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<br /> 7b- f1074`�� �
<br /> �., �. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE �
<br />� ��
<br /> Oscar C. Ptueller and Grace L'. hiueller, husband und wife, each in his and her own �
<br /> right and as snouse of the other, j
<br /> h, � oE the Couaty of Hall and State of Nebraska i�erelnafter culled the party of tl�e first part,in � 1 _
<br /> � conslderation of Twentv 'Phousand Fifteen and no/lOQ - - - - - - - - - - ($20,Q15.00) nOLLARS, f
<br /> Grand isl.and Tr�ist Com any �
<br /> in hand paid,do hereby grant,bnrgain,aell and convey unto tha:Iiem�t�etak8avta�c�tffismsa�tnnnol�4zyn�g�aael{=
<br /> f ' Grand Islend,Nebraska,and its successors nnd assigas,the following real estate,situated in 1{all
<br /> ' ' County,State of �ebraskte , , towlt =
<br /> S
<br /> The Basterly Forty feet (40') of Lot Seven (7) in Bl.ock Thirty-One (31), and the
<br /> � 4de5terly Forty feet (40') of Lot Nine (9) in Block Thirty-Qne (31), and All oE Lot �ight
<br /> (8) in Block 't'hirty-One (31), All bein� i.n Charles Wasmer�s Addition to [he City of
<br /> � Grand Island, Flall County, Nebrc�ska.
<br /> ! ALSO: Lot Five (5) in Block fbar (4) in Cl.aussen Country View Subdivision to the CiCy �
<br /> � of Grand Tsland, Hall County, t4ebraska. 4
<br /> � ; �
<br /> hereun o belon in and all covenants in all the title deeds running with said real estate, �
<br /> '' , Together with all the appurtenances t t g g, � .
<br /> and all the rents,Issues and prafits arlsing t6erefrom after default ln performance of any covenant or condition herein con- p"
<br /> �� tuined;and warrants the title thereto perfect and clear except for th:s mort;age. ,
<br /> During the time thIs mortgage is in force the mortgagors agree: �>S `
<br /> � First. To pay all taxes and special assessments levied against said premises, including all taxes and assessments levied t
<br /> upon this mortgage,or the debt secured by this mortgage. k�
<br /> (, Second. To keep all Luildin s thereon insuted ngainst loss by fire,lightning and tornado in some company,to be ap• y�` ,
<br /> a Grand Is�and Lrust Companv
<br /> � proved by the said� ' i�iF��fBd4S2{�fit�6�ikiEO€of Grand Island in the sum of ins rable val.ue for }�
<br /> the benefit of the sald ' °�8�f�successors or assigns; and to deposit said policies with said t ' a�' s all not �
<br /> t commit or suffer any waste on said premises, and shall put and keep said real estate buildings and improvements in good
<br /> } order. Ctand Island Trust Company 1
<br /> Third. To pay or cause to be paid to thaHnTLO!lijHdi[�id4X4PSJ4l�t1FW4W{�Awf Grand Island,its successors or
<br /> � ��,,
<br /> � assigns,the eum of g 'rwentv 'Chousand Fifteen and no/100 - - - - - - - (S20,015.00) DOLLARS, g'j
<br /> payable as follows: J�
<br /> � 'fwo (2) semi-annual payments of S11,250.00 each, due on September 25, 1977,
<br /> , �
<br /> � and llarch Z5, 1978,
<br /> i� �
<br /> �� tl
<br /> 13 rS
<br /> +_, 41
<br /> � with interest thereon payable,according ta the tenor and effect qf the onc certaln-firsFinorlgngr�tqt�oE said mortgagors,
<br /> tt bearing even date with these presents. After maturity said-it�A��'draws interest at the rate oE-�4iff! er cent per annum. �
<br /> i
<br /> � If s�id tnxes and assessmeou are not pald when due,or if the buil�lings on said premises are not insured as above pro- ?`:
<br /> - vided,.pr if ny�Pf said interest is not Paid when due,then said wha debt shall bewme due immediately,at the option of the y�
<br /> � said;Ak�oq,����ll thereafter draw interest at the rate of ai�pc?r cent per annum. ��
<br /> {' The mortgagor—hereby assign_ to said mortgagee all rents and incomc azising at any and all times irom said
<br /> �{ property and hereby authorize said mortgagce or its agent,at its option, upon default, to take charge of said property and ��
<br /> � collect all rents and income therefrom and apply the same to the payment of interest, principal, insurance premfums,taxes, }�
<br /> }_� assessments, repalrs or improvements necessary to keep said property in tenantable condition, or to other chazges or pay- '/
<br /> 4� ments provided fon c�rein or in the note hereUy secured.Thls rent assignment shall continue in torcc until the unpald hal• �
<br /> ance of said note is fully paid. The taking of possession hereunder shall in no manner prevent or retard said mortgagee in r�
<br /> - � the collection of said sums by foreclosure or othenvise. �
<br /> VVhethe;said debt becomes due bs' 1 pse o� or UY,.reaspn t tUe failurc of the Party of thc tirst part to comply �i
<br /> R� with any condidon hercin,thc said Hnuue�Yat���:Ak�#�.���1 of Grnnd Isl:,ad� the successors and assigns, bi
<br /> � shall have the right to begin the fomclosure of this mortgage at once on the whole debt heFeby��ecprem and to include �j
<br /> y� therein all taxes, assessments,insurance premiums and costs,paid by it or them; or said AgthdW OE�S�: ����cessors or q
<br /> � �� assigns, may foreclose oniy as to the sum past due, without injury to this mortgage, or the displacement or impairment f.?
<br /> of the licn thereo[. i'
<br />� � And the said first party and the makers of said note,especially ngrec and declare that the separate estate of each and �
<br />� t-3 evcry one of t6em, including both that aow owned und that hereafter acquired, Is pledged and bound for the payment of
<br /> the debt hereLy secured. ��
<br /> � � Aiter the commencement ot any suit in foreclosure the plaintiff thcrein shall be entitled to thc immediate possession of �'
<br />�� `� said premises and the appointment af a recciver therefar, not���ithstandicg+he,m�y be Lhe homestcad of thc occupant and �
<br /> r{ nohvithstanding the parUes llaUle for the deLt may be salvent, and the tirst patty hereby consents to the appointment of a t1
<br /> t� Receiver upon the praduction of thfs indeature,without other evidence. � �
<br /> � The foregoing conditionc and agreements, all and singular,being ftilly performed,this conveyance shnll be void,other- i� , ~'�'Y' ♦�
<br /> r wise to be and remain ia full force and effect. N
<br /> I� ;� �� � �
<br /> I. Signed th�� Z4Ch day�r December �D., 19 J�' �� �
<br />;� � /, ,� -,_ � n .
<br /> a�� �' In pmsence of �` � �� � '.C! �'` � �
<br /> k°
<br />.,i- � scas-f . itue.l r_r / z 1[�
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