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<br /> 4'� ��7��2
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<br /> �
<br /> ;� The under�igned _.......Valhalla Ranch.._Int_..,.n.Nebrasi;a.corPgration
<br /> --�----....._..........- .......... .. . . ...........__................__..
<br /> , .......................__....._.._........._..........._......_..---_...._-------.._.._...---.............._.----..........._..__.........__.._._.._..._......--------.....,
<br /> ,.
<br /> , o........;X&nd,Island.___.....----.._.., Coun o �iall ............_.._,.State a..._Nebrasl:a.._...._.„
<br /> , j .... ry f..._..�._...._................ �
<br /> hr.rein¢fter rejerred to as zh¢Monaa,qor, dn ixereby se2i, mmrtgage and eor.vey zo:1ATiO1�IAL
<br /> �,
<br /> hereinafter referred to as the Mortgagee,the fotloavircg described property,siivazed in ihe Councy
<br /> ;.
<br /> �` of...__.__.FIaJ.I........_.--,Stcte of-•--:y.�bS.a�kA._,xo wit:
<br /> f,
<br /> The East Half of the ?lortheast Quarter {E�;�v'E�1 nf Section Aine (9), Tacroshin
<br /> Eleven {11) North, Itange Ten (10) kiest nt t;�e tith P.?:., Hall Covnry, Nebraska,
<br /> escept that pnrtion of the real estate described as beginning ut a point on
<br /> the east llne of said Northesst Quarter (RTF';,), said pnint being �15.S5 feet '
<br /> north of the sautheast corner of szi3 Northeast Quarter {1'E'-t); thencc n�rtherlY
<br /> along the east line of said Northeast Quarter (NG;z), :. listanc� nf 726.24 feet;
<br /> thence deflecLing left £s�O32°30" and rennir.g kesterlv, a distance nf 500.0 .eet; '
<br /> thence southerlr �srallel to the enst line of sa3d N�.—theast Qnarter {h?�+s), a
<br /> dist:,.�ce af 72b.24 .fect; t`.:ez�e deflecting left 3S°32'30" and running e:tsterlv,
<br /> a distance of 600.0 feet to the place of beginning and containing i0.00 acres
<br /> more or less.
<br /> r.
<br /> �.ogether mish ali buildings,i�n�arove�nents,l-stures ar appurtrnances and¢ll ease�ru-nu.
<br /> An.3 it i;. �w;�her m.uzualt� covencnted and agrced bu cad betxc+eerz r.he perries iaereta,zhai
<br /> all_qus and c2ect;ic firturer,ra@iators, heatcrs,enqines end �nnchineru, boillrs, ren,qes, elcvators
<br /> crzd rnoZors, hazh Zubs, s.nl;.�, u+ater closets, bas:r.c,pipes,j¢ucets aTcd othcr p?u�m.bing an.d h.e¢t-
<br /> �'�J F-iures, �m.irrors, TnanzeLs, re�rigerarn.g �l¢nz and ice baxes,coo)ci.rto a;�parntus cria ca�rze-
<br /> ncnce�,window screen.s, cnd such otjtE7 .,700CI6 G7Ld chatLeTs cnd aersonal :rraperz� cs ttre ev�r
<br /> jurn.i,hed b;y a 2and2�rd in 2ettircg ar operatin,q an unjurnished bui2dinp, �:m.ilar ao the one nozc
<br /> or herecfter on said premises,which are ar shali he attached xo said bu•itd'.ng by nait�, scrr�s.
<br /> - bolu,�ipe cornecLinns,Tnasanr?a, ar in any nther-manncr,are cnd�hnil be deemed zo be f•sLurea
<br /> and an accesaian xo zhe jreehoid and a part of ah.e rca7.�v cc beru+eer. the �¢rsies hrreto. Lheir
<br /> keirt, erecutnrs, ¢dTrcini:LrnLOrs, ryccccscnra o* as..rigns, cnri cli persons claim'.ng hy, th;ouoh or
<br /> under xhcrnc,anrI�h¢'11 bn. deeTned to be c �nrtion o:the secu^ty t�r ah�eadebtedness hrein mcen-
<br /> tiorzed and to be c.�rvcred bg th:s�mor,^.p¢qc.
<br /> � TO FI4�'E 9�dD TO i?OLD clt oj said �roperty tinro said IUlortg¢,qee,forercr, Q.nd jor the
<br /> 7:oES h�o.� ,o j:.i . .., oo.....,� .`.h ••••;�c••�•�•�..:.^,t ' �r n t,nr.r; rn; nd .1eE°'_ , _^3 :�E
<br /> C _ �.. CJ L t£ b__�— C:� C^R.._.P__
<br /> ;,. . � ��o. "' ^ ..,.. e»n ..
<br /> % :wgtment of.ihe �ri�cia¢l an3 inte:esi n� th.e �n.ate �eruted cn3 deIivc;ed concur,ently herewixh
<br /> ,.:-
<br />� - by zhe Mor2r�agor to tfae Mo��,qagce in the cum of.�te_..fiur.�,.4eti..a'�rrnLS.-:ihn.us�tnm..:i.�tu...�lwa���..�i:;ceca
<br /> :� Dotlara.becr.n_4 interest onIxf from..___Pecemher 27. ---......_._------------- 19_._i5..., ci the -cte ef
<br /> •............ ..... .
<br /> 3 Ei ht o,p i.. , the iirst e�ay of e2ch q rter commencing
<br /> -- -..€_...--�----.._..._.............__per cent ( ._.__. �o)pa�able mz...A�u:i�.l ..---........------.__._.......,��...���-::nd
<br /> cont'uuia on 2he, st a�y f c�4 succeedizg Tulp, ber e�. Jan�arv,.and �prit
<br /> cas t�erea�er xhe� �rnccpc� an� ucteresi of z�re �iote payab�c
<br /> '� .� --c�,�.:
<br /> " . Da Detaand •••----..._.�+'X�.,�..__._.._-----•---� �`-�� ���
<br /> � .......___._._---_....__.__..____�.._.—_—....--•------_.................._.._.
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<br /> ...,�........, � ';
<br /> �` � , , __..._--••---........_.._-----•-.--..,�.__..�the sunlicatinn of sain�ay-
<br /> �
<br />�'. mrn:s so p7incipal cnd intcmest to be in accardanee z.�i.th thE tc;Yrcc of said note. -
<br /> i f�
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