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<br />�
<br />�=� � STATE OF NEBRA$�A, County oE ........................................
<br />�$��* ................:
<br /> Filed for record and entored in Numerieal Indez
<br /> 4��
<br />� on............................................................ at ................ o'clock NEBf2ASKA OtICUMENTARY
<br /> ................ �i:, STAMP TAX
<br /> and recorded in Deed Record ...............................Page ...,.........................
<br /> ................... sy UEC 28 1976
<br /> ......................_................. .........�..�............y............................
<br /> County Clerk or De u Couut Clerk or �� ��:>� /� /, ,�
<br /> � Register of Deede Deputy Register of Deede g L��py l �a•/._.
<br /> ;
<br /> � ' ' 7b- 00'7��i4 WARRANTY DEED
<br /> :rrarrr��:rr xrr�cx�
<br /> Erich F. Bahr and Etta R. Bahr, hueband and wi*e, each in hie and her
<br /> £
<br /> Owri right and 88 epouee of the OtheT , herein called the grantor whather one or m,�re,
<br /> � in considerntion of ONE DOLLAA� LOVE AND AP'FEC TION�
<br /> a received from grantee, does grunt, bnrgaln, sell, convey uud confirm unto
<br /> ` Erich F. Hehr
<br /> r- ''
<br /> ;. herein called the grautee whether one or more, tLe following described real property in
<br /> °' : ..........................HAl,l................................... County, Nebruska:
<br /> • Northeaat quarter (NE}) of 8eotion Thirty-eiz (36), in To�nship Eleven
<br /> x (11), North, Range Taelve (12), West of the 6th p.M., in Rall Oounty,
<br /> 4 � Nebraeka; eacepting theretrom that part thereof conveyed to the County
<br /> of Hall by quit olaim deede recorded in Book 79, at Page 608, o! �eede,
<br /> a.+ad !n Bco� 159; er p�e �3, oP Doeun, in Lne offioe of the Regieter
<br /> �' ot Deede, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> w s
<br /> North Half oP the Southeaet Quarter (N�BE�) oP 9ection Thirty-one (31),
<br /> in Toanehip Eleven (11�, North, Range Twelve (12), plest of tha 6th P.M.,
<br /> in Hall County, Nebraeka.
<br /> To hu�•e and to hold the above described premises together with sll tenementa, hereditaments
<br /> and appurteuunces tl�ereto belouging unto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> .1nd tlie grantor does hereby co�•enant with the grantee and azth grantee'� heirs and nssigns
<br /> that grantor is ln�s•fully seised of said premisea; that they are free from encumbrnnce BZOCnt eeoond
<br /> � above property eub�eat to a Right of '�ay (lrant to Kansas-Nebraeka Natural
<br /> '- " a�a Company, Ina., reoorded in Book 4, at page 492, in Idisoellaneoue
<br /> �' Reoords, in the Oirice of the Regieter of Deedo, Hall County, Nebraska;
<br /> a that grautor has good right and In�cful ttttthority to convey the same; nnd that grnntor wnrrunts and will
<br /> _ defend tLe title to said premises ngainst the lawful claims of nll persons�vhomsoever.
<br /> n�ted December ��� 1� 7g,
<br /> ; '
<br /> �
<br /> , /�,' /, � ��
<br /> .
<br /> : ..................................................................... ....��.:.��:Sly............�.�:�a:L�...................
<br /> ............... Erioh P`. Bahr
<br /> i: ................................ �' � '
<br /> .................................................... c� /r• c�
<br /> ,: ...........................:................./.��t...,�:�.....................
<br /> Etta R. Bahr
<br /> ' $1'AT1.OF N�SRASIiA,County of................H8111
<br /> ; Before me, u notary public yualified for suid county, personnll}� came
<br /> Erioh F. Bahr and Etta R. Hahr, husband IInd
<br /> pife, eaoh in hie and her oan right and ae
<br /> epouee of the other�
<br /> ]cno�c�n to me to be the identicul person or persons �vho signed thc
<br /> foregoing instrument and ackuon•ledged tlie eaecution thereof to be his, •- �
<br /> k 1 lier ur their voluntnry nct and deed. y�N
<br /> y+., j;� C[HERIUIIOTART.ShbotqeW. ..
<br /> k�
<br /> , CHMLES EUGEHE MOYER jp�tness my hand and r I seal on ......D@aeIDbBl�.?.P�� 1976. � � �
<br /> e :� er�^^�My Comm.Es0.Saol B.1870 .... ................................�.....................
<br />�b ry�,��-� � -
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<br />� . ............ ...........................�....•••••..••..:...... 1VOt81'j' Pllbl]C fQ .
<br />�"� LD
<br /> bIy commission expires ........9�r9 ''
<br />;�:: ............................... . is ............
<br /> ti'! Form 22 Approved by Nebraska State Bar AssoclnYlon Yelton A Wolt W,Lnmin.Nrbr.
<br />` �` � �J
<br />:-'�
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