The boundaries of the distrlct shall ba a• follov�: <br /> 6�sinning at a point on the southerly line of Mna Street and 191.95 f�et, oz <br /> 38.506 mecers, northeasterly from the junction of the east line of Harrison <br /> Stseet with [he southerly line of Mna Street; thence riasning southerly on a line <br /> foT a dis[ance of 285 feet, or 86.868 meters, more or les., to a point on a line <br /> parallel to and 275 feet, or 83.82 meters, eoutherly of the southerly line of <br /> Aana Street; thence running easc on a 11ne for a distance of 64 feet, or 19.507 <br /> meters, more oz lese, to a poinc on a line parallel co and 300 feet, or 91.44 <br /> msters, soucherly of the soucherly line of Anna Street; thenee running south on <br /> t liae parallel co and 300 feet, or 91.44 meters, easc of the eaat line of Harrisoa <br /> Strest for a distance oF 1,070 feet, or 326.136 mecers, more or leca, to the <br /> aosthvesterly line of Coventry Lane in Normandy Estatea Addi[ion; thenee =unnin6 <br /> Ne�terly on the norcherly line oc Coventry Iane for a diatance of 172 £eet, or <br /> 52.426 meters, more or lees, to a polnt 123.5 feat, or 37_643 meters, east of <br /> � tht east lina of Harriaon Street; thenee running eouth on a line parallel to and <br /> 12�.5 feet, or 37.643 metera, east of the east line of Harrison Streec foz a <br /> � � diacancs of 231.07 feee, or 70.430 meters, to � point 103_5 feet, or 31.547 me[er�, <br /> ^ r- north o: a aouth Line of Normandy Es[at6s Additlon; thence runninR esot on a line <br /> � � pazallel [o and 103.5 feet, or 31.547 meters, north of a aouth line of rormandy <br /> N W Eetatea Addition for s discance of 176.5 feet, or 53.797 me[ers, to a point 3J0 <br /> c� C feet, or 91.44 meter�, sast of the eeat line of Harrison Stzeet; thence runaing <br /> 4J � south on a line pazallel Co and 300 feec, or 41.44 meters, easc of the east line <br /> of Harrison Street for a distance of 553.50 feet, or 168.707 mecera, more or leas, <br /> � to che north line of Church Road; thence runni�R southvesterly on a lias for a <br /> dlatance of 115 feec, or 35.052 met�rs, more or leas, to a point on the south 11ne <br /> oi Church Road and Z00 feec, or 60.96 meters, eas[ of che esat line of Hazriaot+ <br /> • Sts�et; thence zunning south on a 11ne parallel to and 200 feec, os 60.96 metera. <br /> �a�t of the esec line of Harrison Street, alao being parallal to and 200 feet, or <br /> 60.96 metezs, vesc of the vesc line of Spring Road, for a distance of 1,122.62 <br /> f��t, or 342,175 meters, to a point 33 feec, or 10.058 metera, north of the seetioa <br /> 11ne in Stolley Park Rvad; thence runninR vest on a line 33 feet, or 10.058 eee[ers, <br /> aosth of [hw oection line in Scolley Park Rnad for a diecance of 566 feet, or 272.517 <br /> seters, to a poinc 300 feet, or 91.44 metars, veat of the vett line of Harrison <br /> Street; thence running nozch on a Linc parallel co and 300 feet, or 91.44 mecers, <br /> wst of the vest line of Harrison Street for a distance of 385.6 feet, or 117.531 <br /> ■eters, to the south line of Delmar Avenue; [hence running northeasterly on a L:ne <br /> toz a dis�anee of 85 feet, or 25.908 meters, more or less, to a point oa the north <br /> " lin�of Delmar Avenue and 22:..8 feet, or ti8.519 me[ers, veat of the.vest line of <br /> 6arrison Street: [hence runninR nozth on a lin! for a distance of 864 feet, or <br /> 26].347 metezs, rore or Less, co a point on the south line of Barbara Avenue and <br /> 225.05 feet, or o9.595 meters, vesc of [he west line of Hazrison Street; [hence <br /> running vest on the south Line of Harbara Avenue for a dietance of 74.95 feec, or <br /> 22.845 mecers, to a poinc 300 feet, or 91.44 metera, west of [he wesc line of <br /> Aarrisor. Screec; thence runzing north on a lina parzllel to and 300 feec, or 91.44 <br /> metera, ve't of the vest Line of Harrison Street for a diacance of 1352 feet, or <br /> 412.090 mecers, more or lesa, to the southerly line of Oklahoaa Avenue; thence <br /> running northeasterly on che soucherly line of Oklahoma Avinue for a distance of <br /> 168 fee[, or 51.2C6 mecers; thence runninR norcherlv on a line for a distanee of <br /> 362 fee[, or 110.336 mecers, to a point on the aoutherly line of Anna Street and <br /> 265.25 feet, or 90.8�8 metera, vesr_erly on the southerlv line af ?s:na Street from <br /> the ves[ line of Harrison Streec: thence runninq Pasterly on [he- soucherly line of <br /> Anna S`.reec for a distance of 530.5 feet, or 161.696 meters, to the point of <br />, all as shovn on [he plat mark�d Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorp- <br /> � orated herein by reference. <br /> , I <br /> ' I <br /> . 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