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<br /> . MORTGACE-�aWng� und�Loan Form—(Dirxl Credlt Plm) 255�1 (3pectaU � � .
<br /> �:.....,., MOR'TGAGE �
<br /> 7b- Q07491 �nNo
<br /> � I rtns trmBtrTUxe,mcae m�. 7&th ��o� December 7ti ' �
<br /> „ls_�by and beMaen
<br /> H: ROBERT LUKKES AND P1ARY J. LUKKES, husband and wife, each In hls and her orm right
<br /> 3 and as spouse of tho o�ther,
<br /> o�_ Ha I I County.Nebra�ka,ai morlqagoc S and Home Fodeml Savinqe und l.oa¢Aeaociatia¢ol Ctand leland.
<br /> .� a mrpomtion organized�and ozinlinq under tho�lawo of Na6raska w�tb!te p:lndpal oltice and placro o!6wfueaa at Grand I�Innd Ne6caska � � . �� � .
<br /> � m.mortqagee: . � � ' � �
<br /> ;
<br /> � WITNESSETH: 7hat eald�mortqagor S!or and in�conefduratlon o!the eum ol� � � � � �
<br /> ;: ', TNIRTY FOUR THOUSAND AND NO/100----------------------------------no��are �S 34�000.00 �
<br /> � the rcrnipt ut�which tn heroby acknowladqed,da_by Iheee prc�onle mohgago and wmmnt unto aaid mortgaqeo,�Ila euccoeaon and � � � . ��
<br /> U:�� � aseignn,loiever,all Ihe lollowing�doxrihed real calata, aituated fn tho coumy ol__ I�a�� � � � . �
<br /> . � �nnd 3taM ol Nebtaeka:to-wih . . . . . . .
<br /> �.� . . . . . . .
<br /> �:. ,
<br /> t �,
<br /> S f$
<br /> � $#
<br /> 4 #
<br /> t
<br /> �S
<br /> R . II
<br /> t
<br /> - T 7o elhec with all hoat(n II htin and I4mbin o ui mant and listuroa.includin sloken and 6umere,acrcom,nwn(n e.etorm wlndow� �
<br /> , Sy 4 9. 9 9. P 9 Q P 9 4 . .
<br /> . �s and doom.and window ahadee or hiindn.uxd on or tn rnnnection wilh said propatty,who�her tho aamo aro now located on naid proparly : � .
<br /> ... �� or ha�eatter placed lLnrem. . . . . ..
<br /> � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD 7HE SAME, logether wi�h ail and etnqular iha lenamenle,horedilamonte tmd appurtoaancce t6ereunto belonq• �
<br /> � !
<br /> ' j$ iuq,ar in anymiee appenaining,forever,and a•armnt�ho�ille to�ho eame. Said mortqagor=hocehy mvenant—with noid mortgageo � ��
<br /> i ,
<br /> f �hal the_L �re a�ihc daltvcry heroot.Ihe law(ul ownec 5 0!Ihe p[emisea abovo mnveyed and doeatbed,and__ `jr�" $
<br /> Sseizud o!a qood and indeteaeiblo eslato ot Inhoritance therein,Irca and ticar ol all oncurahroncee,and Ihat 1 ho�will warrant and
<br /> � t dclend Ihc litle thcreto lorevor againnt lho claima a�id demande ol oll pe�yone whomeoover. �
<br /> � FAOVIDED ALWAYS, and lhis inetrumenl la ezecuted and dellveced io aocurn ihe payment ot lAo aum ot
<br /> :� ^
<br /> �# THIRTY FOUR THOUSAND AND NOJI00----------------------------------i�,�llare Is 3n�000.00 �
<br /> S w11h inteteal thc�ron,loqothet with euch chatqes and advancca os may 6c duo and paya610 to nald mortyaqco undor tha Icrau and
<br /> � }� conditiona oi tho promiasoty note ol even dale hecevrith and eetutud hewby,e:eculed by eaid mortqagor� to naid monqoger.payable � .
<br /> #3 aa oxptenaed in said note,and to eecure the po[lormance of all lha lurmn and conditiom cantained lhe[aln. 7he leeme ol edd note aro
<br /> he�eby inmrporated herein 6y thi�mlorenco. �
<br /> � S
<br /> Il le lhc intention and agraemeut o! Ihc pattfce hrrelo lhal thle mo[tgage ahall aleo noturc any lutute advnncce mvdo to snid
<br /> moilqagors by sdd moriqagee, and any and all indeblednona in uddilion lo qio amount above elalod wh(ch eaid modg¢qo[e,or mty
<br /> - of Ihem. mny owe fo eald modqagee, howcver ovidencod whelhot by nolc.book acmunt or olhcrwl�e. 7hin mottqagc ahall romnin in lull
<br /> �:� lorco and aHect between thc partlee hemro and �haln c�lra.poreoml rop�cecnlallvee, euctcenota and ans�qna. until ait amounts eecurad
<br /> - ! heccunder.lncluding futuro advancee,are paid in lull wi�h Inlereet.
<br /> �' ; Ft{ 7ho mo�lgagor 5 huroby Qeaiqn—to ea(d.mongaqeo all zenin and Inrome adeinq at any ond oll lima� lrom eaid pmpoNy and
<br /> -!' yF hemby awhorize naid mongaqea or in agent at U�aption,upon defuul6 to take charge ot said properly and collect alt rente and lncoma ppp
<br /> jt( therelrom and apply the same!o the paymenl o�lnte[eet,p[incfpal.lneuran[e promiuma,ta:ae,annoeamonla,tepaica or fmp�ovomanle necoa- 5+
<br /> e� ji aary to kcep�aid pmpatly In tenontable mnditbn,or lo othcr tharqee or paymanl�pwvtded!o[horcin or in iho nole horaby eecured. 7hla t$
<br /> 1 rent oselqnment ahail conUnue In lome unHl the unpald balance ol eald noto ie lully pald Tho taking o(poenoaeion hemunder ehal!in no FS
<br /> �� manncr prevont or retard said mortgagce in the toliocuon o!vald numa Uy forecioauro or otherwieo. �
<br /> i�� S �
<br /> ' Tho lailuro o( tho moc�qagoo to aanorl aay ol iu rights hcreunder at any iimo�hall not ba mneUuod ae¢waivcr o!il�righl to aexct
<br /> ' {f tho e¢me at any loter time,and b lmist upoa and enlo:ca�tdtl compllance wlth all Ihe te�mn and proWeiam al eaid nolo and ol thla j
<br /> �� yi{ mottgago. . �
<br />� 2: �� SS
<br /> Y� , { 11 nafd mortqagor S ahall muso la ba pald to eaid mocfqaqon iho ontlre amount due It hoceunder,ond undor�ho te�ms and pmvlaion�
<br /> F ol naid.no�e hoceby�ecured.iatiudinq futuro adrancea,and anp eztenaton�or cenewale Ihereol tn acco�danrn wiih �he lermi and pcoridooi
<br /> � � Ihecool,and 11 eald moriqagor S. �hall mmply alth ail the ptovldoa�of�ald¢ote and o!this moclqayo,than Ihe�e preeenU�hall bo�rofd;
<br /> � t othenvise to remda la full lom and olton,md aaid mortqaqee�nhall�ba entitled to lha poueaelon ot ali ol eaid prapetly.and,may,a�1t�
<br /> � f:- op�fon,doalare the whole o!wtd uota and all Indeblodmu reprc�enled thereby�o be Immediatoly due and poyablo,and may foceclono thia . �
<br />-� � 3 mortqaga ur �uke anp other legal actloa�o pmtxt!ts rlght, and lrom t6e data ol�uch dclault all Itcm�ol tndebtedneu �ecured horcby � °�''
<br /> z , s� ehall draw lntare�t atA}b�pac annum. Apprateomenl vralred. „I N
<br /> II
<br /> {s Thle mortqaga�shall be btndiuq upon and�hall enu�e to tbe b�nelll d the hdn,eaacuton,adminl�tiatan. �ucco�wn and asdqns ol �
<br /> Li$ tha ro�pxtire parHn Deielo. I
<br /> f 1 ;W1�7�3-:Wfh�EOF, wld Moslqaqm �bo�C befeunto ��t the i r haod�tho day and yror Ilf�t abore J h.:
<br />�'�: . . wAu '/ � � /� � � .
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