<br /> , >, ,<.
<br /> a:. � 4i��,
<br /> 3v � � � _ . � . .....+b,',�,�`, .
<br /> ln �n+��,..:... . . . .-..�.. .
<br /> � .
<br /> .�f�., ()���r�?�f�
<br /> te1^ed into this ��7 day oP _���CeH,���. , 1976, by and
<br /> bet�veen IILLLMI)TN KNUTN and DUROTHY E. KNUTH, liusband and
<br /> ,...:F: . . . .
<br /> :..r
<br /> �vife, as Party of the f�irst Part, and LARItY K�UTH and KAREN
<br /> ' KNUTN, husband and wife, as Party ofi the Second Pa��i;.
<br /> WI1'N[SSETH:
<br /> <j�� � IdNE�tEAS, Pat�ty of the First Part is the otvne�° ofs � � �
<br /> i Tite West Nalf of the Northeast Qua�•Cer
<br /> {Id'zPJE'-a) and the West Ilalf af tlie South-
<br /> east QuarCei� (W��SE'-j), of Section One (1),
<br /> in To�vnship Ten (lt�) Yorth, Ctanne Ten
<br /> (10) IJesC of tf�e tith P.M. , Hall Gounty,
<br /> ;Vebraska, containinU 1G8 acres, more or
<br /> i ; less, and
<br /> The Soutlteast Qua�•ter of the Southtvest
<br /> Quarter (SL"'a5ld';) of Ceci:ion i�hi��teen
<br /> � (13), lowns{�ip Ten (10) Nurtli, RdIltJB 1'en
<br /> , (10) West of the Gth P.M„ in Hail County,
<br /> �,; iVe�i-asha, containiny 40 aci•es, more or
<br /> less
<br /> which pr•operty and its appw�tenances ParCy of the First Pa��t
<br /> is tvilliny Co sell imder certain insi.alimetit sales conCracts;
<br /> €'i
<br /> and
<br /> � ',
<br /> WHf_RLAS, Pa��t:y of the Second I'art has a9reed tu
<br /> purchase the pi�opei•Cy, both real and personal , under a Land
<br /> � '
<br /> Sale Gonti•act made and enCered into on a�Ct.�,�.� f,c :� 7 197f,
<br /> a,`:
<br /> ` � and
<br /> IdH[REAS, the Land Sale Contr�ct made and entereJ
<br /> �.'
<br /> into of even dat� herewith, provided that the parties hereto
<br /> would execuCe a Piemorandum of Land 5ale Gontract eentempora-
<br /> � ;.
<br /> " � neously with thr execution of the Land 5ale Conl��act foi• khe
<br /> �: ' purpose of recardiny,
<br /> iJ01J, THfREFORE, in consideraCion of the mutual
<br />'�'''�...- � �'.S'Gii�io�u lir 2iiCii Ci ��ie j3ni"�1t�5 �721'�t0� t�IC fU��0lVllltj JI'r
<br />�-.,
<br />� ` sumarized provisions �f the Land 5ale Contract of even daCe �
<br /> herelviCh includ�d liertin Por recc�rding purposes: �,>`
<br /> 1. 1'lie I'arCy of the rirst f�art ayrees to sell and � �
<br /> t�„ ,_.
<br /> conVey unto I'arty of lhe 5r_cond f�ai�fi, and Party of i.he 5e�uiid � -
<br />�
<br />�.
<br /> �
<br />,�e� .
<br />