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<br />�r-
<br /> yp STATE OP NEBRA$gA, County of ........................................................:
<br />`� Piled for ncord and eutered in Numericnl Indea NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY
<br /> �: ou............................................................ at ................ o'cloek ................ 11., STAMP TAX
<br /> and recorded in Deed Reeord.................:.............Pnge ..............................
<br /> ......................_.................................... s,� ............................................................
<br /> DEC 2 9 1976
<br /> County Clerk or Deputy Couuty Clerk or l�j� ?
<br /> , � Register of Deeds Deputy Register of Dceds $�(..?e,,�..�_'�6Y�l(rr�
<br /> ,
<br /> ��- 0074,9G WARRANTY DEED �ar�r,aFhr a��.�wr�
<br /> STEVEN C. BECKER and JUDY L. DECKER, husband and wife, oaah in his
<br /> and her own rigbt and as spousc� of each other
<br /> , herein called the gcantor whether one or 2:re,
<br /> � in considerntion of FORTY-FIV� THOUSAND FIVE HUNDItED AND NO/100 ($45,900.00�
<br /> � r
<br /> recel�•ed from grnntee, does grnnt, bargain, sell, com•ey nnd confirm unto VERA M, REDDISH
<br /> herein culled the grantee whether one or more, tl�e followiug dcecri6ed renl propertp ia
<br /> �, ':
<br /> ..r t ......................Hall.,.................................... Cauuty, NeUrnska:
<br />�
<br /> ;� ; Lot Eight ($�, in Knickrehm
<br /> Seventh Addition to the City
<br /> 1 o.f Grand Island, Hall County,
<br /> Nobraska.
<br /> 'Ib Lacc. xnd to hold tl�e abo�•e descri6ed premises together tvith nll tenemeuts, Lereditamenta
<br /> r' and ap�>urtennnces thereto Uelouging tmto tUe grantec:u�d to grnutee's heirs nnd ussigns foreti•er.
<br /> <1nQ the grnntor docs LereUy covenavt ��•ith the grantee nnd �ritL grantce's hcirs and nssigne :
<br /> tLat gruntor ie 1nwAilly seised of snid premises; tlint the,y are frec from encuwUrance except for
<br /> eesoments and restrictions of record
<br /> `' thnt gruntor Las good rig6t m�d lu��•ful uutliority to cou�•c}• tl�e sztme; aud thnt grantor wnrrants and will
<br /> � � defend tl�e title to said premises tigainst the latirful claims of nll pereons�chorosoever.
<br /> Dated Doeember '.?��th 19'J6
<br /> ,
<br /> � ` �l�-GG��i. �" .7/�`���
<br /> i , .................................................................................... ................................................................................
<br /> Steven C. Becker
<br /> _ ,
<br /> ,t : / `� � i
<br /> . , .................................................................................... • �c.<Cf� .:c[1:..�.r:.l�n;r:c�r4::�.............................
<br /> :� ; J.�y;�. Heckor
<br /> '' ' g'1'ATI:Or NEBRASKA,Count}•of................Ha11
<br /> _ Beforc me, n notury public qiailified for snid county, personallv cume
<br /> STEVEN C. B�CKER and JUDY L. BECKER, husband and wifv, each in his and I
<br /> her o�an right and as spouse of oach other
<br /> i
<br /> Imo�rn to me tu be thc ide�rtical pervon or persons ��•ho signed the
<br /> foregoii��; instrument nnd aciciio�rledged tlte eaecution tliercof to Uo his, '�.! •�r-�,'•
<br /> lier or their voluntnr}� act und deed. - N ,�
<br />� i �Pitness mp hnnd and tiirinl se �/...e emher...24.�.....t.9.�6............. ' �
<br /> � , � n
<br />. 6Frceatetttr.:anal�ereoq �--� ���='�'� ..,�c.CtG-t��
<br />�'� FOtOtEST J.POLLMD .....................<........i.�.:....�. ... .............. Notnry Yublic �
<br />�:, �lata.�F�AN0.1/00 11c couuuission es ires tcS
<br /> AN /
<br />;� . , p' ... ....:����1 ..��. . �..., 1!���:......
<br />� ...... .... ....
<br />"�; Form 'l.2 Approved by Nebraska Statc B�r AssocluUon FeIWn 6 Wdf W.,Llnedn,Ne6r.
<br /> r;�
<br />��a � �
<br /> ��
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