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<br />=� STATL OF NEBR-ASI{A, Cow�ty of .................
<br /> Piled for record on ................................. 19........at............................ o'clock ........................ Si.
<br /> ` and recorded in the llecd Record .:............................... Puge .............................
<br /> .............................. ... ................ By ............. ....... ...... .........................
<br /> ............. .................. ........ .............. .................
<br /> Register of lleeds Deputy I;egister of Deeds � .
<br />' � �b- �0�3�$
<br /> �:
<br /> Alfred T. Salmon and Ibrothy D. Salmon, husband and wife,
<br /> ,herein called the grnntor��•hether one or more,
<br /> in consideration of Thirty-Eight Thoasand Five Hundred and 00/100 Dollars
<br /> received from grautees, does grant, Unrqain, sell con�•ep and confirm imto
<br /> Larry R. Thompson and Connie L. Thompson, husband and wife,
<br /> as joint tenauts «•ith right of survivorship, aud not as tenants in common, the follorring described real
<br /> . i property in Ha1Z....................................... County.NeLrnskn:
<br /> .........................
<br /> Lot Nine (9) in Island Acres No. 7, a Subdivision
<br /> of part of Fractional Section Seven (7); part of
<br /> the West Ha1f of the West Hall (f91fW�t) of Section
<br /> Eight (8); and part of Lot Twenty-Four (24), Island
<br /> Acres, a11 in Township Eleven (lI) North, Ran_qe ��E�?�5KFl DCCI":��!VTARY � ;
<br /> Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in the City of
<br /> ; ' Grand IsZand, Ha11 County, Nebraska. STA\i?IAX
<br /> DEC 2? 1976
<br /> s'�htrttGhlS. ��[Sh�� �� �S �(��
<br /> To l�n�-e and to hold the aLoce descrited premises together �vith ull tevements, Lereditamenta
<br /> and appurtenunces LUereto belonging unto the �rnntces IIIl(] Y0 tlieir assigns, or to tlie lieirs and assi;,n�s
<br /> of the surci�•or of them fore�•er.
<br /> dnd grantor does hereU�� coceuunt �sith the grantees and with their assigns and �cith tl�e heii�
<br /> aud assigns of the sun•iror of tbem tliat grantor is lan�fully scised of said premises;tl�at the��are free ircm
<br /> �` euenmbrance except easements and restrictions of record.
<br /> a� ;
<br /> �% thut graator has good riglit und la«�ful authority to cou�•c}• fl�e �awc; �md that grantor «�arrnnt�s uud �cill
<br /> �i defend tlie title to snid premises .i�nii�ist t6e lan•ful elui�us of all per•snns �c]imnsoecer. �
<br /> It is thc intention of all parties hereto tLat in the e��etit oC the deatL of cither of tue grantces,
<br /> the rntim fee title to this renl piro��rrt�� �h;ill ci�st in tlie surcicin��rantee.
<br /> r, '
<br /> Dated December 17 ig 76
<br /> �. .................................................................................... r...�_';;.i:K..�"...�.r.....��'..�:�:�^:x'7.�---.
<br /> � .................................................................................... :�:.�'':'t.i:�.��t:?...:�................:i'.t::�:!`�.........
<br /> .,� ...r , w.
<br /> .. .. . .......
<br /> f l
<br /> ' Nebraska Na11
<br /> STATEOP ......._.................................................... Countp of ............................................................:
<br /> 5 Before me, a notary public qualified for said count}•, persuuall�� cmne Alfred T. Salmon
<br /> and Dorothy D. Salmon, husband and wife, each in his and her own right and as
<br /> spouse of the other,
<br /> knoticn to me to be the identical person or persons�vho signed tlie foregoing instrnment and nckno�cledged •;;.� -„
<br /> iLe esecutian thereof to be Lis,her or thcir�•oluutnry act,nnd deed. "� �'
<br />_ ' ; : N .
<br /> � tiyitness m hand and notarial seul on ........ ` � ?
<br /> s � ..,��:���:���.......t.7......, is...��.... � a
<br />� ,e�/� . /�� , �
<br />:�r =� CNARLES E.DeLARM ......�/'�I.G(.-���U.'...�. lL,:f.-�.G�=:�..Y� \otar 1'nblic �
<br /> . .. .. .. . '
<br /> ,........ y
<br />� �� '� C rcra!;tGarYStatcotL'.hr. .J� . ..
<br /> w t 1y Comrr.iss;on Ex�:res ,�/�' � l� F
<br />��, April ll,1978 1I� commission espires...........!:����G1........�L..i�..,19...,�.J...... "
<br /> Form 9.? To Ue �i���nrored Uy \i�bra�l;;�State}iar.\cc��ciution r•��wn�mta,.,u�a.in.Nr��.
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