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<br /> ntoR'rcnGL LOAN NO.L 22.477 �
<br /> }:NOWALLt+1lNUYTH@SEPR[SGNTS:7'hat Charles A. Douthit and Donna Pi. Douthit, each in his and her
<br /> �own right and as spouse of each other, and Stephen R. 8eltzer and Kay A. 3eltzer, each in his and hew
<br /> own right and as spouse of each other and Carolyn A. Beltzer and James A. 3eltzer, i�er husband
<br /> i Mortgagor,whether one or more,in consideration of the sum of
<br /> Seventeen Thousand Two Nundred d0(I N0��00----------------------------------------- DOLl.ARS
<br /> loaned to said mortgagor by The Gyuitable BuilJing and Luan Associatiun of Crand Island,Nebraska,htortgagee,upon �72 shares of stuck of
<br /> said�ASSOCIATION,Certificate No.L 22�4�� ,do hereby grant,convey and mongage muo the said ASSOC[ATION the following � � ��
<br /> described real estate,situated in Hall County,Nebraska:
<br /> Southerly Forty Six (46) Feet of Lot Four (4} in alock Ninety Eight (98)
<br /> , Railroad Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> _,
<br /> �-
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<br />�
<br /> together with all the trnemenis,hereditaments and appurtenances thereuntu belonging,including attached floor cuverings,all window sceeens, . � � �
<br /> «•indow sliades,blinds,smrm windo+vs,awnings,heating,air wnditioning,and plumbing and n�ater equipment and xccetsories thereto,pumps,stoves, � � � �
<br /> refrigerators,and other fixtures and eyuipmcnt now or liereafter�ittaci�ed to or used in cunnection with said real estate. �� � - � �. � .
<br /> r���- And whereas the s�id mortgagor has agrced and does hereby agree that thc morteagur sl�all and will pay all taxes and assessments leried or ' � � .
<br /> ' asxssed upun said premises and upon this mongage and the bond secured thereby 6efore the same shall become detinquent:to(urnish approved � . � � . �
<br /> � ' insur:�nce upon the buildings on s:aid pmmises situated in ihe sum oC5 �]�20Q.�Q payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to s:tid � � . �
<br /> '+-� � ASSOCIATION the policies For said insurance:and not to commit or pennit any waste on or about said premises; � � . � �
<br /> +;: In case of default in the peetbrmance of any of the terms and conditions of this mortgage or tlie bond secured hereby,tLe mortgagee shall,
<br /> � mi dcmand,Uc entitled to immediate pussession of Ihe moitgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, [ransfers and sets over to the . . .
<br /> . � mortgagee all the rcnis,revenues and inmme to bz derived from the mortgaged premises during eudi time as�he mortgage indabtedness shall remain � � -
<br /> �:�. unpaid:and Ihc mortgagce shall have d�e power to appuint any agent or agents it may desirc for the purpose oC repairing said premises and renting . � �
<br /> $-- � t6e svne and colleeting the rents,revrnues und inmme,and it may pay out o(said income all expenses of rcpairing said premises and necessary � �� ��� �-
<br /> ?`.��. � commiuiuns and exprnses incurred in renting and managing the same end o(collecting ramals theeetrom;the bal�nce remaining,i(any,to 6e �
<br /> i,. applied toward the dischxrge of said mong�ge indebtedness;these rights of ihe mortgagee may be exercised at any time during Ihe existence oC such
<br /> x`� � dcfault,irrrspeciive of any temporary waiver of U�e same.
<br /> ,��,-�' Theu Presents,however,are upon the Condition,'Ihat if lhc s�id;lfortgagor shall repay said loan on or befure the maturity of said shares by � � .
<br /> paymen�:pay monthly m said ASSOCIATIO\uf thc sum specified in the Iiond secured hereby as interest and p�incipal un said loan,on or before � � .
<br /> �" �he'Cwentieth day of each nnd eeery month,until s:iid Iwn is fullt•paid;pay all tazes�nd assessments levied egainst said premises and on this hiortgage � ��
<br /> � 2��.��
<br /> and the 6ond secured thereby,befure delinyuency;fumish approvrd insurance upon the buildings thereon in the sum uf S ��. payable .
<br /> ~' ro said ASSOCIATION;repay to said ASSOCIATIOY upun demand all mone}�by it paid Cor such taxee,assessments xnd insurunce with inlerest at � �
<br />� �; � the maximum legal rate thereon Irom date o(payment all of which Atortgagor hereby agrees to pay;permit no waste on s;�id premises;keep�nd comply
<br /> wiih all tl�e agreements and contiitiuns of the Dund for S ���2��.��this day given by the said!lfortgagor to said ASSOCIAT(ON,end comply
<br /> , with all thc reyuircments oC the Constitution and I3y-Laws o(said ASSOCIA770N;then thcse prcsents shall become null and void,othernise they
<br /> - shall remain in(ull force and may Ue foreclosed at tl�e option of the said ASSOCIATI01 after failure (or three months tu make any o(said � .
<br /> paymenls ur be three munths iii a�rca�s in making said monthly pvyments,or to keep and cumply wieh the agreements and condi[ions of said Uond;
<br /> and Afongagm aerees to hnve a�eceiver�ppointed forthx•ith in such foreclusure proceedings.
<br /> ��, . I(lhere is any change in ownrrship of�he real estate mortgaged herein,by sale or otherwisc,then dm entirr remaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> sewrcJ sliall,at ihe optiun o(The Gquitablc Building and Loan A:sociation of Grand Island,Nebrn:ka,become immediately due and payable without
<br /> ' further notice,and the antount rcmaining due under said bund,and any other bond for any additional advances m�de thereunder,shall,(rum the �
<br /> date ol'exercise of said option,bear imerrst at ihe maximum legal rate,and diis mort@age msy then be foredosed to satisfy the amount due on said �
<br /> _ bond,and any other bond for additiunx!advances,togcther a�ith ail sums paid by said The Equitable Building and Loan Associaiion of Crand Island,
<br /> Nebraska(ur insuranm,taxes and asxstments,and abstracting extension charges,widi interest thereon, f�om date of payment at the ma�mum
<br /> Ic�l rate.
<br /> As p:o::ucd:n 111E 60IIU$CNIL'LL pCICUY,whue this��ur:gage remains in effect the mortgagee may hereafler aJeance additional:ums to the
<br /> makers o(said Bond,their assigns or successors in interest,which sums shall be within Ihe security of this mortgage the same as the funds originally -
<br /> - secured thereby,[he totat arnount of principal debt not to exceed at any time tl�e original amowrt of this mortgage.
<br /> Dated tlt 2r211d d�v r, December a n..l� 76
<br /> (��"'`-1��.�''�u�� �,�;, �� � ' � �
<br /> ,��� ; ����� 1 e� � ��.�, E . :f��t�--
<br /> *,: A� , �� � � St' phen R. 3e zer Kay/A. 3e taef-
<br /> Carol n A. aeltier es A. 3eltzer
<br />��"Wk. STATEOFNEDRASKA, ss. Onthis ZZflddayof December 19)( ,be(oreme,
<br /> COUN'IY OF HALL� .,;!
<br /> Charles /�. D011th1t and Donna M. DOUthlt, each 1� tLeundersigned,aNutaryPublicinandlorsaidCounty,perwnallycame �� �
<br /> hi$ and hep own ri f�t nd as spouse of Qach other and St phe R. 3eltzer and Kay A. (3e�t er each
<br /> L � h15 dlla Il r own �1 h dlld d S� US Of each Other and �dl"OYyn A. ����� dre personally�now�to . �
<br /> �eltzer and �ames A. �e�tzer, �ier:.�ius�and -�
<br /> me to be the identica!pe[wn 5 whose namt S are affixed to the above�mslmmenZ�as mortgagor g ���� the,y�;so�•ernily � ;
<br /> t.' acknowledged the said instmntent to be thei r voluntary act and deeJ. %� � (�
<br /> , �;�j � ;t, �
<br /> a„ � � ti i `� i�TYI.'S3�rty�. and Notacial Seal the date afo�esaid. i /f �
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