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�� i 4 ' i. <br />� f ` r.'rY <br /> a <br />��, • � � <br /> : <br />�, <br /> r MORTGAGORS MAY MAKE PREPAYMENTS Of PRINCIPAL ON ANY INSTALLMENT DUE DA7E. SUCH PREPAYMEN7 SHALL 6E <br /> ppPLIED TO INSTALLMENTS� LAST TO EiECOME DUE UNDER THIS MORTGAGE. PROVIDED THE UNDERSIGNEU ARE NOT IN DEFAULT <br /> � AND ARf THEN THE OWNERS Of THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY, UPON REQUEST OF THE UIVDERSIGNEU, OR EITHER OF THEM, � . � � <br /> PAYEE AGREES TO F�RNISH TO THE UNDERSIGNED 100% OF SUCH PRINCIPAL PREPAVMENTS, UNLESS ADVA�ICEMENT IS PRO• <br /> HIOITED BY THE REGULATIONS OF CHARTERING AND SUPERVISORY AUTHORITIES THEN IN EFFECT. ALL SUCH ADVANCEMENTS . <br /> SHALL BE SECURED BY THIS MORTOAGE IN THE ' SAME MANNER AND EFFECT AS IF NO PREFAYMENTS HAD �EEM MAOE. <br /> THE MOR7'GAGOR FURTHER COVF.NANTS AND AGRE�S : <br /> f � <br /> � . � T6nt the MurIKAK��r will p��y the inde.btedness ns hen•inbeG�re prmide�cl. �. � � � . . . , � <br /> � � That tLe Murtgrigor is lhe ownar uf stiid properl} in fee sin;ple nnd has f:ual right and . L•iw[ul authority to sell and � � � . . <br /> c�im�ey the sarne nnd thnt thie �;mme is fredand denr u[ anY lu'n or oncumbrnnce: iind t6at �Lxlg.iti<rr will �earrant � .+nd detend ihe . . . . <br /> � tiUc t0 SAI(I �C4'fI115PA a�guinst lhe claimx u[ . �+ll � personti whomsoevee . . � . . � . . <br /> � . . . . To pay immediidcly when due and pnyn6le. nll general iuxes, sprcinl taxes. +pecinl e� sessments. H�ater chargas, sewer acn•- . .� , . . . . . . : <br /> � ice oliarges, and other tuxcs and charges ugeinst said pruP�'rtl', nnd all tazes (evit•d on the debi� securtd hereby, . »nd ln � furnish tho . . . . . . . <br /> i��' . Mnrtgagee, upai request: wilh tl�e origiiu�l or duPlicatc rca•ipts llierefor. 7'6e Dlorlf;t�gnr egrrrs lhat there sLtdi bc added �o . . . . . . <br /> ' ench monthly p.iyment �. ri�quire.d hereunder or undrr the evidence of ilebt secured h��reby un amuunl i ,timafed Ly tLe htnrlgagee . . <br /> "to Ltr � su(ficient. to ennble the Atortgage+� to pny. �is lh��y becmn� due, nl� tuxes, assi�ssmenLs, and nimilar chnrf:es upon tha Prem� . . <br /> is�s subJcrt themfo; any de(iciuncY because of the insulticiancy of suclt addilinnal pnymenLs . shall he forlh���ith de.posiled hy thr� : . . . . <br /> � Morlgogor N9({l !he Murtgagec upon demtmd b�� thc Murtgul:�•�•. �� �iY default under thiti punitintph sbnll be d��emrd a default in . : . . <br /> payment . ot tuzes: atisessme•nis. or � similnr chnrtics required hrrrimJer. . � . <br /> ' 'Chr. . blort�;ut;ur a;;rees �h.d thrre shall nlsu be added tu c��rh rnunlhl.v P��S'mi�n4 uf princiP��l .vid inlerrst r�•q��ired heru- � � . � . <br /> under nn amounl eslimated by thr \inriRngec lu hr cufiicirnt to enabl�� the \torh;Ei7�ce tu p:�v. .�4 �t beramr; due, ihr� insurnnm � � : � . <br /> , � premium nn anY insur�nce policy delivrred to ih� 1lortgupce. Any di�licieucy becau�c of Uu� msulficiuncy o[ sud� addi(ionnl paY• � . �. <br /> " ments shall be forlhwith depnsited tn• the 3lorltiugor with ihe �lor�g.�gee upon divnund 6r th�• blortgngae. Am' defnuit under this . . . . <br /> f pnra„raph shnll }x� deem��d u defnull in the P�>'����'nt of inxumnce premiwro. li lhe pnlicp ur pnlicics drpo,ited nra vucb av hum�+- . � � <br /> y owners or ull risk P��licies, und lLe depusits are insufficirnt tu p.q' the ��ntire premfum, the Aturt�;u;;ee m�q• :�pply the deposit tn , . . . . . . . <br /> pny prcmiums on risks rcquired tu be insured by this moriguKe: : � . . . � . _ , <br /> � <br /> 3v' P:�vmentv mada by iti�+ hluri�;nKor under lhe .�bove parnRnphs msy, nt the np�imi nf lhr lforlxa�ce, h� hrld by it and � : � <br /> commin;;ied �+•iih nther such fm�ds ur its own [unds fur ihr puyment of �uch items. and until so applird, ,ueh p.�yvu•nts Nrc horvby . . : <br /> � pl�dgial ns security for th�� � unpuid ht�lauce u[ tlie mnrt �;u�;e indubtedne,.. . � .. , <br /> � 7'u procure, deliver tn. .md maintmn for the henelit of the §turtt:�i�:<<' dunn�; �h�� life n[ lhis m��rt{;�ge ori�;innl P��I�ci�•s and . - � .. <br /> � . <br /> } renewuls lherEmf, delivereS �d least trn days Iw•forc ihr exPiralion of any such policics. iu4unng a�ainvt fire nnd olher insurable . . . . <br /> � haz:�rds: casualGes, nnd coniingencies as the Mortgugec m:�y reqwre. m an atnnunt cyunl lo the , indebtrdness srcured by this <br /> Atorlgnge, und in cumpunies aca•pfablc. tu the �IorttiaRee. �vith lo�� pt�yable cluuse iti ta��or of ��nd in tonn :�ccrDlnble tu the i�lurlga' .. . . . : <br /> � �� � g���. In the event tmy policy is not renewivl on or befure len dnqs uf rts expiraliun. thr hlc�dting�•e muy prucure insurance un the . . . .. <br /> i �. 'r�. improvemerds. p+�y the premium lhere(oq und xuch swn eh:dl becume unmed�alcl5' dui• .�nd p.{yt�ble N�ilh intere�t nt lhr rate set . . . <br /> `' � (orlh in s�iid notu wdil P:�id and shull lx� s!�cured 6y [his mort�;a�e. Pailure on the part o[ the T�lorty;aFor to furnish such r��netvalv � . . . . <br /> t <br /> � as nre herein reqwred nr fi�ilure ln pay �ny �ums udv:u�cod here.under �iudl. at tha nplion u( lhe \lort;;a�;ee. conslilu�r n de(nult . <br /> � nnd�•r the lemis uf this mort�;age. 'fh�• delivrry o[ sucii policir., shall. in thn eer•nt of di�fault. am,titute an avsi�:nmrnt nf the un• . . . . . . <br /> +. �� � �•arm�t premium. �� � � <br /> .4m' nums rrceived by the \torlg;iR�K• Lv reasun n[ loss ur dmm�ge insured a�;t�inst muy be rclainrd by thr JlurtgaGee � �� : . � � <br /> E . . nud applivd loward the payment ot the dcbt her�by s���•ured. �,r. nt the optiun nt the Afoetgngee. sucli sums either wholly or in . . . . . : . <br /> �. . pert mu>• be paid over tn tlie Aiort�agor to Ix u.r.d to rrpuir such huildinga ur to huild ne�e buildint;s in � I�eir placr ur fur any <br /> - nther purpaM� or ubject citisfuc(ory to the A�t��rf�tiPee tvil6nut nHcctina the lirn un l6�• murt�;a�ke fur Ilx• full rnnr�w�t �ei•ured here. . <br /> .��... . . ' by be(nrr such ��aymeni ��v��r i�wk place. � . <br /> 1 � Tu prnmptly mpair. r��,ture or mLuild nnY 6uildin�;, or impruvF��nrnts nn+v r�r hen•�dtcr on tiie prem�s�•s w'hich mav ixr- . <br /> �. cnme d��cnagcd or di•+troycd : tn 6ecp snid pn•mnrs in ;:ix�J condiliun and rrpair and frec Gum any mcchanic'+ hen nr <ilber I�en nr . . . . . <br /> ; � dnim o( lien nul �•xpres5ly �ulwrdint+t��d tu fhc hen h��rruf: nut tu .u(icr or pi'nnil nny unla�� (ul u�e u( ur :�ny nunance In rzi.t nn . . . . <br /> ,: <br /> . . said property nor tu prrtnit wi�.te uu said premise;. nnr t�� dn nny other �ict whernhy thr prop�•rty herrbY �•�mvrved tihall Ix•came , <br /> les. valuablr, nor to dirninish ur impair ils r,duc bV nnl' :��'t nr nmission tu :ici : to cuinplp ��'ilh all rryuin•monis uI law• « itl� rrspect <br /> �.�. � _ tn ihc mor[t;agc�l premis�r .ind the use thrercuL , . . . <br /> 'I'hat shuuld thc pn�mi,ea or ::ny P�rt lhereuf Ix� hiken ur damxKc�l by� rensnn of nn>' public improvemenl or condemnntion . . <br /> ` . procecding. or under the righ( o( eminenl dumain, or in miy other m��nm�r. U�r �(nrtt;:�„ee� sfudl br entitled tu nll inmpenvafions, . <br /> �� ' aaards, and anY ��tl�er D:4'�nen 't ur rrlirf Ihnrr[nr. .ind s6a11 Le entiUcJ. :LL il.s option. �o c��mmencr. :�p�x�rir in �uid prrni�ule � in i4v .. . . <br /> - ��•,vn n:une .my nction or procceding, or lu moke nn+' <�amPromi;e or �ettlameul in cunncctinn with such lakinl; ur danuit;e. :111 such <br /> �. compensulion, nward4. d:vnaK�•�. ri�;ld nf nr.tion :ind PrumcKtv ave herehy :usi�;ned tn th�• �\lortga�:er.. N� hu may. a[tur de�lur_tin� <br /> � � Ihi•rrfmm ull iC; exPen.e:s, releF�se uny rnuni•ys su recei�•eJ by it ur applY the .auu� un anp induUti�dne;; sucived hereby. 'Phr :�torL . <br /> � ga�;or agreeti in exirutc such further :��si�nments ot any comprnw�tiun. r+w:�rd�. dam:��i•�, aud ri�:hls of a<•liun and prnc���•d: a: thc <br /> 1i ' Atorlg�gec nmy require. � <br /> �. <br /> i. <br /> � "I'hut. in cxsr uf (ailure tu per(orm .my u( the cuvenanta 6er�dn. Ihi• \iuricagei• mnY du un Ihe \1ortR:�F��r s br{vJf everythinF . <br /> � �u nwennntrd : tLat the blorlgu�;i�e m;iy :d,u Jc� any act it m�iy' deem nrcrssnry tn protrct. thc licn th�•rooC lhnl ihr \Tnrl�;ngor will <br /> �. � � rrpny upnn demand uny moncys paid or disbuned by thr :�tort�;aR�>�• f��r an}• uf ihe nbuve purpirr,. and wch niunres �„R�•ther with � <br /> ; � , inlere>t lhereon nt lhe rale pro�'ided in �aid note vhall brcume �n muc6 ❑ddiliunal inde6�i�dnea> h�. reby .ecured and m�v hr m- <br /> - clucted in uny drenr foreclosing th�s murlgage nnd Lr pnid uut uf t.he rcril.. ur pruc�reds u( sale of .�id prc�ni 'cs if not utherwise <br /> �, � ptiid: t6at it shall not bc ubli{;a+lory uP,�n the �turleagir to inquire intu I}��. vnlidily o! im�• lien. rncuntl;r�ncr,, ur rimm in nd- <br /> � vnncin� mr>neYs as :�bove uuthunerd. but nnlhin� hereui c�mtnined shall Iw constn�ed a� n-yuvin�: the \turt �:u�:er � o aulvanc�� nny <br /> mnneyx for uny such Putpo�e nni t�� do any act herounder. nnd ihat Tlortgntii�e �h;+ll nnt inivr nny P�•rsunnl linhilih• 6ecmise o( any- . <br /> thinF it may du or nmil tu do hereunder. <br /> � In 1he evenl o( Uw du[nulf by �Iurt�;u�ur in Ihe puyment oI an7 installrncnt . us ri•quired 6y t6r \ute =�•curi�d L�vvby. ar <br /> . � in the pedurtnnncr uf t6e obligulin�i in this moTtgo�;c ur in thc nutr cecured tLereL�-, th:• p1nrt�;aqec shall bo e�ntiiled ln ded.irc the '. <br /> debt s��cured herchy dui� and paYablc ��vitliout rwlice. +�nd lhr llortka�;i�e clmll bc enliUed �it its option. «�ithoul notia�. i�ither 6y �Iself _ I <br /> or by a rrceiver to IX• :1�)�)(�IIIlMI L1Y IIIC l'OUTI lltCfCUI. :lll(I wilhnut rr�;anl lu thi� ndcKauaey a[ anv �ecunty fur thi• ind�•Ltednr�: u�- * � , . <br /> hereby. [o enler upon und tuke>ion of thc mortgaFed premise+. and in colL ct nnJ rca•ive th�� rents is�u�w and prufita , . <br /> ��� thereof. and npply lhe snme. 1�� rnsts ot o�xrtttion and ixdlcrtion. upon the indebtisln� ,ti .•�•currd Uv this morlyn�,e: ,.ud r�•nls, � N <br /> I �� issues and {irofits fxing hereby nsvigned to thr n9ort�a�ce �s (urU�er securily for fhe payment uf :�ll mdi�btrdn�•s, -«. ured hnrrbv. a • <br /> L_ <br /> . " 'Phe Mort�;aFcr shull huve the P��wer tu appoint nny egrut ur ngrnls it m�iv d��sire (or th�• purp���• ut rep:unng s:nd pn•�m n <br /> � . i.ais; renting the wme: collectin',< the n�tds, revenuea und iucomr, and it m:q' P�>' nut o( v:ud inn,m� +II esp�•mr4 incurnvl im m�b <br /> :� ing � �md manugini: the s:�me and of cullecting thc renlul, lhendrum. 'Che balance n•mninm^, if � n> . s6a11 iu• npplii�d towarJ the S� <br />µ� : � di�charge ot the toortgaf�c indrblednctiK: This nssiCnmrut is to fi•rminat�� und Is•enm�• nall ;md c� �id upnn n�l�����r n[ Ihis mnrtF;il;e. . . .. <br />�, <br />� <br />"1` <br />�.: <br />}� �� .. ._ l_ . ... � J <br /> r <br />�. <br />:� <br />�. � <br /> � <br /> f <br />