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<br />�? r...�' �. . . � . . r— .� '
<br />��. �'
<br />�� STATE OF NEB$A,9KA, County of ............................................. .....:
<br /> i� Piled for record and entered in Numerical Index
<br />' on ............................................................nt ................ o'clock ................ Di, NE9RASKA DdCUMENTARY
<br /> .� and recorded in Deed Record...............................Pnge.............................. STAMP 7AX
<br /> f
<br /> ......... .........._.....,..........,................... BY ..........,.... U�C 28 1976
<br /> ... .............................................
<br /> County Clerlc or Deputy Couuty Clerk or
<br /> Register of Deeda Deputp Re�ieter oF Deeds > �S �
<br /> r_ , , BY :- ,
<br /> 76- O Q 7 4 8 3 WARRANTY DEED
<br /> gr�TetaExr nrr�cHsm,
<br /> Erioh Bahr and Etta Bahr, husband and �1fe, eaah in hie and her own '
<br /> right end $e epOtlBe Of the Of:her , hereia called tha grantor whether one or mlre�
<br /> in consideration of �NE DOLLAR, L�VE AND AFFEC TION�
<br /> �: ` received from grantee, does grunt, bargain, sell, convey nnd confirm unto
<br /> Erioh F. Bahr
<br /> herein enlled the grantee «�hether one or morc, the following deseribed real property in
<br /> F ............................��,�................................ County, Nebrneka:
<br /> � Lote Five �s) and 83x (s), ia 31ock Four (4>, sn tne FSrst A�ditiott or �
<br /> S9ood River, Nebraska, exoept the 8outherly Forty-five (4b) feet of esid
<br /> � Lote F'ive (5) and Bix (6) previously deeded by Y4arrantq Deod dated and
<br /> : aoknopledged on July 14, 1967, filed on July 17, 1967, and reoorded in
<br /> Book 164, at Page 190, of Deede, in the OPfioe of the Regieter o!' Desrls,
<br /> Ha11 County, Nebraeka.
<br /> r;
<br /> t.
<br /> �' ; To l�a�•e uvd to hold the above described premises together �vith all tenements, hereditaments
<br /> �` and nppurtenances t6ereto belom m �nto the
<br /> �, 6� � grnntec and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> _ 1�id tl�e grnntor does hereby covenant witL the grantee and �vith grantee's heirs and assigne
<br /> � t}tat grantor is lnwfully seised of said premises; thnt they are free from encumbrnnce @xpBpt 811b�BOt
<br /> _ to eaaements, covenants and restrietione oS reoord;
<br /> + that grantor lias good right and lau�fui authority to convey tLe same; and that gruntor warrnnts and will
<br /> defend the title to said premises ngainst thc lawful elaims of all peraons tichomsoever.
<br /> Dated Deoember ;,��� 19 76.
<br /> ;; �
<br /> $ '.��.��I�"� •
<br /> :; ....................................................................................
<br /> ��2„•
<br /> ..........................v...... .N...............................
<br /> ^ Erioh Bahr
<br /> ;� .................................................................................... ..................��..���.��7,,.,,4L„�✓1................................
<br /> � Etta Bahr
<br /> ?- STATE OI'rEBRASIi�1,County of...............H811
<br /> Before tne, a notnry public qunlified for said cotmt��, personally came
<br /> Erich Buhr and Etta Bahr, hueband and Aife,
<br /> eaah in his and her onn right and ae epouse
<br /> of the other,
<br /> l;no�rn to me to be the identicnl person or persous who signed the .. i
<br /> foregoing instrument and acknowledged the eaecution thereof to be his, �r
<br /> l�er or their voluntary act und deed. *N�>-
<br /> �( � GEMERALIIOTARY.Stsyp�Nlpt, j�eS4 my Land and notnri• sea on......Deeember .2g�� 1978 � ''.
<br /> ' I � CHARIFS EtR3ENE MOY6i ................................�................••.... ^ .,
<br />,�,. .. �=���M�Comt�.E[0.6pt 8.iB7➢ ..
<br /> � :
<br /> — ......................... .................... .............�ATotary Public �
<br />�; 9.d.jy •
<br />� ai}- commission ezpires ................................................. 19 ............
<br />�-� Form 2.2 Appro�•ed by Nebr¢skn State Bar Assoclation F�iw�e w,u m.,un,dn,x�n�.
<br />�g � I
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