y'f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � �rj';:. . . � .
<br /> F � � ..�+.� � . � ..
<br /> SP. ��yyrr,, ' . . . . . . . . T ..
<br /> de � �
<br /> � '�' a�r1�93
<br /> CITi OG' CFAPm ISLAN]), Itls'13RASKA, )
<br /> � A t�icipal Corporation, ) -
<br /> )
<br /> `+ Condemner, )
<br /> F x /
<br /> ' } vs. ) R1sP03T Oh' AP?R/1ISEP,S
<br /> Y! " 1/
<br /> '} /
<br /> ' -� MARILYN W, L}1S][, Ifucband and ��ife, )
<br /> Condemnees, )
<br /> '° P1orr on this 30• day of November , 1976, the undersigned, being the duly
<br /> '� appointed, qu�iified, and acting appr�isers in the above entitled matter, du hereby
<br /> �;
<br /> make cind file this reporC, showing unto the Court:
<br /> 't 1. The undersigned were duly �poointed apnraisers in the above entitled m�.i:ter
<br /> ` by "Order Appoin'tin�; Flppraisers" dated �°tober 25 � 197��
<br /> 2. Before enterin� uqon thc ducies as apprai.sers in the abov= entitled matter,
<br /> :i the undersigned duly took and subscribed an oath tio support the Constitutions oi' the
<br /> United States znd the State of i�Tebraske. �1d to fuithf'ully and i�!partially discharge
<br /> `1 their duties as required by ].aw.
<br /> 3. The undersigned appraisers careflilly inspected and viewed the real estate
<br /> hereinafter snecified sought io be iaxen and also :r.y other pro^�r*y nf the Condem.nee
<br /> dam.n�ned �liereby and heard al1 parties interesied therein to ihe amcunt of d�ges wnile
<br /> %� so inspecting and viewing the propert;/. Those apnearin� ,;ere:
<br /> ;_s
<br /> • Asa Christensen, ftichard Lesh, Marilvn Lesh, iiob Itanard, liob 'Chomazin
<br /> ..:'i . . � . .
<br /> and Earl Ahlschwede
<br /> 3 •
<br /> L:IJ
<br /> 4. Said a�praisers did meet on the 3U day of November , 1976, at P .td.,
<br /> to assess the d�m:ges that th� Condernnees sustained by the ialcing of the hereinafter
<br /> t snecified property by the Condemner, at which time said apor,isers did receive evidence
<br /> relative to the amount of dereages that wi11 be sustained by the e:aner of said real
<br /> a; ,,
<br /> estate. Those who appeared were:
<br /> � Asa Christensen, [tichard Lesh, ��iarilyn Lesh, tiob Ranard, I.iob Thomazin,
<br /> 4..
<br /> and Earl Ahlschwede
<br /> 5. 1he umount of d:smages that vri11 be sustained by the Condemnees, as owners oi'
<br /> said real estate, by reason of the tating thereof' by the Condemner oi an easement over
<br /> certain land 1'or the nurnnse o? survcying, constructitig, reconstructing, relocuting,
<br /> in�pectin�, repairing, renlucing, extending, removing, mainiaining, and operatin� therecn
<br /> r
<br /> eleetrieal distributicn and tra.nsmission lines consisting of poles, to;aers, tcwer foun-
<br /> dations, down guys, anchor�, crossarms, insulators, �ires, suaports, and cther ?ixtures
<br /> rsnd equipmetii, :itiu rieces::�:i�y sur�ace ;:�r;cr: a.^.:i spnurt�n�nces t;hereto, is as hereiti3f'ter
<br /> fuund and assessed, the said resl estate bein;; taken described as f'ollows:
<br /> K lwrenty-f'ive (?_5) feet on cithnr side of a line descrioed as bein� fifty-
<br /> nine (59) feet south of and para11e1 �o ihc northerly line oi' the 4outhenst
<br /> Qu�rter of the Southea�t (�uarter (Sl•I,',^E;) of Scction Tnirty-txao (_,2), 'lb��s?-
<br /> „ 'y ship 'iaelve (12) fJorth, Ran�;c Iline O) 'rles't of the 6th P.P1., Iia11 Ccunty, .- ( ,,-�;
<br /> Nebrasku, said irsct contuining 1.5,^. ucres, more or less, :�a sho,rn on the �' . � ''
<br /> '- plat d�ted (��7�76, murked PxhiUit "A" uttnched herei:o and incorporated hcrein N `
<br /> by ref'erence. • �
<br /> L
<br /> � .
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> - � - _
<br /> 4
<br />�' '
<br />�';
<br />` � �� �
<br />`f
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<br />