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<br />� ���� . _ _ .,�.�.
<br />�"� � 81'AT� OF NF.BItA6gA, County oP ................... _ �
<br /> ...................................... .
<br /> Filed ior record and entered in Numerieal Indez
<br /> on.....................:...................................... at ................ o'elock................ Li., �h1EL'RA�Ki�UC;CL'P;iEhJTARY �
<br /> and recorded in Deed Itecord.......:.......................Pnge .............................. STt�fdiP TF�X
<br /> . ....... :....... .............. sY ........................:................................... D E S2 3 1976
<br /> Couuty Clerk or Deputv Connty Clerk or �
<br /> Itegister of Deeds Deputy-Register of Deeds ���,,,.�
<br /> �` .._ .^�5���QY
<br /> 7b�' D O'7 41 U WARRANTY DEED �RSFti�E�r a�nA�,,,�
<br /> �3RYAP1 E.`FISHER and HAZEL.E. FISIiER, HusUand ari3 '��ife, and each in his and
<br /> her ovm riglit, , herein called the grantor wh�ther one or m�re,
<br /> r` in conaideration of One doller and love and affection
<br /> reeeived from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, concey and eonfirm unto hATEY"JEkIi V70RT!•SAN
<br /> ., ':j. . , . � . .
<br /> herein cnlled the grantee a�l�ether one or more, thc follo�ving deacribed real praperty in
<br /> � ' ...�L............................................................ County, Nebruska: 71esLer�y ��.;; .:�__ ofe'L25 i.:..ci
<br /> of Lot two (2) and all of lot three (3) of Block foua• (4) o= flR�TT AI1(1 JOffi;SOI�'S
<br /> � Additiott to the Villa;;e of 570:?D RIV�'R
<br /> �
<br /> ti. r
<br /> To ha��e und to Lold tl�e abo��e deacribed prewises together with al! tenementx, hereditaments
<br /> and nppurtennnces thereto belouging uuto the grnntee and to grantee's heira nnd assigus forerer.
<br /> Aiid the gi•antor doe; l�creby covenant with tlie grnutee and with grantee's heirs nnd assigns
<br /> �, '� that grautor is lewfully seised of suid premises; that they ure free from encumbrance
<br /> y;
<br /> � ;
<br /> ;;, � � �
<br /> t}iat grantor l�as guod i•ight au�l lnx�ful authority to concey tlie snme; and that grantor n�arrants and will
<br /> defend tl�e title to said premises a�ainst the �8NfU1 claims uf ull persons�v}�omsoever.
<br /> a Dated Dececnoer 23 1�70
<br /> f�
<br /> ; ,-, .b" �.�,-/
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<br /> .................................................................................... ....�.:......,..::......,;.�....:.v.:::>.c�:<:�...........................
<br /> �; ; .
<br /> �: �
<br /> ".:; : �'I'ATE OF NEBRASKA,County of....:iALL............................................:
<br /> Before tne, u nutary pubtic qu.ilified for�airi count�•, persmially came
<br /> BRYlud E. FISAER and EAZ�L ^n. I'IS'r.ER, Husbend and �'ifa
<br /> and each in his and her own right
<br /> I:non•n tn me to be tLc identica! Fier6ou or persous n•ho signed the
<br /> fore�;uiug instrument and ackno�cledged the execution thercof to be his, ..:�i .
<br /> Lcr or t}ieir voluntary uct and dced. �N
<br /> �_ �Titi�ess my hand und tar' �seal on ...A.C.��J:Lb.B.�..�3e...t976......................... • � _
<br /> G@�LW1fARY�d�dtat�e r"`• .......,i.1....�'s,?.,C�.�(/���l.C�ota Public n {�,
<br /> ,� TNOMASYl.MII� ....... . . . .... .. ...... .............. . .
<br /> .... ry �A
<br />;� My Comm.EsO.Aot.1,1978 !xi
<br /> _
<br /> D1�• connuissimi eapires -
<br /> __ ................................................. 19 ............
<br />�'
<br /> Form 2.2 Approved bY Nebraska Stutc Bar Assoclatton edm�c wau w.,u�ado,N�t,�.
<br />?ts:
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