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<br /> %�- €l073�3
<br /> The grantor STAHLA t•IOBIl',� HOi•SES� II•IC.�
<br /> rn corporation orgnnized and existing under and Uy virtue uf the laws oE the State of ;]ebraska
<br /> in considerution of Four Thous�nd two hundred and £ifty dollars (�1t,250.00)
<br /> recei��ed from gi•imtee', doca grant, Lnrguin, sell convey nnd confirm unto
<br /> Carolyn J. Sevy
<br /> hcrein called the �rantee �shether ane or morc, the foilowiug described real property in
<br /> ;
<br /> :; ; ......................fial.l,................................................County,?Qebrnakn:
<br /> The tdest Sifteen Seet (l�J 15�) of Lot thirty-seven (37), a11 oS Lot
<br /> thirty-six (36), and the Ea�t ELeven and one-h�7.f feet (� 11.5') of
<br /> J Lot thirty-five (35), �1 in block. three (3), ID.ain Addition, an :
<br /> ` ' addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, I:ebraska,
<br /> � `
<br /> f�E�3RA5K/�DO(',U^,1EPlTARY �
<br /> :S` ,,
<br /> STF.iviP THX
<br /> " `� DEC 2? 1976
<br /> f � ��� sY—�?�
<br /> �:
<br /> , :
<br /> L'F'ATEt:lENT AiTACI-lE�.'
<br /> r.
<br /> a ,
<br /> To Ln�•e and to l�olcl thc uUu��e describel premises together with ull tenements, hereditaments and
<br /> ,;;, appurtenances thereto belonging wito tLe grantce and to grautee's heirs nnd assigns forever.
<br /> And the grantor for itself und its successora does hereby covenaut «•ith the grantee and with
<br /> �' grantee's heirs and u�si�;ns tl�ut gramtor is lawfn:ly seised of s+iid premises;t6nt they are free from encutn-
<br /> ; Urancc
<br /> ii
<br /> � tLat grantor has good right:�nd lun�ful authority t.o cunvey the same; and tltut gruntor �carrnnts und will
<br /> defend��tlio,,title to suid premises ngninst tb.c I�H�ful cl.iims of.�ll persons�chosoe��er.
<br /> ,ti,:��.:��I'�,�l,vi�ness �rl�ereof, grantor hus liereunto rwscd its r.orport�te seul to be affixed nud t6ese
<br /> .gtt*senGs sigaq��b,y its President.
<br /> - Daked' :����c� �l 79'1(r ,
<br /> ; ._ ,.
<br /> . . ; 2 ;
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<br /> l�.r,,,�'„�, 13�\.:`r�.G ....�.:il:��,C.iX�t�....................... Preaident
<br />', '. STATE OF;�F.BRASKA,County of....`.�::F:�.S..................................(........:
<br /> �„ efore me, a notarY puUlic qualificd iu sai� com�ty, personally carue
<br /> -� :�."tal�C�7
<br /> \Q,C���R,S��S�ci�� Preaident of
<br /> Q '�N�ir5 �4\
<br /> ���. �\ I j .
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<br /> �{� CObPA+'S�tF31�F-C.e��; rnG��c'.x.. ¢Xc->u�.f `�."'"`� • ,a corPoration, , . t�
<br /> }�no��l��e to bejLhe President nnd identicnl person �cl�o signed tl�c foregoing instrument, nnd acknun�- • �
<br /> L �tij� I�gitxecu�on thereof to be his coluntary act iind deed us such offieer nnd tl�e coluntary nct and .�
<br />;ti r�r�'•�'�tl�c$ovpomtiou and tLat its eorpornte senl�cns thereto nffixed by its authority. �_
<br />� �F 1dE��` , �y . ..
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<br />;,_ �"' .�itness my hnnd and noturinl senl ov .............(.t�:.f.S..i...:�.�.............................., 19.���:.... �
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<br />_ .......................h.::.�'............:.....................:.................... Notnrv Pabltr
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