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<br /> � MOR7GAGE—SaHng�and Loon Fotm—(D![oct Crodil�Plan) R55•T (Spedall�
<br /> S � 4.: .. ,.....,........,......+. ,.�.�...,..�....,.,.„..��..,, .
<br /> ? �.��.«
<br /> � ( ,��Y � , MORTGAGE
<br /> � 00'74�b LoQo No ,
<br /> � 232•d December �
<br /> 7HIS�ItJ�EN7'OfiE,'mada thl� �+ay of 19 7�7 6y�a�d balneau.
<br /> .s','. .. . . � . . . .
<br /> y� TIMOTHY J. CASEY AND RAMONA K. CASGY, husUand nnd wiEe, each in his and her own ri�;hE
<br /> �
<br /> � 3 and as spouse of the other
<br /> �l��. ol �11 � � rouaty,Hebimka,as mohgagor S aad Homu Fedaral&avinge.a¢d Loan Anaociation o!Grand ieland.�
<br /> i�.� a rnryomdon o�ganl:ed�d onistlng undar tho lawe of Nebiaeka.wtlh Ila prindpal a(lteo aud place o!bueinoae al Gmnd lel�d Nahraska.� .
<br /> �� .m mortqaqea;
<br /> � . W1TNE6SETHi. That said morigagor 5!or and in wneldo:atton�ot the eum of
<br /> � IIGHT TtiOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND NO/100-------------------------- $ 3�0.00 �,
<br /> ^i. Tollars�lS_
<br /> `3
<br /> �;,�} lha recelpl ol wLich fe heroby acirnowlodged do_vy ihooe preeenv morlgage and w¢nant unto am3d mortqagee, ile eucceeaote and�
<br /> ( �
<br /> s ��� oeetqne.loiaver,all lha.lollowinq dextihod roal oetato,aifuatod fn Iho counly of HIIll
<br /> ;•� . and Slata�o!Nebcaska,tawlh �. � . . � �
<br /> �
<br /> r �' �
<br /> st� �
<br /> �� f
<br /> :� �
<br /> $
<br /> � � #
<br /> „ S
<br /> j �
<br /> $' f Togothez wlth all heaNng, IlgMing, and plumbinq oqufpment and ttxtume,includinq atokan and burncrn.sacem,awnSnqe,ulorm windowe
<br /> `� and doore,and window nhadee or bttndn,uned on or im m�nec�ian wi�h eafd proporty,wEether tLa sama aro now locatod on eaid property ,� �
<br /> � �l� on c�re¢tterplacod 1Lcreon.
<br /> � �?{
<br /> ;� 70 HAVE AND TO HOLD ifiE SAME, toqether with all and ainqular tho lenumonle,horeditamanle and appuetanancee thorounto belong•
<br /> Y �-:� 1ng,or tn anywiw appertaininq.lorevcr,and warmnl Wo qdo to thv eame. Sald moriqaqor 5 he:eby rnvanant_with�aid mortqageo
<br /> �. that_tha}.� ar� at the delivery hemof,�ho lawful owner 5 0l tho pcemiaoe above conveyed and daacrlbed.and �C� �T
<br /> � r3
<br /> ee[sed ot a qood and Indefoaniblo eetato ot inhoritance thoraln.1reo and cicar of oll encumhrancre,aud that tXo�_will warrant and. SS
<br /> x delond thu title Ihem�o lorever aqainnt t6o claimn and demande ot all parsone whomsoavor. Yd
<br /> v ¢ j PROVIDED ALWAYS, md tWs Instrument !e azecuted and detiva�ed to eocuro the paymont oE tha eum at £`
<br /> � CIGI{T THOUSAND TflREE 11UNDPED AND NO/100--------- 5,300.00 #
<br /> �-'� £ --'--"-""'---'nollara (S �,
<br /> ,� { wilh Interoat lha�oon,togolhcr with auch choigca and advanrna an may bo duo and ��ablo to �ai3 motlgagce under the �ormn and �
<br /> 1:� F
<br /> S candi�iom ol tho piomisaory note of evon dato herowith and necured heraby,azecwod by eaid mo�tgagor S to eaid moct9agee,payable �
<br /> ,�� 3 ae o:p�eeaed in eaid aoto.md tn eccu�e the pedormmca ol all the tarmn md mnditione mntalaed lhetaln. The M�me ol aaid note aro . . � � ' �
<br /> hereby Incorpo�atvd heratn by tLfa refeoenco. . .
<br /> iti
<br /> �.�' tt le the Snlentlon and agceomoat ol tho parUee berolo thal t6ie mortyage al�all aleo nocurv any lutwo advancea made fo eaid � �
<br /> `� mo�tgaqor S 6y eatd mortgagec,and any and all tndebtednoea in addillon lo tho amounl above etalod which naid mostgaqora.�or any - � � � ��
<br /> �' of lhem,may owo to eaid mocigagee,however ovidovtod whel6or by noto,book accoun�o[olho�wlee. Thla moriqaqa�hall�omain In lull � - . �
<br /> ; $ lome and elfoct betwoen thn pa:tiea horeto and tLelr heln,poieoaai raprcoemativee, aucceeaore and aeeiqne, uu�il all amounh socured .� �
<br /> j tiereunder,includinq luturo advancoe,are paid ia lull w3W Intoroel.
<br /> � Tho.mortgoger 5 ha:oby aenig�_to edd matgegee all renU aad inrnme ariatnq at any and aU timve lcom eaid propecty and � � � � -.
<br /> �,� hareby wthorize eaid modqagae or iln egen4 al 1te opt(on, upon dofaulL to toke chazqe ol ea[d property ond rnlloct atl rcnta and lnmme � . � _
<br /> ii thcrelmm and appiy!hn eamo w!he payment ot lntemat,poindpal.lneuranco p:emluca;, .azoe,aaeammootn, repaice or Improvemcnte nocaa• �
<br /> � nary to keep eald pvopocly In lenanlablo m¢diHon,oc to othor ch¢�gen or paymante provlded lor homin or in tho nole heroby eecnred. 72iln . . �
<br /> ; ront aselgnmcul s6a1(rnntinue in torce unlil iha unpatd balance ol eald note i�lulty pald. Tha tuking ol poeeeeeion horoundar ehall in no
<br /> + mamor pravent or ietard�ald moctqagee Ia lhe mlloctioa of eald eume by Iorxloeure or otherwino.
<br /> �. � The tailure ol tho motlqaqae la nemct any ol Ui dghle hc7eunder at aay time ahall not be conel�ued a�a waiver ol Its right to a�eert �
<br /> - ft tho eame at any la(er Ume,and lo imLt upoa and enla�co�t:ict mmpllanca with all tho te�mn and proviaiona of eaid noto and ot thV � . � �
<br /> ,"y 3 mortqeqo. � � - � .
<br /> il
<br /> It eafd motlqagor s ehull ewee to be pald to eald morigaqee tho onllro amwnt due!t beroundar,and undar Iho torms aad provinlon� � �
<br /> -� o!eald nota hoceby aecuced Includlnq(utuie advmrna,and any exleneion� or ronaaala thereot la accordance Nlth lhe lorw aad piovidona � ��
<br /> `
<br /> ' � s thotool,and ll sald moriqaqor�_S�hall rnmpiy�vith all the provlefoae ol e¢1d note aad of llils mortgage,thon�ho�o prewab ehali be vold; � . 5 �
<br /> S S othei�viae to remmn Ia 1ult loree�d eflecl,and eaid motlgaqes�hall be enU6ed to Wo po�eoutoe ol all ol eald propncty,and may,at lls jj
<br /> .,1 � opt7on,daclaie tLo whole ol s¢id note aad all lndoblodaea repw�eated thaieby lo be immedfatsly due and poyablo,and may torccloso thl� �� '� l� ;
<br /> ? mor�gago or talco�7�o�Wer logal actloa to proloct!t� rlqht and!rom the dale ol eueh delault all Items ot indebtednees �ocured Laieby
<br /> r �hall drmv Inlereet aN]9��R per�num. Appraineme¢t wdved. � '�ly v .
<br /> I' �
<br /> � . Thle morlgaqs��hbIl be bindlnq upon and thall�au[e to Ih�b�aelll ol the hdn,ezeculoc�.adminLtratosa, maroseon and aulqn�of �
<br /> If�o ro�pactive paitln heeeto..�. �� �
<br /> iN W[TNES3'{Nfff.ftEOF, wld Mc[lqayor S_h¢V� hereunto �al their wop�,�e dm�and ycar liml above M
<br /> � � writtea. ! ,) .1i . '�#
<br /> r / ,
<br /> � ,s � � � , , ��C�L ` J��,}.�,'\l�l.""�l�-f.:_ 1"\ � j t. �1S'-�_
<br /> # -'13n �i . nse / --- mona . �lnsuy '
<br /> 3
<br /> i � � rw.,..».;»�.,.�
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