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I � <br /> MORTGACk:E: <br /> REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE AVCO FINANCIAL SERVICES oF <br /> 7S � UiIOOO _NEBRASKA INC, <br /> .«o��,. �.�. <br /> MORTGAGOR 5 • 85'�`�89 1212 YfEST SECpND <br /> � �...�.�� .,... ,�,.,.� o�.�..�.M� <br /> POt�SI.L STEVE L OP ODETTA GEIIND ISLpND ,NEBRwSK� <br /> WITNESSET'H,that Mort{asor(s),dooKm�ortga�o, �rant,bargyin,all,und convoy,unto Mort�agee,its w�cesrors or assigns the tollowing dau:ribed Real Ectate <br /> ie the county of ..State of wit: <br /> FR4CTION4L LOT TIiREE {3) AND THE E�STERLY SIX (6) FEET OF <br /> FR�CTIONAL LpT FVIIR (4) IN FRACTZONpL BLOCK ONE (7) 4RNOLD AND ABHOTT�S <br /> ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISZ.A.*ID� NEBRASKA AND COMPLEPg'SIT� FRACTIONAL <br /> LOT THREE (3) 4ND EASTERLY SZX (6) FEET OF B'kACTIONAL IAT FOUR (4) IN <br /> F$�CTIONAL BIACK TWENTY (20) IN l20LLINS ADDI?ION TO THE CIPY OF (;RpND <br /> I3LAND, H�I.L COUNTX, NEBRASKA. <br /> toQether with all buildings rnd improvements ww ot hareafcer emcted themon end all screens,awninYa,shades,stomi sash and blinds,and heating,li/htin`, <br /> umb' � <br /> tnQ,pc, electric, ventilatine,tefrigeraling and air-conditioning eyuipment used in cunnection [herewith,all uf which, for the purpose of[hia mortsa`e, <br /> shall be deemed fxtures and wbject to the lien hereof,and the hereditaments and •appurtenances pertaining lu the property �buve describrA,rnd all strnetc, <br /> Ianee,alkye, puww�es, ways, watern,watrr wurses,rightx,liberties and privileges,whatwrver therrunto bulonging or in anywise yppertaining rnd the revertiun� <br /> and remaindere,a�l of which is reFerred to hereinxfter as the"pmmises". <br /> TU HAVE AND TO HOLD the ybuve�fe�cribed prrmises,u�nh the appurten•rnoes end f'iatures,unto the axid Mor�gxgee,rts wcceswrs and xssy;nc,Corrver,fur <br /> the purpofes and urts herein set for[h, free Crum all rights and benrfits under anJ by virtue of any Homestead k:armption Laws of thr State of Nebryeka <br /> which may be enutnd,which said righta and benefits the sahi Mortgagor does hereby csprcwcly release and waive. <br /> �o�tp�yor al� aesiyne to Mort�ayee xU rents, issues and ptuflts uf said prcmises, reserving [hr ry5ht tu collrct and usr thr same, with or without tak�ng <br /> uion oC Che pramises,dunng continuanc�e uf dntault hrreunder,and during �:ont�nuancr ot such def•eult authorizing Mortgagce to enter upon said premicee <br /> andJor to wliect and enfon:e the same without regard W adeyuacy of any security fur the indebledness hereby aecured by any Irwful meanr includinQ <br /> appointment of e receiver in the name u[any party herrW, and lo apply the sarne less custs and rx{xnars of operatiun and eollection,including reasonable <br /> rttorney's feec,upon rny inlebtednrs�secuted hereby,in su fi urder ns Murtgagrc may drtennme. <br /> EOR THF. PURPOSE OF SECURING: (1) Pedurmence uf each agreemunt of Mortgagur cuntelned hrrein; 1?1 Yaymrnt uf the prinr�pal sum with in�eres�, <br /> ae provided in aceordan�e with the terms and ptovisione u( a Promuwry Nutr/Loan Agreement (hereinnftrt referrad to as "promiesory notK") <br /> a��-- �2 0�-77 — _, hrrewith rarcuted by Mortgagur and peyable w the urdrr of Mortg,�ee, <br /> in the principal cum uf S�_,xnd having thr date uf its final payment due. un 12��eF�77 <br /> ot ae eaetended, deterred or recchedulyd by rcnrwal or mtinnncr; (3� Paymnnt o( nny eddluunal aAvanaxs, w�th intcrest therean, u may hereafter br <br /> k�a�wd bY lyortea�ce W MortQagut in a maximum smn of' $3AOO.W wrthin IU years frum the detr of this Mortgagr:�4� 'fhe pyyment oY any <br /> money tha[ maY be advyn�ed by thr Mortgagee tu Murtgagor for any rcason ur to third purt�es, wrth intere,t thercon,w•hrrr thr amounts xre aclvxnced [o <br /> protect the �ecurity or in arcordance with the corenants of th�s Murtg;�r,I51 Any rencwal, rrl'manring or rc�ension ul swd promiswry notr,ur any othrr <br /> a{rdement w pay which may be wbxtitutrd therofur. <br /> All qymentx mrde by Murtg�y{or on the ubligahun aecured by Ihis Murtgagr .halt br app�eJ in thc (ulluwing oNec <br /> PIRST: Tu the payment of taxes and asarszments that mny br levied anJ axarswd against said prcmiscs,inwrancr prrmiums, rcpwrs,and all other <br /> cluuyex�nd expenYec�reed to be pa�d by the Mortgagur. <br /> SECOND: To the payment of interest due un seid loan. <br /> THIRD: To the pyymrnt of principal. <br /> TO PROTEC'f THf. SF.CURITY HFRk'AF, MORTGAGOR�51 ('OV4.NANTti AND AGRkl�.S: 11) [o kcep sald pmmisra inwreJ agxinst luaa by firr ynd <br /> other hazrrds, c�sualty and contingencies up to !hr full ralue of ufl impwvemrn�s fur the prutuctiun al'Monga�;rr in such mannrr, m w fi nmounts, and <br /> in such eompaaies ns Mortg;agee may from time t.� timr appruvr, and that lusa proceoda Ilrsx raprnse ut cullr.uun) shall, at Mortgagee's optiun, 6e <br /> nppliod on �wid indebteJness, whnther due ur not ur tu Ihr re�tura�iun ul sn�J unpruvrmrnts. In rcent ol lo>s Mortga�ur wdl givr �mmedlnte nuticr by <br /> mail to the Mortgygne, who myy makr proof uf luss if nut m:uir prumptly by Murtg;�or,and rach msurance company concrrnrd is herehy •suthorized anJ <br /> directed ta makn prymenl tbr such loss duectly to the Murt�agre inslraa! uf tu the Mortga�tur. 1_'� 'Pu pay all la�r,and spec�al n.srnsmrnts of anY kind <br /> [hat hxve br.en ur may be kvied ur nssessed upun wid premises,anJ to Jelivrr w Murtgnger,upun reyurtit of tlie Mortg;�c+e,thr ul'ficial receipt shuwinK <br /> pyymrnt oP x11 such wsea and a++rumenta. 131 In thr evrnt uf drfault by M�rtµ:��,r under Paragraph� 1 ur Z nbuvr. Mortgage¢, rt it� optiun, m�y �al <br /> p{aue and keep wch insurun� abuve provrlcd fur in liirce [hruughuut [hr liti• of thn Murtga�e�and pa� thr rea.onnhlr premtum�and rhurgrs thrreli�r: Ib) <br /> F�Y � s7ud tazes and 'essessmenta withnut drlrnuinu�g Ihr vyliJny th rcul; and (r) Pay nu.h lirm auJ all w�h J�sburu•ments>hnll be Srrmed e part uf <br /> . the uWebtednexs securod by thi� Murtgage und shall be im�n�dietelS� due and payablr hy Murtgagur �u Murtgeger. 1.41 T'u kra•p thc bwldinga nnd othe� <br /> improvementc now ezisting or hereaftrr rrected In guod cundiUon and roprh. nut �u .:urnm�t ur sufter uny waste ur any usr ul aaid premisrs runtruy to <br /> restnctiuns of record ur cunUary lo lau, and tu Fxrmit Murtgagee to rn[er a1 nll ra•xsonable Umr, ti�r thc puryo.r of inspe.nng thr prrrtnx.: nut to <br /> remuve or demolich �u�y buiWing thercon: to reswrr promptly and in e guuJ anJ workmsnGke mamirr unp budding. whl.h may br dumaKrJ ur drsuoyrd <br /> 4fefeon. ynd to paY. w�hen due. all cl�ims fur labur prrfurmeJ anJ ma�cri:ala furNsheJ tha�refoc ISI 1-hat hc will po)�. prurnplly [hr inArhirdnri. se.rured <br /> hereby, ynd prrform al! othet ublignuune m full cumpliuncr w�nh thr terma uf z;tid Nrornuwry Nutr and thi�Mong:�r. �bi lha� thr Ume .�1 paymrnt ol' <br /> [hr indtbtednexs hereby wwcurcJ, or of any purtiun t6rrcol,may be e�.tendrd ue rennwrJ,and any� purt�on+ �H the prem�ses herr�n deu�nbad may, withoW <br /> mt►ce. 6e rclea�ed from thr Iien hereof, without rrbxsing or afferting the perwnal �ability ul an�� p�•c.un ur thr prionly of tlua Murtg:4;r;171 That he <br /> doee hercby forever warrrnt and wiU fomver defend thc titlr and pucxssiun therrof against Bic laaful dwm. uf'any rnd all prr.wn., whetsurvrr <br /> IT IS MUTlIAL1.Y AGREBU TNAT: lU If the said Murlgagut �hall (ail ur neglncl to p'sg �naWLnrnU un aaid Pronuxwry ac thr �amr mac herraftrr <br /> become due, or upon drPautt in prrfi�nnrnce of any ngrocnwnt hcicunder,ur upun salc ur other dispo�Inun uf the prem�u+c hy Mor[gagor. or shuuld eny <br /> utum ot proceeding be Fled in anY' court tu enforcr any lirn on.cleim a�Crinst ur in�rre.�l in th�� prrmi.r.. ihrn,�❑ ��um.,.wine hv thr N<.ngag��. e,� the <br /> Mortgagei� under thn \l�rtbay,r .ir unJar :h. Fw�n�aw�� \oic w�wcJ hrteby shal! lmmedistrly bei:umr duc und pryablc al the ��puun ul [he Mortp:�rc. <br /> on tl�e applicytion of the Mor[gagae,or asxignee, or any c�thrr person uhu may br rntitled lu thr munica duu th.rruu. In w.h even� thc Mortg:yq� ahaL <br /> have the riy�t �mmediateiy W furedoae this mortgage by compluint for that purpo�, und such complaint may be prusecutrd to Judgmrnt and exrcution ; <br /> aed wk fo[ tlfe cullection of the whole amount of the indebtednrss and intrres� thrreon, mdudin�e rcawnnble an��mry's (rex, am amount. advancrd <br /> D���t to this mmtgage,costs of' suit, und coxts of sak,it p.�nuitt�d Gy law. <br /> (�.1��nt�opne��es are iwW xt a foroclowre eale,(�Aur[g�or(s�ahyl)be tlable for ar�y deGciency rcm;uning aPter�ele uf thu prem�ses i(permittuil by <br /> E�� appica proceeds of seid sele to the indeb[ednesn wcurui and to the expenses o(f'ureclosurr,including Murtga�,er'a reawn�Mc auornry's � �i� ' <br /> bpl zpenoes if r1loWed by Lw. <br /> x <br /> (3� Morf�yee f6fiU be mbrosatoA to the �en uf any xnd a11 prior eixumbrancea, Iiens or charge� paid a=uf disch�uged fr�n the procxeds of the brn I <br /> i M�e6Y' ��[ed� and evun thwf�h sfid Ptio+ linns htve boen rokared of recurd, the rrpaymen[ uf said indebtednesn sha0 br secureA by wch Gens on the <br /> ' P��af Mid pm�ises af[ected chotaby to the extcnt of such payments,rrspectively, ,,����� <br /> 11) �leeaot. bY t6e reta�� of tdc inWnta�ent or of smd homiseory Note. NatEa�ee ic eiven a�y �.f.�i+.n �uch or�i••n m:�� hr:�cr�i:,.3 x�hcr, th. righ: <br /> ��� +� �y � �+''�W�� +m�l ^o a�xxPtanc�r by lyort�sRee oY payment of irtdebtednrxs in default sh:'ll cunstitutc s x-aiver uf eny defaul� thrn <br /> uristiw�anA cowRinuq�M tI1E1M11FiH erc�ving. <br /> <s) h' ac°°PmL P�Y�a� °t anY sum acc�ued hereby at'ter its due dete,murlgaQee dces n�t wtive its right e�thrr to reyuve prompi paymrn� w�hrn dur � <br /> °�a�°mx w�e�s a�ecvrod o►to declue defaWt tot frilurc x� to pay. (f Mortgagot shy11 prY svd promiswry Not¢at thr timr and in the mannrr aforr.a�d <br /> �nd�1M ablde bY.pomply with.Ynd dulY Porfo+m all tlfe covCnYnts and ry[t�nementx hrrein th�n thic,•..nvey��n�r sh�l!h�•r.ull and ��cid. <br /> ss��»Iwsv.��•��� <br /> L � <br />