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<br /> . MOATGAGE—Savinge and Loan Form-(Dl�act Credit Pim)�255�2 (Spedal) �
<br />,T4, . .
<br /> t
<br /> �� 6_ �. MORTGAGE
<br /> � (�0735:� .
<br /> ��No
<br /> frxis�Nustaruxe.�aae� Z I st aQy o� December .ts��by�a��w�n 1
<br /> RICHARD`D DEMUTH AND NANCY L. DEMUTH husband and wife, each in his and her own
<br /> 3 right and as spouse of the o�ther,
<br /> . . 01 �Ha��� Counly,Nebrmka,ae mottqagors_,and Home Federal Savlage and Loan Aa�ociadon ot Giand Ialand, : � . � .
<br /> a mryormion orqanized�and eziat[nq under the lawe ol Nebraaka wit611e prindpal ollico nnd place ot buaineea at Grand Iel�d,Nebmalca. . �
<br /> :' � m modqagee: � � .
<br /> WITNESSETH: Thot naid morgagor`'� lor and ia conelderation of lhe num ol � � � � � �
<br /> EICHTEEJ THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100-------------------------*Tol�ara 15 �8.��0.00 �,
<br /> ,: lhe reco[pt ot which ie hereby acknowledged, do—by theee preeenle mortgaqe and wmrant unto aaid morlgaqee, ite euae�oro and. � � . - .
<br /> �' assiqne, (orever,alt the loltawinq dexrtbed real eelate, nimated in the county of Hd(� ff � . . �
<br /> �and Slate o[�Nebraeka,tawiL• � � � �.
<br /> i
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<br /> 'C S
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<br /> � £
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<br /> Y ���, �ttS $� �. .
<br /> �tIS $
<br /> e Together with all heating, lighting, and plumbinq oquipment and lixturae,includinq etoken and burnere,ec7eam.awninge,elorm windowe { � �
<br /> S� ond doore,and window ahades or blinde,used on or(n connection wilh eaid prope[ty,wholher tha eame a�e now located on said propady j .
<br /> ;, - tt. or ho:eafter placod tLereon. $� .
<br /> S �'
<br /> f' � ?<{ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, logether wilh nll and eingular tho lenemonle,he[edltamenla and appurtennucca t6e�aunto txlong- �
<br /> i �
<br /> I2 ing.or in anywise appertaining.lorever,and warraN lho lille to fho eame. Said mortgagor�_he[eby covemnL_wilh eeid mortgaqea
<br /> <. $S �
<br /> � (j thal_�7�e.�G_ ��e at the dolivery hereol.Ihe lawlul owner�ot Ihe premism a6ova conveyed and descri6ed,and are �
<br /> e +� aeixed o!a good and indefeasible es�alo ol inherilance therein, tteo and cleai ol all encumbrancen,and lhat t�c�_will warrant�d ��
<br /> } . $ delend thc tille t6ereto forever againsl tho claims and demande ol nll pe�sone whomsocvor.
<br /> � �� � PAOVIDED ALWAYS, and Ihls lnalrumenl is ozecuted and detive�ed to sxure lhe paymont ot tho eum o! j � �
<br /> 3 � EIGHTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUPJDRED AND NO/100------------------------rr�uare ts �8.500.00 �, y
<br /> � i wilh intereal Ihercon.�ogelher with such chargce and advanas as may be duv and payablo lo eaid mo[tgagee under the terme and $ .
<br /> rf r
<br /> , fT condilione o! tho promiesory aote al even date herewith and aecured hereby,ezecuted by naid morigago[5 lo said motlgagee,payable j
<br /> £? as ezpressed in wid note,and to secure the perlo�mance ot all the torms and conditiom contained thecain. The tetms at said noto aro }
<br /> # hereby incarpamted berein hy tivi telwence.
<br /> SI
<br /> }$${ It ie tho lntenlioa and agreemeut ol the parties hereto that this mo�tgage ahall aleo eecure any (utwe advancee made to eaid
<br /> ', j3 mo��gagar�_hy nold mor�gaqee, and any and all SndeMednenn in addltion to tho amount above emted which naid mortqagore,or any
<br /> f� o! them, may owo to eaid mortgagee,howevar uvidenced whe�her by nole,boolc accounl o[othenvise. Shfy mortgnge ahall remnia ln lull
<br /> . $ brce aad elten between the partiea hecalo and their 6eire, pe�eoaal rep�esentativae. euccennorn and meigm. uoti! all amounta aecured
<br /> ; �� hcrcunder.inciudinq future advancee,me paid In fuli wilh inte�eeL #
<br /> g � � The morlgaqor..5__he�eby aeslqn—_to eaid mortqageo all �enta and inrnme ariniag al any and all limoe tiom eaid property aad {
<br /> � here6y oulho[ize aaid mo�lgogae or ila agent, at Ite option,upon dvlault,to take chaxge ol eafd prope[ty and mllect all renta and inmmo ��
<br /> t lhcrol[om and apply the sama to the payment ot inlotent,prinripal.Sneumnce pmmiuma,lazee,veeeeemeals.�epaire or tmpxovemenln necan-
<br /> F sary lo l•eep said p[oporly in tenanlable mndition,or to olher chnrqee or paymenle providod lor herein or in the note herehy eecured. Thl�
<br /> t �ent asslgnmenl ehall coatlnue in lorce until the unpald balance of eaid aote is lully patd. The taking o!poseueeion herounder nhall la no
<br /> " F inannor prevont or m�oed said morigagee in tbe colloction of eaid aume by to�ecloaum or othenviea.
<br /> a� �$ 7he lailure o( �he mortqagee to�asaeri anp of itn righle he:euadei at any time eholl not be conet:ued ae a walvor ol ite dght to anxei
<br /> ttt tho aame at any la�er timr,aad lo iantet upon and entoieo et�ict mmp4aoce wi�h all �ho lerme and provialone ol eaid noto and ot t6ta �
<br /> �f_, �� mortgage. � tf
<br /> >
<br /> � $ If aaid modgagor S ehall cauee to be paid�o amd mor�qaqee tho ontite amount due it herounder,and under tha lo�ms and pwvieSona
<br /> t� �S o!naid note horeby secured,induding lulu�o advmcee,and any ezteaeions o� renewale thereol In acco�daace with the teia:s�d piavietona
<br /> � �S iheteof,and il aaid moriqagor `_ ahall cumply wllh all tha provieioae ot wid nole md ot thtn mortgaqe.Ihon�heea preaent�e6all be void; �
<br /> olherwiee�o remmn fn lull lorca aad elloM,and emd mo:tqaqee ehall be enti0ed to Iha poeieeeion of all of�nid pToperty,and may,at 1ts
<br />' +% op�ion,dedara tho whole ol eaid nola and all indaMedneo repreeented lhetaby to be immediately due and payabla,and may forecloas 1hL
<br /> g',' � �� mmtgage or take any o�he� legal actlan lo pmtoct Ile dght and!rom the dale of such delaull all Item�ol indebtedneu�ecLred hezebp Si ,—.� -�,:�•�
<br /> F,R",... � ehati draw inleceet ot 9`.K per annum. Appr¢iaement walved. }F ..
<br />°'� � i� S � N
<br /> {t Thie mo�tgago �haU be bindiaq upoa aad ahall saure to Ihe b�nellt ol tha 6elc�.e:xuloc�,admini�l�etoce.�ucce�wn�d ann[qna d $ . �
<br /> � I � ii iho roepecttve partin heroto. . -
<br />� L ,
<br /> sF IN WITNFSS WE�REOF, wid Moclgagor 5 ha Ve herounto �et ThB I� tiQa�Iho day and ycar 17re1 abo�e '�Y
<br />��: � = wriUoa, _ _ .1 N, I � .
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