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<br /> n�oR7cnce
<br /> ' n�okTcnc�t,o,�r�o.� 22,475
<br /> KNOWALL2�1C•NBYTHESCYRESENTS:That qrdenee Y. Dittman, a single person
<br /> f
<br /> htortgagur,wtiether one or more,in consideration oC Ihe sum oE
<br /> ' Fourteen Thousand dild NO��OO----------------------'----"""--'–'–"–"'–'-----�--DOLLARS
<br /> �'
<br /> loaned to syd mongagor by The F.quitable F�uilding and Luan Aswciation uf Grand tsland,NebrasAa,Atortgagee,upon shares of stock of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No.L 22�Q]5 ,do hereby grant,cunvey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATtON the(ollowing . , � .
<br /> Jescribed real estate,situa[ed in Hall County,Nebraska:
<br /> � _; �
<br /> :
<br /> j ':
<br /> ,
<br /> tugather wi�h all the tenements,hereditameNs and appunenances thereunto belonging,including attaclted flour co��erings,all window screens, .
<br /> - window shades,blinds,storm windo�rs,awnin@s,hen�ing,air cond�tionine,and plwnbing vnd water equipment and accessories there[o,pumps,stoves, . . . �
<br /> .�',� refrigrrators,and uther fixwres and eyuipment no��•or hereafte�attaclted to or used in cunnection wi�h said real estate. � . � �
<br /> f And whereas the ssid murtgagor hns agreed and does hereby agree tlixt [he murtgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assessmenls levied or � � � . �
<br /> ��`- assassed upon aid premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby before the same shall becumr detinquent;to fumish appruved �. . �
<br /> r:- insurance upon thr buifdings un said premises situated in die sum ot S �4�QQQ.QQ payable to said ASSOCIATION end to deliver to said � � .
<br /> ASSOCIATION ihe pulicies fur said insurance;and not�o commit or pennit any waste on or about said premiser, � � .
<br /> In caie of default in the per(urmance of any uf the terms and condi�ions oC this murtgage or the bond secured hereby,[he mort�gee shafl, � � �
<br /> on demanJ,be entitled to immediate posxssion of the mor�gaged premises and tht mur�gagor heceby assigns, twnsfers and scts uver to the �
<br /> �. mort¢agee all the rents,revenues and income to be derieed from the mortgagad premises during such time as the rtortgage indebtedness shall remain
<br /> unpaid;and the mortgagee shall have the pox�er to appuint any agcnt ur agen[s it may desire fur the purpose of tepairing said premises and renting � � . .
<br /> the same and collecting the rents,rcvenues and income,and it may pay out of said income all e�penses of repairing said premises and necessary
<br /> cummissions and expenses incurred in renting and managing thr s�me and uf collecting rentafs there(rum:[he balance rtmaining,if any,ro be � � � �
<br /> � applied toe��rd tl�e discharge of�aid moncage indebtedness;these riuhis of the mungagee may be exerciud at any time during the existence of such
<br /> '� default,irzespective of any�zmpurap�waiver of the wme.
<br /> �:
<br /> Thcu Prescnts,huwever,are upon the Cundition,Tha�if the�aid 1lurtcagor shall repac s�id loan on or before die maturity o(said shares by �
<br /> � payment;pay monthly ro said ASSOCIATIO\o(the sum specified in the E3ond secured hereby as unerest and principal on said loan,on or before �
<br /> the Twrmieth day uf each and every munth.until said luan�s�ully paid;pay all taxes and assessmems leried against said premises and un this�fur[gage
<br /> d �nd tl�e U�md securcd thereby,before delinyuency:furnish appruved insurance upon thr buildines thereon in the sum of S �4,0��.�� papabla �� �
<br /> �:� to said ASSOCI:�TIO\:repay to said:1SSOCIATION upun dem�nd all muney ba it p�id fur sucL taxes,assessmen�s and insurance with interest at � :
<br /> i- . the masimum legal r�ie therron(rom date of psyment all oi���hich�tortgagor hereby�grers to pay;peemit nu wasto on said premises:keep and comply �
<br /> �sith all the agreements and conditions of ihz i3ond ibr S �4,OOO.00 ihis day gicen by�he said:�tortgagor to said ASSOCIAT(Ov,and comply
<br /> wi�h all the reyuircmrnts uf the Cunstitution and By-Laws o(said ASSO('IATI01;then these presents shall become null and void,otheru•ise ihey
<br /> ' sh�ll rcmain in(ull force and may bc furerluxd at the optiun uf thc said ASSOCIATION afte� iailure for three monihs tu make any o(said
<br /> p�yments or be three mon�hs in arrears in m�king said munthly payments,ur to keep�nd comply w�ith the agreemen[s and cunditions uC said Bond;
<br /> �, and 1lortgagur ag�ees tu have a receiver appuinted Corth�vith in sudi toreclosure proceedings.
<br /> ' 1(there is any change in uwnenhip ol the re�l estate murtgaged hecein,by sale ur uthenvise,ihen the entire remiining indebledness hereby
<br /> securrd shall,�t the uption ol The Equitable t3uilding and Loan Association o(Grand lsl:u�d,Kebraska,become immediately due nnd payable without
<br /> � further notice,xnd the amuunt cemaining due under s�id bund,and any mher bond for any additional ad�ances made thereunder,shall,Crom the
<br /> � date of excrcise of s:iid option,bear interest at thr m�ximum legal r:�tc,and this mortgaee may then be foreclosed to satisfy the amount due on said
<br /> � bond,and any other bond for additional ad�ances,tugedier with a11 sums paid by said'Ihe Equit:�ble Building and Loan Association ut Grand Island,
<br /> � � \ebraska for insurance,taxes and assessments,and�bstracting extension charges,with interest thereon,from date of payment at the maximum
<br /> ' legal�atc. �
<br /> As p�uvidcd in the Bond secured hereby,e�hile this mungage mmains in ettece the mortr,agee may hereafter adrsnce additional sums to the
<br /> R�" makers of said Bond,lheir�uigns nr succeswrs in interest,which sums shall be within the se vrity o(tlus mortgage the samz es the funds originally
<br /> xcurcd thereby,the total amount uf principal debt not to exceed at any time the uriginal amount nf this mortgage.
<br /> /��a�ea�n�5 22nd d:�}•oE December ,�.i>.,i��'6
<br /> A� � �/��"/ �/^'�/r y� � ✓ �/
<br /> 7 f Uenee i ;•m�a �
<br /> STATE OF NLB(L1SKA.�ss. On ihis ?_2nd day o( December 19 �6 ,bcforc ma,
<br /> COUhTY OF HALL ...;,�
<br /> the undersiened,a Notary Public in and for said County,person�lly came . ., -
<br />� - N�'
<br /> Ardenee Y,��7 ttiltdq, a s i ngl e person who j 5 persunally known to �
<br /> � me to be the�denpcSLpe$\on� w�hose nama j 5 aCtired to the above instmment as moricagur snd S hE s��t�.`'i�C �
<br />�� � acknowtedged ifie syd inst�ment to be her �•oluntary act and deed. � � �
<br />� � � � -�-� -117TMESSIny hand and Notacul Seal the date aComsaid. th �. �
<br />�: , ^
<br />� . . � '���C6mmii:ion expires� �1 .4 1 9 �`. �'�•';'I �� .
<br />�,� . • � �\,\v ' " -" Nu[an•Public
<br /> s.is5t xr'.' , . ..
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