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<br />��'�; . 7�"t?r 7�;1:i WARRAPITY D�ED
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<br /> ROY V. HESSELGESSER and HEL�N M. FiESSELGESSER, husband and I
<br /> a t•�ife, herein called the Grantors, for and in consideration of the
<br /> sum of One Do11ar and other good and sufficient consideration
<br /> received from Grantee, do grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm
<br /> unto T�D V. F1�SSELGESSER the following described real estate situated
<br /> in Hall County, NebrasY.a:
<br /> AlI our undivided interests in and to
<br /> a tract of land comprising part of Lots 12
<br /> through 20, inclusive, hlehring and Giesenhagen
<br /> Second Subdivision, more particularly described
<br /> as follows: IIeginning at the southeast corner
<br /> of said Lot 12; thence northwesterly along the
<br /> easterly line of said Lots 12 through 20,
<br /> •?`' inclusive, to the intersection with a line thirty
<br /> feet (30') south of and parallel to the north
<br /> � ' line of said Lot 20, thence west along a line
<br /> thirty feet (30') south of and parallel to said ��T`�•��rt7 Rr.,e.�y�;--
<br /> ` ` north line of Lot Twenty (20) a distance of
<br /> ,.':
<br /> 43.92 feet, thence southeasterly along a line
<br /> �ii 42.78 feet, south�aesterly from and parallel t NEERASKA DOCUp�gNTARY
<br /> said easterly line of Lots 12 through 20, STA�iP TAX
<br /> inclusive, to the intersection with the south
<br /> F line of Lot 17., thence easterly along said ���, �,9 j�
<br /> ` south line of Lot 12 a distance of 43.92 feet � s--
<br /> � = to the place of be9inning and containinq 0.95 � BY
<br /> ' ` acres, more or 1ess. ��
<br /> :; �
<br /> TO fiAV� 11ND TO HOLD the premises above described, together
<br /> with all the tenements, hereditaments and apnurtenances thereunto
<br /> I' belonging, unto the said Grantee and to Grantee's heirs and assigns
<br /> forever. nnd �ae hereby covenant �•�ith the said Grantee and with
<br /> ' ' Grantee's heirs and assigns, that we are lawfully seized of said
<br /> Y. ` premises, that tliey are free from encur.thrance and that we have
<br /> good right and lawful authority to sell the same; and �ve hereby
<br /> ' covenant to warrant ar.d defend the title to said premises against
<br /> T the la�aful claims of. all persons whomsoever. :�ncl the said Grantors
<br /> ` hereby relinquish all riqht, title, claim and interest in and to
<br /> ` the above described premises.
<br /> , �-
<br /> � `%i�da of necember 1976.
<br /> Signed this �= y ,
<br /> - ..�
<br /> ,,
<br /> i l '_ ' � �f� �. �
<br /> ;t . - - _„�,��-�;.Y�-
<br /> ..Roy V. Iiesse gesser
<br /> s ��
<br /> + � ��
<br /> r t:�c�� ' - t�Yc:-��.•_�...::.z.'
<br /> tielen :t, Ilesselgesser/
<br /> ST11TE OF ?IEIIR115KA )
<br /> (ss:
<br /> " COUPITY OF H11LL )
<br />, ,
<br /> On this -�`i'''�day of �ecember, 1976, before me, the undersiqned,
<br /> a :lotary Public, duly co:nmissioned and qualified for in said County,
<br />� ; personally came Roy V. Hesselqesser and Ilelen t�i. Iicsselgesser, hushand
<br /> and wife, to ,��e kn��an to be the identical persons o;hose names are
<br /> affixed to the fore9oinq instrument and ackno�aledged the execution
<br /> f ` thereof to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> j�itness my hand and yotarial 5ea1 the day and year last above
<br />� `
<br /> curitten.
<br /> A.J.LUEBS I
<br />�� � � GENERAL NOTARY '.,� � `
<br /> Statu ut Nebmska i /. . ' ;�. ,'.--(�1 , � N
<br />�r. �My CamtMsslon Explres -- i�Ot2ly Pu' 1C� ' � 1
<br /> Juty 6� 1977 + � � y I �
<br />���. +�y commission expires: �ti�,.(L ��• ^ "' 7 ^
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