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<br />�,s- w y»' N�HR�A'S!(rArlM CT�ENTARY
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<br /> ,i %v- U0��~1V ��,;ln. ��.G ai� ����
<br /> �dAnItAN'L'Y DL"L'D ��„v �"_8y`: '..�t:;f'w-
<br /> � CLYDE D. CLAUS�N and WTLLME'TTA L. CI.AUSI3N, husband and
<br /> �aife, herein called the Grantors, in consideration oi the sum of
<br /> from Grantee, does graut, Uar�;ain, sell, convey and confirm unto
<br /> the Grantee, Che tollowinp, deScriUed real property in tia11 County,
<br /> ti '
<br /> NeUraska:
<br /> A part of the South�aest 2uarter of the Southeast QuaLter (SWL,5C�)
<br /> of Section lourteen (14), 'lownship Lleven (11), Noreh, Range 10,
<br /> Idest of the 6th P.I�t. , in Ilall County, Nebraska, more particularlY
<br /> descriUed as follows:
<br /> Beginning at a point on Lhe west line of said 5outheasC Quarter
<br /> �` (SL•'N), said point beiug Five Hundred EiKhty Nine and Five 'fenths
<br /> (589.5) feet north of the southwest corner oi sais 5outheast
<br /> Quarter (SC�); Lhence northeriy alonp, the �vest line of said South-
<br /> east- Quarter (5L4), a distance ot- Seven liundred Twenty Seven and
<br /> � Ninety rive Hundredths (727.95) Leet, ta the norehwesC corner of
<br /> said 5outhwest Quarter oi Che 5outheast Quarter (SIJ�SIi 4) ; t:lience
<br /> easterly along tlie 11O1t�1 L1riC of said Southsoest Q��arter of the
<br /> , Southeast QuarLer (SlJv5�4) , a distance o[ 1'our Hundred Seventy
<br /> I�our (474.0) Leet; �hence southerly paraLlel L-o the �oesC lin� oL-
<br /> said Southeast Quarter (SL•''�) , n distance of One 7'housand One
<br /> Hundred rour and Seventy I'our Hundredths (1,1U4.74) feet l-o a
<br /> h� point Two Hundred lourteen cind I'ive Tenths (7_14.5) feet north oi-
<br /> the south line of said Southeast Quarter (5I:'i;), a clis�ance of '1'wo
<br /> ; 1{undred Porty Tluee (243.0) feeC, to a point Two Hundred Thirty
<br /> ' One (231.0) Leet east of the west line oL said 5outheast Quarter
<br /> y (5E�); L-hence northerly parallei to L-he west line of said SouthcasC
<br /> Quarter (5G 4), a distance of 'lhree 1lundred Seventy I�ive (375.0)
<br /> feet; �hence westerly parallel to L-he south line of said 5outh-
<br /> east Qu.irter (SL�;), a disl-ance of 7'�vo 1{undred Thir.L-�� One ('L31.0)
<br /> teet to the place of beginning and contairiing lU.U2'L �icres more
<br /> �s or less.
<br /> t 7'0 f�VG AND TO IiOLD Llte above described �>Lemises together
<br /> with all tenements, hereditaments and appurLenances L'I1C1(?t0 be-
<br /> longing unto the grantee and lo grantee's heirs and assip,ns f:orever.
<br /> `" And the GranCor docs hereUy covenanl wieh Che Grailtee
<br /> �
<br /> and with GranCee's heirs and assigns thaL- Grantor is lawiully
<br /> seized oL- said prunises; thut tticy are frce £rom encumbrnnce;
<br /> [ : Chat Grantor has �ood riFhL- and lawi'u1 authorit,y �o convey the c�me;
<br /> and t-hat Grantor warranCs and wi11 deiend the title to said
<br /> premises a�;ainst thc lawiul claitns ol ail persons �ohomsoever.
<br /> - DA'rI:D Lhis ���' day of l-�,,ti(;_f 197 6,
<br /> � � �_ �
<br /> ✓ ,
<br /> : � , �.
<br />� � _ � � -.,�; `�,� � �.,�.I r_y-�.G-���
<br /> , :�Cl.ydc ll Cl:�usc.n
<br />� __ 'l LC'C'rn_I'C,l,t ��� C/�(„St_.t�JE'+��
<br /> ldillmetlz L. Clausen
<br /> STATG Ol NCBI2ASKA, COUNTY OF 11ALL) SS. -,� ;_< �
<br />� .�,
<br /> L nef-ore me u notary puUlic qualified tor :;aid county, person- � j.
<br /> ally came Clyde D. Clausen and Willmetta E. Clausen, hueband and �
<br />' wife, and acknowledged L-he executian of Che foregoing to Ue L-heir r. ''
<br />� voluntnry act nd deed. Witness my hand nnd notariai seal Chis �
<br />� .2R}�. day of .r,,.�'� --- 1976. �
<br />���. H i^i�^t R. HftOWNELL 1 � <<� �� �
<br />�%�� � .li�Ci ALN'TARY ���� �'� . �..i.�_• •-.�•..�.�. .
<br /> •.'"• ` r '��,.�' � Notc�ry 1'ubl.ic
<br /> r � ��.. _. ' `I�Ir..�l�c.�i I ,��:9 . �
<br /> � 1
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