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<br /> �s� TH7S INDE?TU5£..mads tL�• I i i h ,�,.o �,� 1cC"��"'�l:e r 19��Dp m,d bee.eeea
<br /> �s ��RLOS v. GUERRERv ' s i n�f e car.,on 'rI:C .�I,,!:+. J G`'CE i'��r^RcZ. s i r:;l e �ers�r ��
<br /> �# s�
<br /> - ii pt i-�a 1 I Ca�tF.NeSracka.m mongaqor—,:.cd Hw.ae Fede:ci Saviaga cmd La:a%eaooati�a of Graa3 Ia3ead;. � � .
<br /> .' a carporatinr.crgcrS[ed wd ersiina wder the]aw�o:Nnbrmka w�itli iu pr.napal oifiee aad plaCe ot busiaeas at Grand lalmd Nebceska. �� � . . � . �
<br /> fi
<br /> . $ � m m�rtgagee: �� � .
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<br /> �F X'i7A'GSSETH: Z'Let sdd aongagor 5 !o:cad i�rr�sidera�on ot!he sum of_ �S � � �
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<br /> � i� the receip�ot u�h�ich ie bereby aciacwledged. 30—bq t�eae pteeenv m�qaqe cnd warrcat unto acd aortgaqee, i:a socce�rs nnd
<br /> F�
<br /> ; �ssiqas,fozrver.c?I the followiag deactibed :c�al cs:me.a;tuated ia iSe cainty o!— ''^�� i�
<br /> � i1 va?State d 1�'eDmaka.to-acit: {€ . .
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<br /> � !� Together ai�k el: 3eatiag. lighriac, cd F:ur��9 e�'ipreat md :irt:roa,sndadicq s!okez cad Lw:nc:e,s..^rceas.aa�qs.sto:m a�indo�n }; .
<br /> cx�d daus.cad+.•:adnc s'.�ears o:�'in:a.uae3 m ce Ln r��ectio:a�it3 scid F:openp,.e'.setlxe:tSe e,.^ae ce aen•ix:te3 oa sa:a prcpettp t�
<br /> ...�m:ecEcr pimd lhereon. ', �
<br /> ; i:
<br /> . .TO".h\'E hT�D TO HOLD Th?'ShhSE.to�e:2:e: w�i:h cll �� s:ncuias:.*.r!rnec�ens.8e:e3it..^aer.:s cnd appurteo¢ncra t�erew�,o'x3a�q� �?
<br /> '; y.o:in cncvrix oppe.^.��ag,fo�e«r.�o�r�^cnt:2:e tit?r to the scae. S:id��rtqc4�:_Tere�p ceoe�snt—�i:b asid martSacee %�
<br /> ,�� _'.e. '�_ et the de'.i�•erp:�rteaS.13e lcu•!ul ow^.�e:=ct:.".e p:cair�n nbc�e co:f��epcd c�3 dva'z�S�3.cnd `re :i � .
<br /> t:. ..._.- — F:
<br /> �, rr;ze3 0:e S��end ind^lc.�sLle estcte o1[rhententt Ihe:e�::eo and d�a cil enr�strca:en.end:het—..�e_3'_v:t!a�,.-::cat c�d J� .
<br /> de:cr.d tY.c IeLC:L`eiNJ 10SPCPi¢�CSf�St tye dai�s c'd dex:noacz o.' eil�:s.:^.e vh�Rs.x�•Fx. �j .
<br /> F�tOCiD^ ALW SYS, end :}�x a^.erua .1 iv eze:ute.9 c^.� 3t'.ire:rd 10!MCII:C ISP p��rat of L.e eci^. �� II
<br /> Y�t�.��-.^���i . �J`, �ti� , _ .,. f^ �rl� "r .:/� __________—�ol3�a l5 . °i,�.L. 1 $f � .
<br /> w�i!?:iete;cs: i?ur�vv�.1xet5er,x�:'h xuch eSaces cd c3ren:es as :�ap �x d�e e^.d �.:pabie to �a3 �oYqegee :u�cer 1he ter�a and �# �
<br /> L ��
<br /> `� r�3i:i:as ot the pr^issxq aale e! evan ecte �rrewi7S cnc scr.:red'nereb�,ecmted by eci3�artgaq;,:_ta na.d r_�rtqaqec.p,.-yeSie i �
<br /> ' ca e p:essed:r.s:id aote,cad to ser re the perio:a�cr ol c:l:.'.e te:�a cnd w�ci:iore coatciaed �hc:ei.^.. Thc ;eraa O: 6:Id note cre �S
<br /> r' - Serr2y.nc:.t��.-cted�creia Sy Lhi�:c:e:en:e. 5S
<br /> �$ ', I�is:Ae:m<atio_m3 o.:eo:aeat o!�.*.r p�rues hcreto th��t2:it monycqe a4ail ¢iao aeo:rn cay :ac,se ad��cacea a:de fo a:id � �
<br /> . �
<br /> �� n¢:1q�per.Y=*p a�d no:lq�aCe.cr.d a�j c=d cll icdeb!e.3aeac is a��:coa to L�e snev^.i abeve atz;e3 �lScS amd �ortqaqars. oz�p i�
<br /> ^��. +� c'. t�er_. a�p owe to aeid matqe�r_.1`.ca'evu er-ideacea a�t+c.l:et b)'ae!e.'a>ek ec�e:�.t oi e:heraeise. T4iz ma�iyr.c^shcll te�cia ia fwl �t
<br /> �; + fo:ce cnd el:ect :rtmeea 11:e '�C'fllE htreU cnd tAeiz Trisx,perso3el represet:ec�•ex. a-ccrsaan e:3 ess:sca, ��tii eli c�cins sreue3 F
<br /> it
<br /> S� tcrcundri,inciud:^.g fur�c o3.nros.cre p..�d i.:ul]r•itL ia7ercs!. SS
<br /> %i 'Pse mx.ya3er�ne:ebs auiq:�to svd moctqaqee all reau rsd i=m�e c:aing ct caT cad cil tlree trom scid preperty md ��
<br /> ms
<br /> '� i�^rebr c�:?�orize e:.-id ao:to�qee ar it� egenL c!i��oy5w. up„-�a deicult.to lake tDerce o:aaid prs�ertp c�d mllec!all rca:s cad inwae ��
<br /> ,; tS�reira�ar.d�ply the x�e to ihe p�y=ent at iat�:esL p�incp2L:»utcact p:esiutas. IJzea,cuew:aen:s.re�i:a or iaprevcarnU aette- $+
<br /> ; se;y ;o:erp i.zid prep'rtY ia f<aeafeble r.nZtioa,m 10 ofhex c'�etgei c�}wFments previded fot Tetein or:n the aofe he[eCy accvrr3 7'hie f$
<br /> � +� ren��uiqameat slail costiaue in lorce:iat:l the uapcid haiar.ee af �ai3 aMe is 7�71f;ci? :2e tckinp of�ssesaioa hereuecec a5c11 ia ao ��
<br /> ,� ...a:nci pic*ea:ot retcrd e.^.�d mo:tqvgee in t'se rnllec^oa o! w^id aur_�hp!ac+']oavre oi c!]erwiee. $�
<br /> .� ^ �i
<br /> ;' :l:e f�lure ol :ke mortgvqea �o nssert a¢y of in righta hcrei:nder ai�p a:ae abdl a:!L•e co-.st:ued ea a.rsirer of its riqh�w meen ;;
<br /> ' f.*.e scae c'cr.y]cter t:ae,en3 to inaiat up:s and e:.4erce etnet c��pLcace a�sh cll t::e �e:r_s ca� �:orisiona o! u:id �ote cnd o! t'�ia �t
<br /> t {
<br /> ;' mMqv�e. �
<br /> i
<br /> . ;f U uid ta�jt4c4o�—=-s`�cil G:use to be psd te s..^id�ortqaqee the onti:e amoua!du�it Setrsadei,and ueder the:eca�md prnisona �
<br /> � f� c!a¢id note Aereb)se�ued indud�nq future adimtta.aad en}�exteasioaa o: renewnia tLereof ia acxz�¢ace aitS the ters�and p:ovixion►
<br /> : thereo!.�d if neid razty�a 5, s.4¢il ca-plp wi�h cll Ns pror.doaa d eai3 vote md ot tLi�aost�e.then t1�ne preMata u`aII Se roid: �
<br /> S: ot�enriae�o resds ia tull face cd dtr.L od ead nortqaQea�`all be eatued ro�De pcs.euion o!cll of smd pcnpect7•a�d aap.at its .
<br /> � eption coda*e the�rtvls d�ci3 aote md a;l inde6tedneu repreeanted ihereby w be ir.s.aiieteiy due md poScble.aad aap forociose thi+ ��
<br /> :; ci
<br /> �; am�gaqe a tclre m-p o•.Ler leqai vctioa to preten fts riqR4 aad irc�the dcte d such drlauii nli ites�o! indebfedae»�ecvicd berebp �� .
<br /> i. aSoi!drew intcrnt at?G1;Ferocaaun. App:c:aemeat weiced i; . � rvy•`',.
<br /> IIp �2 N .
<br /> � �j ihie aareqege aSa21 M Ltadicq upoa and ahcll saute to th� be�Al d tSe Dein.erecvton.admini�veta-�.iucceewn md aaeiq:u W $T ' y�
<br /> L .: 7`e rospsctins per�sa Laeta. � tl�
<br /> :3 �'� �'�� h¢ad=t�e end eet(irn abor�
<br /> :
<br /> tN k7rn-tss wt�or. .�a taancaa�`-�— r..ra�,� .., �s r #� �
<br />�,e-.� ' _� .snrcen l , � `,�� -� � �
<br />`,� $+ -�Z i�� �l` i '1`- r . •�/ �.YL�„�'����R _ 1 '�t.\ � .�\ '�, �} �{1
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