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<br /> �230—Agreement for Warranfp Deed — 'rno tt�tt��nn Ocnural Supply lioue�, 1.in�o�n,��i�r.^ .
<br /> �� j THIS AGRIiEDfEA'T, niade tlris 11 th day o/ September ,tg '76 ,Gelzoccri I ;
<br /> ��: � �� � �
<br /> ; � Da-Lg Realty and Insurance, Inc. Acreinaftcr re/arred to
<br /> � i
<br /> ; � � as d�e se!!er(s)and William D. and Virgie C. Hoselton i
<br /> �� � � � �
<br /> � � � � hereivafter re/erred fo as the Gug�er(s) � r
<br /> � � IVITNESSE'lH, lhnl t6e seller(s) liereGy rover�nat(s) naJ nyrec(s) tkat if U�e Guyer(s) sliall first mahe tke pa) �
<br /> ; j �nrent(s) mid Qerfo�m t{ie covenants hrreirmjler a��entioned on Ais,hcr or tkcir¢nrt fo Ue�na de an d per(orrue d,the sa�d i
<br /> ;� ;; �seller(s) a�ree(s) to furriish 6i�yer(s) a gonJ nad sujjciant abstrnct of lille sl�onnnq a merchm�tnGle title of record to � ��
<br /> the¢remises Hereinnfter desn�ibed in U�e sclfer(s),and xuill convey and assure to thr Liryer(s),r,�f��s�»�rr�,cleur of nII � ,;
<br /> s � � enct�ni6rances exrcpt ns stnted herrin, Ly good a�iJ suffrcient {Nm�rnnty Dred, the follo.ving lot, pirce nnd pm•cel of I
<br /> " f�roii��d,to wif: � '
<br /> . , � .
<br /> r; � ' _ t . ....
<br /> } That paxt of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE'tdE�) of Section Three �3),
<br /> ,r� in Township.Ten (10) North, Range Ten (10), West of the 6th P. M., in Hall County, Nebraeka, "
<br /> >t�. more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on the West line of said }
<br /> � SE�NE'� of said Section 3, which point of beginning is 640 feet South of the Northwest corner,
<br /> of the SFhNF� of said Section 3, running thence North along and upon the West line of the ,
<br /> �, SE�LNE'� of said Section 3, a distance of 640 feet to the Northwest corner of said SE!cNEsc of `
<br /> � said Section 3, running thence East along and upon the North line of the SE'-r,NE'-t of said �,
<br /> Section3 a diatance of 905 feet, running thence Southwesterly in a straight line to the �
<br /> %�� .
<br /> � point of beginning and containing 6.6483 acres a little more or less; also a perpetual ,
<br /> `� , easement and right of way over and upon a strip of ground 16 feet in width along the North F
<br /> ` r
<br /> :, line o£ the SE'xNF�'L of said Section 3, connecting the tract hereinbefore described to the
<br /> � ' county road running along the East side of the SFhNF%t of said Section 3 for the purpoae of �
<br /> ,fl� ingreas and egress to eaid triangular tract hereinbefore conveyed. �
<br /> � AND
<br /> '� A tract of land containing 1.119 acres more or less, located in the Southeast Quarter of the ;
<br /> � Northeaet Quarter (SE'�NE� ) in Section3, Township 10 North, Range 10, West of the 6th P. M. �
<br /> �' and particularly deacribed in plat recorded in Book 20, at page 257, of Miscellaneoua Records
<br /> �ti� - 1n the Office of the Regiater of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska. ``
<br /> �� AND (
<br /> � A tract of land in the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE3tNE'2) of Section 3, �
<br /> , Towriship 10 North, Range 10, West of the 6th P. M., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly
<br /> {� ' described as, followa: Beginning at the Northeaet corner of said SE`�NF}t, thence Westerly
<br /> � along and upon the North line of said SE`tiNF�4 a distance of 417.2 feet; thence in a South- �
<br /> weeterly direction dietance of 113.1 feet, said poin[ being 65 feet sourh of the North line
<br /> ,� of`s'aid SFkNFJ4; thence Easterly and parallel to the North line of said SE'�tNE'�, a dietance
<br /> '� ,: of 509.45 feet to a point on the East line of said SF}bNE'� a distance of 65 feet; to a point
<br /> ;� of Beginning and containing 0.68 acres more or less of which 0.05 acres more or leas is
<br /> �': preaently occupied by county road right of-way.
<br /> ` -..; ..; .. -: _ _ _
<br /> ._ _ _q-.
<br /> :,��
<br /> 3 �
<br /> y ! ¢vitii iitferest af thc rntc o( 70 pcs cent per mimni�, payable as above on fGc evhole siun reniain-
<br /> ing(rono fir��e to ti�r�c�v�ruid,m�d to pa,y all gerierul taxcs, tliat�say 6e Irgolly fe;;icd or iai¢oscd nQon said land,sub- �
<br /> '' 1 seque�t to the year 7 0�1�']6 mtd all instat!»tents o(special assesrntrnts ar sQecia!ta.res betonting dtre or dclinqttent I
<br /> n ', aftcr 10�1�'J6 and kcep the buildiiigs in a rcasonable s�atc of repnir and insured i
<br /> i for$ 1 5,000.00 . If tltcre is a�uortgagc an said property,pa)'interest and tazes thereon ud to '
<br /> . /t is nnd:�ally agreed fhat thne is an esse�ttia! clemenl in tAis contract. Ar�d it is Jurfl�rs �
<br /> j agsccd N:at i� case of any Qayuter�f, rit6cr of �rincipa! or infrscst, rcmnining iutraid for a space of 3� days i '
<br /> ' ' aftcr the smnc sl�al! becoine due, miJ in cuse o/ /uilure o/ tGe snid Luper(s) to �nake any of tlte aioresaiJ hayuten�s i
<br /> � provided for Gcrcin or the Grcach o(any othcr covcnnnt confaincd kcrcin,fl:is corihact sliall a!thc nption a�tl:e sr!(rr(s), ;
<br /> � be forfcited and delennineJ and the but'cr(sj shall /orfcit a!! �+aymrnts madc herrundcr, and snch Qayv�ents sGall Le i
<br /> � �ctained Ly the sellcr(sJ as liquiduted dav�a�es ir� /ufl satisfactio�o/a!!d�e dn�na�es sustained,and sc!!er(s) slmll havr i
<br /> j fkc ngl�t to rc-cntcr m�d ml.�e possession of saict ¢ren:iscs a(oresaid.
<br /> T/mt this ogrecment shall not be assi�ned 6�� Luycr(s) ".(TIIIOtIt�IIC.crittcr� conaeut o�the scller(s).
<br /> i
<br /> � It is �ridiml[y agreed Umt nl! tde rovennnls and agrcanenfs liercin contained shall a�.rtntd fo and be oG(igato�y
<br /> � u(�ori thc heirs, exrcutors, ndu�iaistrators and assr�ru of lhc tcspcctivc¢arfics '�"tl U n
<br /> IN iVITNESS If/HE2EOF, fhe harfirs oj tGese prescnlslmve hcreiu�to srf U�e'v hn»ds and scals the day and yea� i s+t
<br /> i first abovc writtc�s. ./-// . t,/ �
<br /> L ' Sir�ned,sca(rd n�id delivered in fhe¢rescnce a( �,'��:���:�::','-.;�.� !" C"�-L���i-(L. S.) , *J
<br />„ ; ; �`il�Y�iam D. If�ose ' n --.../..�.�.. .. P• ,.
<br /> ....
<br /> r �� .�-./_L�L•�t{�_._ 1�-:.. �d-CLLt.FZ"��j�...(L. S.) ' ' � `
<br /> , ; Virgie . I�osel� on " �
<br />,� I .............................................. . ...................................... ......... — ...._._y .. ..... .
<br /> .... !/�
<br /> � �{� _J » �.r�� -
<br /> .,.... ......'�
<br /> �---.-... . . .,-.. ... ..( .
<br />. ...................... .................. .��....��.C.'..�.. ................. ..... %�.7-
<br /> . . ..... .
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