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<br />� �4� `
<br /> ST:�TE 11F TEBIiASi�_1, Cmnu�� of ....................................................: �
<br />, .;` I•'iled for recard on ................................. 19,.......ttt......,............,........ o'cl��ek ......................., 1I.
<br /> and reeonted in the I)eed ltecord ................................. Puge .............................
<br /> .............................. ..... ................ 13�- ........ ....... ..... .........................
<br /> ....,.. ................. ............. .............. ,.................
<br /> Re�zister uf lleeds Ueput}• liegister of I)ee�is
<br /> : r �
<br /> �b-Q Q 7��?:1 StJRVIV(JRSHI�' VVARRANTY B�EI�
<br /> i
<br /> _ ;
<br /> E, nean and .l�dith A, ldulfe, husUand :ind wif.e each in tiis and her !
<br /> owu riglit and as spouse oi �acli oth��rein called the grautor�cliether one or moro,
<br /> in emisideration of--Six tliousand dol.lars .and no/1U0-- ($6,OOo.Ofl)
<br /> recciti�ed from �rsntces, does graut, Uarr,:;n, scll con�•e+� a:+d co::fi-m ur.to
<br /> h4yron D. Andersen aud Iiay E, Andersen
<br /> as juint tennnCs tcith ri�ht of sureivorship, snd not as tenants in commmi, the follo�cinq described re:�I
<br /> , property in ......lia.l.l ...................... (;ounip.\ebraska:
<br /> Lot 29, CapiCal ileights 7th Subdivi.sion, Hal.l County, Nebraska
<br /> r�ecs;ash:��ocv�;ErvT,�rv �
<br /> _ sYtzr,+.�r;�x
<br /> �
<br /> ,Y,�,.� ,,,,:�r
<br /> xe��.n�F* ��L� )C 191C
<br /> ��.�t:Y�`��
<br /> To hn��e nnd to hold the aboco descrit.ed pr�•.miscs to�ntlicr nith aall tcucmeut�,, herr.ditaments
<br /> and a4�purtenances thereto UelonFing unto t.he graot,ccs aud to thcir as.iuns, nr to the heirs an� ��si�,nis
<br /> of the sur�•icc�r of tl�em forc�•cr.
<br /> :Snd �rantor does hcrchr c��vcnant �cith t.he gravtces and tcith tlieir IIS51(�I18 and �cith thc hr,irs ,
<br /> r ;iad�ssigns of Uic yurr[�or of them thnt grantor is 3a�cfnllr seiseci of tiaid pt•�mises;tLat Lhc}�nrn trce from '
<br /> : �nenmbr.wee except easements and restrictiuns �L' recurd.
<br /> } _
<br /> ihaL grantor haF good rigl�t and t;nctul ai:tl�orit.�• to cnncc� �hc =:unc: and tfiat �r:�utor �carriu�ts cuid �cil!
<br /> � � dcf.eud tlic titic ta .;�id promises a�.aiiist thc la�cfiil cl�tiuis of all porsi�ns �cl��omsocrer. �� � �
<br /> � ]t s thc intrntion of :ill ��;�rtics iiereto tUat i+i tlic e�•cut of tlic deatl� of cithcr of tne Frantces,
<br /> � tlic entiit� ;ci• titir to ifiis roal pruperh• �hnll cost in thc �urci�in�p;rantec.
<br /> `3r Ilated December 20 i4 iG -
<br /> � �:.. x' ,/ ��
<br /> f � , .� ,. .ti._.,.
<br /> , �, !"
<br /> . . .................................................................................... ...t:F:::.........�:,....a..'L..a.................P....... �.:.n.f........._.. � . . .
<br /> ;-. : :'. . �..- . r i ,..:.. .
<br /> ' .................................................................................... ....::.CcY.l.�d.�1Y....'.,5:......i..l...C.:.�.....,........................... . .
<br /> c.
<br /> >'.
<br /> �' ST:�TE OF .........Nebrasica ,111......................................:
<br /> .......... ............................. Conntc of ............�.
<br /> 13efortmc,s notnr�• public yualified for snid rount��, ��crsonall�- c;imi
<br /> E. Dean Wolfe and 7uditlt A. 11�olfe, Husband and 1Yife. cach in his and her
<br /> own ri�ht and as spouse of. each other
<br /> knotivu to me tu be tlie identicnl persoct or t�cr�mis�cha sicued the fore�:oin�± instrnment and acknon-le<iKed .�-:,1 ,
<br /> ihe rxceution tl�crcof to Ur his,Lcr or thcir�olutilar�• :iet nud dacd. �
<br /> t \\'itnc,s mq hand nud 110f.3T181 fiC;l�iltt..................::Qci3r.Las..:.:L................. ..... 19.....:�b...... J . � .'
<br /> �' :-•� ! t 1, .� ;;
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<br /> 'Y.ct!,�, '�o1;+r�- Pnt,ltc
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<br />'� \i�• comtnis.ion�tpires..........�'.,..... ,� ..:.;n�..�A.:,1�M ........ .
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<br />� Fc,rin �._ To br ����i,rorcd h�• \�,hr;�>Ica�t:ur Rar,\ccociatiou s'i�'�tl�vcaiU ir:betw.near�_,:s
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