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<br /> nioaTcnce
<br /> MORTGAG@ LOAN N0. L Q2�466
<br /> � KNOWALLML'NDYTHBSLPRISENTS:That Carolyn J. Sevy and Jerry W. Sevy, her hUSb811d
<br /> ����`- . Atortgagor,whether one or mote,in consideration of the sum of . � �� �
<br /> s Fourteen Thousand dfid NO/100^---------------------------------------------------- DOLLAILS
<br /> luaned to said morigagor 6y The Gyuitable Auilding xnd Luan Aswciation of Grand Island,Nebraska,Atongagee,upun 14� shares o(stock of
<br /> s:�id ASSOCIATION,Certificate �o.L 22,466 ,du hzreby grant,convey and murtgege unto dte said ASSOCIA"fION tl�e(ollowing � .� - �
<br /> described ceal estate,silualed in Hall Cuunty,I�ebraska: � �
<br /> Fz
<br /> � -
<br /> f-� �' to ether N�ith all the tenements,heceditaments�nd a � � �� - � �
<br /> B ppunenances thereunto belonging,including attached tlwr coverings,all window screens, �
<br /> window sl�ades,blinds,storm windows,a��nings,hcating,air mnditioning,and plumbing and water eyuipment and accessories thereto,pumps,stu�•es,
<br /> refrigerators,and od�er fixtures and equipmen[now or here�fter attached to or used in cvnnectiun x•ith said real estate. . �
<br /> �' And whereas the said mortgagur has�greed and does hereby agree that the moi tgagor shalt and will pay all taxes and�sscssments levied or � � �
<br /> C� '� asxsseJ upun said premises and upun this mortgage and tl�e bond secwS,i+{,�••by�, cibre the s�me shall become delinyuent;to furnish approved �
<br /> ;J,- -� insurance upun die buildings on suid premises situa�ed in the sum ot5*`�)U��•U� p�vahle to said ASSOCIA'CION anJ to dz!iver to said . � � � �
<br /> � � ASSOCIATION the policies for s�id insurance;and nut to commi�or pennu any waste nn or about said prerniser, � �
<br /> ' In case uf defsult in ihe perfurmance uf any af the terms and conditions uf ttiis murtgage or the bond xcured hereby,die morigagee shall,
<br /> on demand,be entitlyd lo immediate poetcssion of the mortgaged premiscs and the mortgagur liereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the � . � �
<br /> mortgagee all the re�us,�evenues and income to be derived(rom the murtgaKed premises during such time as the murtgage indebtedness shall mmuin
<br /> unpaid;and U�c mor�gagee shall have the power tu appoim any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing said premises and renting . � .
<br /> the same and colleciing the ren[s,rerenues:�nd incume,anJ it may pay uut o(said inmme all expenses uf repairing uid premises and necessary, � .
<br /> cmnmissions and expenses incurred in reming and managing the s:une and o!cullecting remals therefrum; the balance remaining,if any,to be
<br /> � applied tuwarJ the disch�ege of s:�id mortgage indebtedness;them nghts ot�he mortgagee may be exereised at any time during the existence uf such
<br /> Jel'auh,irrespcctivc of any tempurarv waiver of the same.
<br /> `• ' Thesc Presents,I�owever,are upun the Condition,That i(Ihe said�fortgagor shall repay;aid Ioan on or before the mxturity uf said sh:+res 6y � �
<br /> : paymenr pay munthly�o said ASSO(:IATION of the sum speci(ied in ihe ilond secured hereby as interest and principnl on said loan,on or before �
<br /> t:�� the T�eenticth day of cach�nd evrry month,until said loan is fully paid;pay all taxes and auessments Icvied against said premises and on this AtortgaSe .
<br /> - and the Uond secured�hereby,befurr delinquency;lurnish appruved insur�nce upon the buildings thercon in the sum of! 14����.�� payable � � �
<br /> �.�� to said ASSOCIAT101:repay to said ASSUCL1T10\upon demand all monev by it paid fur such taxes,assessments and insurance with interest at �
<br /> �F �- the maximum legal rate diereun trum date of p�yment al�o(which\fortgaeor f�ereby agrees tu pay;pennit nu wasre on said premises:keep and comply �
<br /> �" '
<br /> +' with aIl the agreements and condi�ions ol die 13und Ibr$ a n (�n this duc giren by the said�fortgagor tu s�id ASSOCIATION,and comply
<br /> >..�`� with all the rcyuirements of the Constitutim�and 8y-Laws of 3��I"RSS(J('IATION;tlien thex pcesents shall becume null and void,othen�•ise thev �
<br /> shall«m�in in full force and may be foreclused�t[he option of�he said ASSOCIA7'ION after failure (or three mondis to rt�ake anv of said
<br /> - paymenis ur be three munths in arrcars in making said munthly p�yrne�us,or tu keep and cumply with the agreements and conditions of said�ond;
<br /> and Alongagm agees to hace a receiver appuinted furthwith in such fureclosure pracredings.
<br /> ' 11'Iherc is any change in ownership of the«al estate mortgaged herein,by sale ur otherwise,then the entice remsining indebtedness hereby
<br /> �' � sewred shall,at the optiun of The Equitable 6uildin�and Loan Association ol'Grand Island,Nebraska,become immediately due and p�yable withuut
<br /> further nutice,and the amuunt rem�ining duc under said bonJ,and any uther bund for any additional ad�ances made thereunder,shall,Irom the �
<br /> �y.: date uf exercisr of said uption,bear interest at Il�e maximum legal rate,and this mungage may ihen be fureclosed to satisfy the amount due on said
<br /> � j bond,and any otlier bond for additional advances,together aith all sums paid by suid'Ihe Lyuitable duilding 3nd Loan Associ�tion ol Grand Island,
<br /> I�ebraska Cor insurance,taxes and asxssments,and abstracting extensiun d�arges,with interest thereen, (rom date uf payment at the m�ximum
<br /> Icgalrate.
<br /> As pruvided in qie Bond secured hereby,while ihis murtgage cemains in efl'ect the mortgagee may hereaiur adrance additional sums to the
<br /> m�kers of said ISund,their assigns or succrssors in interest,which sums shall be within d�e securi�y of this mortgage the s�me as the Cunds originally
<br /> ` secured thereby,ihe total amount of principal debt not to exceed at any time the ariginal amount of this mongage.
<br /> � ,
<br /> n ���n;5 � h � aay or December �.u..�v 76
<br /> a
<br /> `
<br /> ` : C�o J "Se y �
<br /> �
<br /> � erry"�!. Sevy j
<br /> STATE Of NEBRAS}:A, ss. On diis 16th da o{ December c
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL} y 1 J �6 ,bcfore me, 'I
<br /> .� 1, �
<br /> the unde�signed,a Notary Yublic in and for said County,personally came � ���� �• �
<br /> Carolyn J. Sevy and Jerry W. Sevy, her husband �' �
<br />� : ��'ho dt'0 personally known to . - � �
<br />� �. � me to be the identical perwn 3 w�hosc name S dP8 affixed to the a6ove instruyrxrfr8l�roortgagor5 and they severxlly � � �t .
<br />� / ^� !
<br /> n `
<br /> acknowlcdged the s�id instrument to be thei r roluntary act and deed. .�
<br /> !
<br /> " WITNE55 my hand and Notarial Seal the date aforesaid. � �� �JiJ /(� , �!?
<br />�' ( � ceweal:a.r:!(d4Comm�ssiane�CP;res \�� � /f/ ;' \, ~,
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