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<br />�' KNOW ALL M�N 3'i 1'Il�S� PRES�NTS,�That ccrtain lndcriturc of Mortgagc
<br />� �' �
<br /> ' now owned by thc undersigned, PLYMOUTII MOI2 TGAG� SLR V10E GOMPANY, a �
<br /> : f corporation undcr the laws of the State of Delawarc, which Mortgage is dated the ' �
<br /> _ 30th day of April , 19 �b , made and executed by '
<br /> - . �
<br /> DAVID 7, BEUKENHORST and 7ANICE K, BEUI<ENHORST as Mortgagors, �
<br /> to PLYMOUTF-I MORTGAGL: SERVIGE COMPANY, as Mortgagec, which Mortgage ,
<br /> was filed and entered of record in the office of the Clerlc and Recorder in the County �
<br /> of Hall State of Nebraska on tlie lOth day of
<br /> i�' �
<br /> May , 19 76 , in Document No. 7G - 002438 �
<br /> ' ie with tlie indebtedness thereUy secured, fully paid, satisfied and discharged, and �
<br /> this Satisfaction shall be filed ot record as provided Uy la�v, and shall discharge the
<br /> � t Mortgage herein mentioned in full; and the Recorder of said instrument in said
<br /> County.and State is hereby authorized, directed and empowered to mark the records
<br /> in his office that said Mortgage has been fully satisfied and discharged of record;
<br /> > % and the undersigned corporation, as owner and holder of said h4ortgabe, is authorized
<br /> �: ; to execute this Satisfaction and Release and Discharge of Mortgage Lien.
<br /> corporation under the laws of the State of Delaware, has caused these presents to be.
<br /> ;_ , executed in its corporate name by its V ice President and its corporate
<br /> seal to be hereby affixed this 15thday of December, 197 6.
<br /> �IL-. Pre�eace of:
<br /> � . � .
<br /> `Yl�%�� ���.� c��t�.J BY: . 1�r C%�,�,�,�-�--_- �� �
<br /> � �_^
<br /> °' Marda J. La��son B.M. Cummins
<br /> , , Vice President _
<br /> �, � � ).
<br /> ����/���tnr.t� (CORPORAT'E SEALj ., '
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<br /> Michael7. Clement • . - �
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<br /> � STATE OI' COLORADO ) , ' � � � ' ��`�y,'�. '
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<br /> COUNTY OF �L PASO )
<br /> On this 15th day oi December, 1976 before me, a Notary Public within
<br /> and for said County and State, personally appearcd B,M. Cummins to mc
<br /> personally known, who Ucing by me duly sworn, did say that Deponent is the Vice
<br /> President of PL1ivSOUTH MORTGAG� S�RVICL COMl'ANY, the Corporation
<br /> named in the foregoing instrttmcnt; ttiat thc scal affixed to said instrumcnt is tlic
<br /> corporate seal of said corporation; that said insirumciit �vas signed and sealed inbchalf
<br /> of said corporation by authority of its ]3oard ot Dircctors; and said B,M. Cummins
<br /> ac]cno�vledfied said instrumcnt to bc the frec act and deed of said corporation.
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