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�;; <br />�� <br /> I � <br /> � � <br /> ADCITIONAL PROVISIONS <br /> AEI3TOR WARRANTS AtiD COVENANTS : ( 1 ) That except for the security interest }�'arited }�ereby Debtor is, or to the <br /> extent that this ugreement states that the (7ollateral is to aoquired :ifter the date hereof, w�ill Ue, thc- uwner of the Collateral free frorn <br /> any advene Uen, seauity interest ur encumbrance ; and that Debtor will defend the Cullnterul agaii�st all ilauus u�d demands of all <br /> persons dt uny t'une claiiniug the sa�ne or any interest therein. ( 2 ) Th:�t nu finan� ing statemeut cY�verinq thr CuU:�teral ur w�y pru- <br /> oeeds thereof is vn file in any public offi�.�e and that at the reyue�t of Securecl P:uty, Debtur will juiu with Sec�ued Y:uty in executir�g <br /> one or more finxncinq statements pursu:+nt to thr Nebraska Uni[or rn Cumn�ercial (.'cxir iu furro satisfa�tury to Sr,cured Yarty and <br /> will pay the rost of filiug such financinh state�nent, this security ugreement and any cuutinuatiun ur trrmination stateruc-��t, in all <br /> public offices wF�erever filinq is deemed by Secured Party to be necessary or desirable; and if the ( :ullaterul is att:icl�ed to real estate <br /> prior to the perfection of the security interest granted hereby ur if the Gollateral includes � rups ur uil, q.�s ur uiiuerals tu be extracted <br /> or timber to be cut, Debtor will, uu dernand uf Secured Party, f�unish Secured PurtY with a dis�•[annrr or disolaimers or sutx�rdiri- <br /> ation u�raement si},mec1 bp a❑ perso�u huviug an interest in the real estate, discl:timiu�; ur suburdi�wtiu{; uin� intrrest in tfie <br /> CollateruJ which is pr[or to the interest of Secured Party. ( 3 ) Nut to sell, transfer ur dis�wse uf the Cullaterul, uur taki• the same ur <br /> attempt to take thr same from the ev>unty where kept as abuve staled, without t}ie priix written cunsrnt ut the Secured Yarty. <br /> ( 4 ) To pay all tuxes and assess�ne��ts of �very nature which m:�y be levied �x assessc+d n};:.inst the ('ollatrral. ( 5 ) Not to permit <br /> or allow any adverse lien, security iuterest ur encumbrauce what soever u{wn the Cullatrrul, ancl not tu permit the same to be <br /> attached or replevined. (8 ) 1'hat tl�e Cullateral is in guud cunditiuu, and that hr will st his owv expe�ue, keep t6e same in g�xwd <br /> cwculitiun and from time to [ime, furthwith, repl:ice xnd repair all such p:uts uf t6e Culluleral as niay t�e brukrn, wnrn out ur Jrm- <br /> aged withuut allowing unY lien to be created upon the Cullateral on acc�iuit of such rr.pla.�e�nent ur rep uirs , and that the Sec�ured <br /> Party may ex:unine and ins{k+ck the Collaterul ut any time, K•here��er I«:ated. ( 71 That he will at Firs uwn exprrise keep tl�e <br /> Collxteral ins�ucd in a compuny satisfactory to Seciued Purty � Kxinst loss, as �ppropintr, bq theft, collisiun, fire and rxtended <br /> cYiverage, with lass payable to Seaured Party us its iuterest may apPf'ur, and will � ,n demanS d�liver said pulicies uf i�uivance or <br /> furnish prewf of such insuranc� to Srerured Party. ( 8 ) At its optiuu 5ecured Yarty �na5 Ynx•ure suc•h ii�suranc�e, dise•harge L'3YP5. <br /> liens or secrurity interests or uthrr encumbranoes ut uuy time le �iecl or pl�crd un the Cullnteral uud muy puy for the repair uf any <br /> dainuge or injury to or for the preservation and maintenance of thr (:ullatrral. Ih•btur e�;rrr. to irnnburse 5rcured Yurtp on drrnar�d <br /> for anp payment ur expense incurred by Secured Party pursuant to the foregoing �uthuriza6un . Until su��h reimburseruent , the amount <br /> of uny such payment, with interest xt the rute of �J`b per �umum frum dute of pa} ment iu�til re��.�burwn�rnt, sh:ill be added to the <br /> indebtedness uwed bv llebtor :aid shall be secured by this agreeinrnL ( 9 ) 1'hat hr will nut usr the Cullateral in viulatiun of any <br /> applicable statutr, regulation or ordinance and if any of the Collaterul is mutor vehicles thr �a�ne �� ill nut be rentrd, used in rentxl <br /> service nor in any speed ur endurance cuntest. ( 10 ) llebtor wi❑ pay Secured Purty auy aud all custs uud rzpe nsns incurrcd in <br /> recovering possess�on of the C:ullxterul and iuciured in enforcing this sr.curity agrremrnt, aud tLi• smur shull t�• secured by ttus <br /> security agreement. <br /> LTNTIL DEF.4ULT DeUtor may Iwve �»session oF the Collateral and use it in ;in} luwful inauner nut inconsistr�it with thie <br /> agreement und nut iurunsistunt with any Lwlicy uf ins�unnce thereun, and u�xi default S��currd 1':u�t} �I�all lia� e thr inunediate <br /> right to the possession o( the Collateral. <br /> DEBTOR SHALL BE 1N DF.FAULT under this agreement upon the hrp�niuK uf au�� � �f thi� folluwiug e� �euts ur cvmdit�uns: <br /> ( 1 ) default in the payrnent of perfurman�r of any ubligation, coveuant or lia!'1lity cuutawi�i c�r rrt<rrrral to hrrrin or in any nute <br /> evidencinq the same : ( 2 ) any wurranty , representatiou or statemnnt made or fiu ,ushed tu tie��iurd P.irt� by ur un behalt uE <br /> Debtor proves to have been false in any rnaterial respect when made or furnished , ( 3i uny eveut which results in t6e acc�eleratwn <br /> of the �uaturity of the indebteciness oF llebtor to others under uuy indenture, xgreeineut ur underL�Wng ; f, 4 j luss, theft, dama�e. <br /> destruc[ica�, sele ur enrimibracice w ur of uny oF the Collateral, ur t}� n�akin � ��t aup levy. seizurr ur atta<•}unent therrof or there- <br /> on; ( 5 ) death, dissolution, tenninution uf existeu�e, insohency , business fai�ure, appointment uf a reari� cr ot �ny p:ut of the <br /> property oE, assignrnent for the benrfit of c•reditors by, ur the cu�n menoemrnt of .iuy proi�rediug under arq bankruptc`y or u�wlveracy <br /> ,_ �dM'S by or against llebtor ur any �{uararKor or surety for llebtor. <br /> a <br /> 1 <br /> - UPON SI:CH I>EF'Al' i.T anJ at any time thereuttrr, ur if it de�ems itselt iu.r� we, Scx•iued Y:uty muy drelare rll ObliK- <br /> , ations secvred hereby inunrdiately due uud payuble aud shall huve the remedies ul s +eoumd party under thr '�ebrrsl.a l'' uilorm <br /> �`.; Cornrnerctial Code. Seci�red Party mav rrquire l�rbtor to assem ble thr < :ullnteral und drin rr or mske rt ;,vallablr tu 5rrured Y:irty <br /> at a plrce to be drsiuiated by Sr.curec� Party wMch is redscwably cunveuient tu both pw�tirs. l ' ulexs tf�r Cullatr:rul is ��enshablr �x <br /> threatens to dei-l�ne sptxdily in value ur is uf a typr ctuto�nartly suld oii a re�r�Ktiizeei �nurkrt, Srcwel� Y:iltl' N'III �;ive Uebtur <br /> ,` reawtiable noHcc• uf t}ie time and plucr, of auy public sale thereot or uF the time after wluch auv pri� alr sale ur erq' uthrr intrnc�tl <br /> dispusi6on therof �s tu be made. `I'he reyuire�nents uf rr�sunablr uotirr >hall lx- mrt il +u� h uuti. r is � neiled, Fwst��;e prrpa�d, to <br /> the uddress of Uebtur shown st the brginnin�; of this aKrcir.ment at least fice dav+ txrturr t1�e tin �e ut tF�r salr ur disEwsitlon. <br /> �T. <br /> � i No waiver by Secvred Party uf nny default shall operate as x waiver of any uther default ur ol the s+une drfault on a future <br /> oecasion. The takir�g of this security a�*reement shall not waive or impnir any other ���vity +aid tiecuretii Yarty ma>' huve or here- <br /> ��' after aequ'ue For the pay�uent of the atxrve indebtedness, uur shull thc taking uf xiry such addiuuual ujc��rih wurvr ur unEwir ttus <br /> ' security agrermrnt; bu[ sxid Secureci P:nty �uay rewrt W rny secunty rt may ha� r m the urdrr it �uay drein prupri , und �wtwith- <br /> R stand'u�g rny cv�llateral security, Secured P:u'ty xhall retu�n its nght� ut setuff rKainst llrbt�r . <br /> iti <br /> �'i <br /> All riKhts of Secnu•ed Party hereunder shall inw'e to thr benefit of its sucx�essnrs and assitims; and all promises and duties <br /> ` of llebtor shall bv�d his t�rirs , ezecuturs or administratws or his ur it. suo.v-ssors ur assi�;ns . lt thrrr I�e nwrr than une l�c�bwr, <br /> \a their liabilities 6erewid�er shull be joint and sevecal. <br /> \ <br /> �' This agreement shall becvme effective when it is si��ed by llebtor. <br /> .'�"�' � ;: , <br /> � ' � � <br /> re��� <br />; <br /> � J <br />