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<br />�:.
<br />�, STAT� OF N�BRASICA, County of ....................................................: NkBRASKA DOGUf�4ENTARY �
<br />�;' , . STAN�P TAX
<br />; 1�'iled for record un ................................. 19....,...at.......................,..., o��1ock ....................... DI.
<br />� DEC 28 1976
<br />, and recordod iu the llced Record ................................. Pagc .............................
<br /> � � �', `�
<br /> .................................................................:................. 13y ...........,...................,............... ...,.�..`>...........�y..c:.:.1 y`-
<br /> � itegistur of ll�odn Depuiy Iicgister �
<br />. , r _ �
<br /> 76- 00'74"1J . r�URVIVORSHIY WAPRANTY BEEI311ATcr�,en�� h��A��+�
<br /> ELMER METTENBRINK and NORMA METTENaRINK, husband and wife, each in his
<br /> 4 oWn t'ight d11d d5 SpoUse of the other--, herein enlled tl�e grnntor n�hother oae or mom,
<br /> f ,ncous;deTationof One Dollar---(a1.00) and other good and valua6le
<br /> rcceived from grnntecs, docs grnnt, Lnrgnin, sell con��ey aud cotifirm unto . {
<br /> � WILLIAM McLELLAN III and DORIS �4cLELLAN , husband and wife, +
<br /> 1
<br /> kus joint tennnts witli rigLt ot survivorsl�ip, �md uut as tennnts in couiu�on, tlir, follotving daecribed raul �
<br /> i:
<br /> r
<br /> proporty in ...................H.d.�..l................................... Couut��,1eLrnsku: ;
<br /> � A Tract of land located in the bJest Half of the Southeast Quarter of the
<br /> ° Southwest Quarter (l�J�$E;dSW�d) of Section Eleven (11) , Townsip Eleven (11 )
<br /> � North, Range Ten (10) , West of the 6th P.M. , Hall County, Nebraska, more
<br /> particularly described as follows: Deginning at a point on the East line
<br /> ? of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter (W`�SEq) , 178.£3 feet North from
<br /> r the Southeast corner of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of the
<br /> Southwest Quarter (W'ZSE1;SW4) ; thence northerly and parallel to the East
<br /> line of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter
<br /> ? `' (WZSE3;SW3.;) a distance of 178.83 feet; thence in a �•�esterly direction
<br /> and parallel to the South line of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter
<br /> ; of the Southwest Quarter (IJ��SExsSW>.;) a distance of 298.67 feet; thence
<br /> southerly a distance of 178.83 feet; thence easterly a distance of 298.67
<br /> ` feet to the point of beginning and containing one (1) acre more or less.
<br /> To linve nnd to Lold thc ubu�ro described premises [o�et.her �ritl� rill tenemcitts, Lcreditnuicn4v
<br /> un1 appurtennvices Lhereto UclouRin{� uuto tLc �riuitees uncl to tlicir ussigus, ur to Lho Lcirn nnd ussi��u�
<br /> of lhc sm•vivor of tlicm forr,rcr.
<br /> And gruntor docs lierehp coecu�iut n•ith the gruntecs and tivitL tveir nssigna nnd titi�ith the heirv �
<br /> � and assigns of tLc surci�'or of them thnt griurtor is la�cfull��mised oP s;tid premisca;that they nrc irec from
<br /> { eucumbrunce, except of record.
<br /> �'
<br /> e
<br /> that grantor h�te good right nnd lu�cful �wthority tu cu�n•e}• thc �nwc; �uid ihat �i;wtor �cnrrnnis :ind ti�itl
<br /> defeud the title to said premises uRainsl the Ixx�ful claims nf❑II �ursnns «Luinsoccer.
<br /> Tt is tlu iutentimi uf all parties hcrclo t1uiL in the aveut of thc dentlt of citLer of Lue hrtuitcea,
<br />' k` Ihc c�itirc i'cc titic tu thi� r��nl pnqn•rt�• whall crnt in tlic survicinR�;r;intcc.
<br /> s yt
<br /> '' ' n:�t�d December �/— 1s76
<br /> : ,�
<br /> �' `� �1 �,� �
<br /> / (M�a�l �
<br /> :: .................................................................................... ..�.:r'r?l-��..
<br /> � _..�'fin'e"r Nfet'�"enb'rinky........1..................
<br /> , , , _�_ .
<br /> - .................................................................................... f:: �= �i..-��r:�� - .l' .<���,:!�':�.c:.:t.:�.::.<.-.�.r,(��
<br /> •S. ' Y.... �' . ..
<br /> '> �"`�N�or'ma Mette�rib'rink �
<br /> �
<br /> ' sT�1TL OF ............N.��iRAS.K.A........................... Co����c�� or .......HALL....................................,....:
<br /> �
<br /> ' 33efore me, n notnry public qualified Cor auid co�uu}•, persou�illy cumc
<br /> ELMER METTENBRINK and PIORMA t4ETTENBRINK, husband and wife, each in his
<br /> own right and as spouse of the other,
<br /> known to me to Ue tlic identicul person or peryun�;���ho siRned tlie foregoing instrtunent nnd nckuot�9ed�;ed ,,�� . � � ,
<br /> thn execution thereof to bc Lis,hcr or tl�cir voluntury :�cL aud deed. , r
<br /> . '� . ,. . N �.'.
<br />�' : I \Vitness my hand uud notnrinl acnl on.............�-P.'!S.�ri..�!�!J...�./........, 19..��r,...... I • S�C
<br />� .`. �1NQpIRY• irpa �M►wd. ...............c�. .�`:�:!i�.,.f.`.���f.�...�.........., not.try Pnblir. �`` :: ; i
<br /> 0#'mAAR HUH
<br />�' MrCot�o�.6�.Auu2�1979 1Iy� commistiiun expires... �`.�f.4��-�— . �.� �
<br /> �� is
<br />. ........... ........................
<br /> ... .. ....... ,
<br />�� � � �
<br /> l'nrm •1.2 '1'0 l�� �ipproced Ly� ���bra�ka 56atc liur.lssoriuliou Fr�tun h Hbl!CN..Idnroln.Nebr.
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