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<br /> At01iTGA(7G
<br /> .-- ---- --------- ��oirrcnci i_o,�;v�o. L 22,480----
<br /> � hnowrtt,t,na:ni�vrncseriiis�;Hrs:�ha� robei�t 14. Pollock and Sharon M, Polluck, each in his and
<br /> �
<br /> . her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> � --"---\lortgagui_�vhether one ur morc,in conside�atiun of Ute swn uf . � � �
<br /> T�venty-seven Thousand and No/1U0-------__= _i__ __. �i��i�nit�
<br /> . . louned w said nu�rlgagur by'fhe liyuitable 13uilding and Luan�\ssoria�Wn u(Giand Island,Nebraska,\lutlµagee,upon 2 70 shar.s uf stotk o( � �
<br /> E�� ,d��hcreby g� �
<br /> . said .155OCIATIO'�.Certifica�c No.L �2 Qa� gixnL�vm��cy and mort a e untu the said AS50CIATION�hc fbltuwin . ..
<br /> � JcserilmJ rcal ccta�c,situated m Nall C�wnty.�elnasAa: . . .
<br /> t� - �. . �� .. �
<br /> t
<br /> � tiTN P.Pt. IN NFlLL COUNTY, NL"flRASKA.
<br /> ;
<br /> :
<br /> �okrtl�er �vi�l� all �he IClll'IIICI115.Ill'ff�1�;li!ICI11S nnJ:q�pwtenan.•c�Uie�eumu helnn¢iiqt,in.ludin�:u�aehed Iluai cuce.nu�s,all wlndo��•cereens. . .
<br /> i�. � a�indo�v shades.blinds.,�u�in�cinJmrs.a�cniiiKs,hr,iuuk.,di cunJiiiouin�:,and phiml!inK anJ�satcr cyuipmcnt NI7�I BCiI'S5UIICS(IICICtf�.�!IIItl�)S.Sll1YCS� .
<br /> . ielriHer;�wis,and uthei Ilztmes and equipment no���or lieieal�er aUached�u ui usrd in i•mmechon���i�h said ieal estale. � �
<br /> t � :1nd�ehcie.is Ihe}aiJ nwilEaKui ha}�Nic�d and Jucs he�eBy a�:�ec that dir moitpngm �hall and���ill pay all tases and auessmente Ieried or . � .
<br /> ati.�•sscd up��n�aid ptemi�.c�and upnn thu m�.rlN�ike and Ihe bund scewed ihcreL� beloic dr.�ti;uuc shall l•e�umc delinyuenL tu furnish apprured � .
<br /> inswance upon thc buildi��Fs nn said pirmi�cx.ilna�ed in�hc svm ul 5 2].���.QQ parable lu .aid AtiSOC1A1'101 anJ tu deli�cr fu said �
<br /> j� . ;\titilx'I,\l10\Ihc policic�I��i.aid insuiancc:and nut h�cummil oi��ci mii auy waele un ui a6�rut�aiJ p�cmimy; �
<br /> � In c,nc uf dclaul�in thc perlu�mana �I:inv ui Ihc tcimx and amJitiuns ul this mu�ikiKc or thc hund scciued hc�cb}�,Ihe mw��akcc<I�all.
<br /> un dcmand.Lc en�ttkd lu iunneJixfc pusx�iun�+f Uic monp�igcd pn�nums and �hc tuor��:agur hr�eLr n<signs, t�mtslc�s and scts orer lu Ihc �
<br /> �nurtgagce all dic�ents,iccenucs and incumc tu br Jcnred Irom the m��rikaKed p�emiscs dwinK sudi time ae�he m��rl¢age indebteJness ahall mm:dn � .
<br /> � wipald:and ihe marleat:cc tihall h:nr IIIC�1u�PC1 I�l;1�/�!UIIII 8I1\':IECIII UI B�;CI113 Il m:n�desi�e loi dic pwpusc el mpai�inK eaid prcmises auJ renliuK .
<br /> . lhe samc aud cullectinF ihe�entx.icrrmics and manne.and it mav pa���np �,I sai,l incume xll expenses�d�epaiiing S:IIII�]Tl'11115CS and�ICiC530f,F' .
<br /> .mnroisvians;mJ expensec in�uncd m�entink and manaFmF ihc samc anJ al cullec�m�: �cmals theiefrum:Ihc balance fCn171I1111K.II�8I11',tU 6e
<br /> applicJ ro���:nd ihe Ji�cha�t:c a(said nunl�!ake inJel�IeJnesti:�he>r ii};hls ul�he moiiF,:i4ee m7��be eseiciseJ a�am�timr Jwing Ihe rxielence ul�uch
<br /> Jcl;iul�.irrespec�icc nf:mr tcmp��ran-walccr n(Uic samr.
<br /> " - "I�hnc I'rcacn:�,hm�crc�.;ne upnn Ihe C�niJition.l�lial il Ihr.ai�l 1lnrikxFi��i�hall iepay saiJ loan�ni nr Leline ihe mAhui�Y uf saiJ shatee L�'
<br /> �. ��a��mctn:paq inontld}'tu�:nd ASSU('i:111(l1�d thc sum sp��ciheJ in�lie B�,nd.c.m��d Ireieby a�interc�t and piinripal un saiJ luan.un ur 6efi��e
<br /> �j� ihc l'���cnta�lh Jay al��aeli and r�rn�mmuh.wnil said I�!an i�lull��paid:pap all la�rs and a>xs�ineni;Ir.ried aKemsi s2id ptemiscs end un lhis Alo�l@age
<br /> � andihcBnnd�ci�nedthcrcb� Lilitt:drlinpicnc�:turnishapp�oa�Jin.ur.nicc�q4)IIIIICI1111I1I111;,•SIIICICUIIIIIUICSIIItlUI� Z]�Q�Q.�Q p;i���l�le
<br /> . �e.;ud AS�t1Clr1'1lU\�,icpa��i euJ;1tiS��(I;\IlU\iq��m drmand all in��ne��Lc it��aiJ ler sucl�tatrv,:is�es.ments and inswanee�ciUt inicies�at
<br /> � ihr masiuunn Ic�;d�alc ihcicon liom daic ul p;�cmrm;dl nl���hich DloiiE:q�ur licicbc ay.recs to p:n�:pcimit nu�rasic on�:�id picmi.cs:kccp andcumph•
<br /> � wilh all�hC ag�cculcnls and tenddiuns nl Ihc Il�rnd fm S 2]���Q.QQiis da��kiecp h��Ihr sud 1loilKag��r I�i s,iid ASSOCL�IION,anJ cuntpll'
<br /> . �eith all ihr�cyuiicments�il tlic C�msiilutiou aud by L:n��s��l.aid Atitit)CIAl1U1:ihen�heu piesenis aliall be�ume null anJ�-uid,ulhencire Ihec .
<br /> : chxll icmam in lull luicr:mJ ma�•f�c fuiccluseJ al tho upUun nl tl�c saiJ AS50('IA�IION :dtei (aihuc Im puce i»unlhs iu make;utc ul snid
<br /> pa�mcnlc m Le Ihtcc mntnh�in:uieais m maAm�:�a�J monddp paynu�ius.ui lu Acep anJ e��mph��eifh Ihe aX�eeivcins and conditiunsof caid Ilund:
<br /> � an�l�tuil�:at:ui aF�ees lu ha��e a ieeeire�appuinied lirtlh���illi�n�uch I��rerl"suie pnicerdinFts.
<br /> ' � il Ihrre i�am�ch:mge iu uwneiahip ol Ihe ieal esiale moil�aKeJ heiein.bv xale ur o�hern�isr.Ucen Ihe euti�e icmaining indebtedness hciebr
<br /> sccured xhall,a�tlic upli�m ul The P.yuita6le Ouilding and L�.,;m As�ur�atlun nl��ianJ Islaod.Nclras6a.berume immeJialcly Jue anJ pa��aLle�ciUwul
<br /> . � liuthn naticc.anJ�hc:nnuuni icmainin�t Juc unJci siid bond.and am�utl�ei hvnd t��i am�additii.�iial adcanre<�iu��e theieunder,shall.hum Ihe
<br /> - - dalr��I cserci..e ul saiJ op�iun,bcai in�cn�}i a�dic masinunn lekal i�de.and thi}moup;ige ma��dien be fineclmed tu satiJv the anwmd Jue mi raid
<br /> bunJ.:md;my uihci LUII�I(Uf�IIIIIIlU11JI elI\:7111CS.h!gc�hcr��•il6 all vinu paid bc said l�he I�.quilaDlc BuilJiu�!a�u�L��an Assncia�iun ul Grand IslunJ.
<br /> Nebra>ka lui iiumance,l,�senwd assessnn•nls.anJ absiraclmKeslensiun charRes. �eiU� iaterest Iheieun. Inyv dnle ul pa)'menl nt Ihe mn�imum
<br />- . Ir�:al ialc.
<br /> . ,\s p�urided in Ihe 1{��nd ce,meJ hciebr.�ehile�hi}mm14;iKe iemains in rlliel thr nirnlk��eo m:H'hciealier adcauce adJiliun�!s!!r.s!o!I!�
<br /> � m:d.cn n(�:ud BonJ,thert a>�sikn�or cueres���s ni inle�esl.n�luch stuns shall Le�riUiin Iha sceurilc ol�thiv nmrlkaµe tlie sante a:lhe funds uii�;inally
<br /> ucwrd ihe�rl,),ihe Nlal amoum uf pitncipal dchl m�l�o c�eecd ai:v�c iinie Uie uriwinal amouni ol Ihis nu�rl�;a�e.
<br /> - .. UpIcJ tliis 2��h d�n�pl Decembei' ,1.U..1'i ](j I
<br /> . r ri
<br /> � , /
<br /> �r ., - ,. �_1- �. �'.
<br /> I 1 r :_c � k-e�.1-L_�['k /------ _ £ � / _ ��_.
<br /> AoTier o o� '�i7ai'o`n�i:I'ol ol`ck`--- .
<br />�i
<br /> F
<br /> � S'I'Al'C OF NfOKASKA.� s. (ln U�is Z4t�l �L����,f Dl'CCIII�(?1' I'��� .brluic nir. .
<br /> C[ll!N'I'YOI'11A1.L I -,�,,.
<br /> - Uif un�IeSsiKncJ�n N��li�n•Public ia�nd tiri sald Counh�.Pcisunally camc � '�N
<br /> Robert 64. Pollock and Sharon M. Pollock, each in I�is and her �wn right and as spouse oi' �
<br /> each other whu ��.� ��cicpi��ll)'knu�rnlu
<br /> nie In bc thc idcnliral c�s��n a�hosc nnmc alliseJ lu Uic abm•e in.trumeiil as m�n�n n , nn,l �Il�,y �evcinR�� '��'
<br /> 3���� � C � 5 5 �T'� - F K� rv.
<br />� �
<br /> nt... acknvwledged Ihe suid msl�ument lu Me the i r rulunlan•acl;md decd.
<br />,.,t:- 14'I�I�NI'ti5 my imnd;wJ Nelaiinl 5cal llic dale alurr�aid. � � � i�., �F� �.
<br /> gd Ur Cuinmissi m etpi�cs � .
<br />��`� � , 1 {f/����' _� �, i'"�"�.
<br /> __._�-=+' -��-
<br /> �,i�len(h'@11L 1 -- -_�.__..•.• ---�
<br /> r..1 2M 111 i � � ��I r.111 �
<br /> � ��i�Pul�lir---_.
<br /> `��%A�t� `.ly�,_�� I . . . �.A:t��
<br /> t-�-� . ._.. .. .. .. . � .
<br />,��
<br /> � _J
<br /> �
<br />