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<br />'ci.� �"y I .
<br />'' ` STAT� OF NEBRASKA, Couuty of .......................
<br />� _ Piled for record on ................................. 19........iit............................ u'clocic ........................ Dt.
<br /> and recorded in the Dced ltecord ................................. 1'ugu .............................
<br /> ; .................................................................................... 73y ...........................,..............................,......................,....,...
<br /> �" ]tegiator of llcede Ilepi�ty liegister o[ l)ueda �
<br /> "' ���� ��7��`� SURVIVORSHIP WAF�RANTY DEED
<br /> GERALD L. M1'sYGR Ar�d ANN K. MEYER, hus6and t+nd wifu, uach in k�is and her
<br /> own right and as spouse of' eaah other,hereiu enlled iho grnntor�c6ether one or more,
<br /> �:} :
<br /> in conaidcration of FOURTEEN TIiOUSAND NIN� HUNDRED AND NO/10� ($14,900.00�
<br /> rcceived trom grantces, doeu grunt, 6argttiu, scll conveti- nnd conJ'irm unto GLORGE FA55 and
<br /> biARIE E. FASS, husband and wife '
<br /> as joint tenunta �vith rigl�t of sur�•ivorship, and uoi us tennuts in commmi, khe fallowing deearibed renl
<br /> ,: _�_
<br /> "' • a 11 NEE'FASKN DOCL(iiEPlTARY �
<br /> ; ; property m .................1�............................................ Caunt>�.NeUruskii: STP.NiP TAX
<br /> r. ';
<br /> - DEC 2 7 19T6
<br /> : ,,
<br /> �
<br /> i �, � lr,S(J py �./��Y�C � �
<br /> -�-
<br /> Lots Four (4� and Fivo (5�, in Block Liaht , in
<br /> West Park AddiCion to tho City of Grand Taland,
<br /> � Hall County, Nobrask�.
<br /> `S!'RTE(�:iENT A17ACNQ!
<br /> f To hm�c and to Lold tho aUo�•e described �rremises ta�ether witli nll icuemcutx, hereditnmenLv
<br /> " and appuriennnces thcreto Uelonging w�to tLc �rnntces :md to tlicir nseigus, or to thc Leirs uud x�siRns
<br /> of the aurvivor of thea� fnrecer.
<br /> 4 And grnntor daes hereb,y co��cnunt �cit.h the gr,urtcca nud n•itli their ussigvs nud with thc heire
<br /> nnd nsyigns of t)m surci�•or of tLem tliat qrnntor is lm��fully scised of said prc.misce;th�t tLcy ar�t frec fro�u
<br /> - encumbrunee cxc�pt for easomonts and rostrictions of record
<br /> = ihat grnntor Lne good riglit nnd t�nviul autLority to cum•c}• thc vrunc; nnd lLat �;rnntor «�itrr.mts uud �ciU
<br /> def�nd tLc titlo to snid prcmises ngaiust the Intaful cluims ol'all p��rsuus �cLomsoc�.cr
<br /> { It is ttic iute�itiuu uf rill parties heretu tUnt iu the event of thc dcutii ut citl�er of the �;r.ui���es,
<br /> y
<br /> t: . Ilw enlire fee tiLlc to Wis rciil pruperly� uhall �•cxt in thc snrvi�inR�r�uitce.
<br /> , ,,,
<br /> , � Dnted .��-�= 19 )
<br /> l ,, _,
<br /> r : L/.:'�.lL i `.� ��ly.�. ,
<br /> ` .......................................... ................................. . .......+..:.:.........................
<br /> .
<br /> Gorald L:��ri�yor
<br />� ' I C�'is�t K. 7Yuc
<br /> ....................................................'.............................. ....iln'n'..,��.�...x1'ay e"r'.......`�/..{::��.......................
<br /> I :
<br /> � ' STATL OF .......Pennsylvania.................. Cuuntp of tiuntin�don................•
<br /> IIcforc iva,a notnry puUlic qualificd for snid cuuuty, personally ciuuc GERALD L. P113Yi:R.'nnd
<br /> ANN K. MEYER, huaband and wife, e�ach in his and her owri ri�ht nrid„ne•
<br /> � spouso of eac:-; othor ��
<br /> �;, .
<br /> , - .;;�, ;�.:
<br /> ��, . ,
<br /> known to me to Ue tha identicul person or pernons who eigucd the foregoinR iustrument nnd dcknuytle}i!;eil, '�-•� " '
<br /> the esccution thcreof to be Lis,Lcr or their vo ry nct aud decd. �'' •�•�, ' N f
<br /> ; � S1 �y `�
<br /> ;?: _ . , ,
<br /> �
<br /> �Vitness my hand and notnrial se on i . ....�:.::�•.�.....;;�(.ti.............. ............ 19................ � �'
<br />� .. �
<br /> h
<br />� ... .���2...v.�..�.f..... ....... � Nukiry Pnblic �
<br /> ............ �
<br />'*�" L�lL'tf:i�:'L:... �y.�,..Jr.V,!G �
<br /> , � ,._ .
<br /> 1fy cammibsion oxpires ,, .........19........:.....:
<br />� ......,....ti.......................�...
<br />';� Porm •1.'L 'Po Lc upprored Uy \ebraskn Siidc R�ir:\ssnciatim� Nelt�nlv:tYdtOutl.lnain.Ne4n .',T -
<br /> � �� �
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<br />