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<br /> , � � � � . FORM 5388•A B. L � � � -
<br /> Should the tide of this leasehold at any time during its life become severed from the tide to che abutting
<br /> � land, [hen this lease shaU bewme ipso facto null and void. Any sale or rnnveyance of such abutting ]nnd shall
<br /> carry with it said lcasehold estate and the purchaser ar grantee shall- become bound by the terms hereof . as
<br /> fully as the original I,essee. The L.essee is also to noHfy the Lessor of any transfer of the tide of the abut�g
<br /> ' property owned by the Lessee. -
<br /> .�1s a consideratlon for this lease the L,essee is to pay in advance to the Lessor One Dollaz per annum; to
<br /> pay all tases aad assessments levied upon die leased premises during the coatinuance of this lease, not includ-
<br /> ; ing tazes or assessmeuts levied against the leased premises as a rnmponent part of the railtoad property of
<br /> � Lessor in the state as a whole; to plow and maintain upon the outer boundary of Lessor's 200 Eoot right of
<br /> � way, or as near thereto as practicable, a !'ueguard at least six feet wide; to keep the lensed premises free from
<br /> ' combustible matecial; to plant no trees or shrubbery, and to erect no structures thereon; to put notlung upon
<br /> the leased premises which might o6struct or interfere with the view; to dose safely and securely, immedi-
<br /> ' atcly after using, any gate, opening or bars in the fences oE the Lessor wLich the I.essee may have acquued,
<br /> r or during the term hereof may acquire, the right to use, and noi to ase any such gate, opening or bars which
<br /> = the Lessee may not have acquired the zight to use. Lessor resen•es the right to take temporary or perma-
<br /> nent possession of all or any portion of the leased premises whene��er their use mny become necessary or ex-
<br /> pedient, in the judgment of the Lessor, for railroad purposes, including the location of public or private ware-
<br /> houses, elevators, or other industries with the design to facilitate and promote trafEic, or for, or in connection
<br /> f: with, drilling for or mining of oil, gas, coal or ocher m:nerals of whatsoever nature upon or underlying the
<br /> i sudace; of the leased premises by the L,essor or by others with its permission.
<br /> + In addition to the foregoing covenants and agreements, Uie Lessee agrees to cut and remove, or spray with
<br /> `' weed-l:illing chemicals, all weeds on the leased premucs. IE the weede are not controlled as above specified,
<br /> '-` � and anq governmental agency takes action to eradicate the same and bills the Lessor for the cost thereof, Lessee
<br /> ; :u;rees to either pay the bill so rendered or reimburse the Lessor in the amount thereoE, if paid by the Lessor.
<br /> F` This leaze is subject to all outstanding superior rightr, including those in favor of telegraph and telephone
<br /> ; companies and for public highway purposes. This lease is made without rnvenant of tide or to grve possession
<br /> or for quict enjoy�nent: If by reason of a line change, or othenvise, thc Gtle oE the Lessor shall cense before
<br /> the exp'uallon of the term above provided as to the whole or any part of the leased premises, or if the leasing
<br /> of the above described premises is held to be, or should become, inconsistent with the law of the land, or if the
<br /> �t�hulc or any part of the leased premises is requ'ued by or taken bv action of any governmental authority or
<br /> 6ody for any street or highway or other public use, this lease and all rights, privileges and obligarions heze6y
<br /> granted or imFwsed shall Eorthwith cease and terminate, in whole or in part as the case may be, but without
<br /> prejudice to any right of either or both parties hereto, in the situation last mentioned, to make claun against
<br /> such governmental authority or body. Tl�e I.essee shall have the right to cancel this leaze at any time upon
<br />' � . 30 days' written notice.
<br /> This lease is made subject to the right of the Lessor to grant such licenses and easements unto third persons
<br /> as i: in its sole di:cre�on �hall deam to be necessary,convenient or appropriate.
<br /> r Lessor also reserves to itself the exclusive right to permit the location of ndvertising sions of any ldnd what-
<br /> i soc�-er on the Ieased .premises.
<br /> This lease=3i' t9 },ecome, null and void upon the failure of Lessee to keep any of the conditions hereof: and
<br /> ' is not to be assi�uedTivit�fout.thc written consent of thc Lessor. The Lessee will surrender peaceable posses-
<br /> i sion of-'suid Fit`ertiue's"�t •the e�cpiration or termination of this leaze.
<br /> '`? It=u,im�kerstood ttiaKalf•envenants and aFreements herein recited are made by tbe parties hereto for, and
<br /> shall be:}iiriding upon, tl�emselees and cheir heirs, executors. ldministrators, successors and assigns. .
<br /> , . , e
<br /> � Dat d th�e ,: 1�2t(7i ;s ., .. ..._day of.... ......... :A'�9�St.. .... ............ . ..f......,.:.... ......, 19.._�f.
<br /> ;; 1Vitness ; ;' i " UNI '� � 60biPANY,
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<br /> _ .-.. `b. _;r.wc•r „S� �. ..:_.... -� � i=-......._. �By ' � .. ...(�,.. -... .l. ..r.t � .V.C.t.'[!?:!:7�/ .
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<br /> Attest 1 ;'�! , , . � / cncral \fan:��cr • Rcal F.statc
<br /> " '.::. _ ` _ ...._ .:............ (Seal)
<br /> ,; Assista Secretary,
<br />�� The fore oin lease is axe ted u � �• �
<br />' . � '. � P� P pon the terms tberein stated on this.................:...::....:.t.._............................day
<br /> �. of. C" :n.% '-L 4-r ...., 19...,7ii
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<br /> � \V�tness ST . MARY ' S CHURCH '
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