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1 ;. <br />-".4�� . � .. ,... �+wit�c? <br />:.� �.� � <br /> ti� <br />�. . <br />��' i�- f1073 �; s3 <br /> . MORTGAGORS MAY MAKE PREPAYMENTS OF PRINCIPAL ON ANY INSTALLldENT DUE DATE SUCH PREPAYMENT SHAIL OE . <br />� � APPLIED TO INSTALLldENTS LAST TO BECOME DUE UNDER THIS MORTGAGE. PROVIDED THE UNDERSIGNED ARE NOT IN DEFAULT <br /> 4� <br /> AN� ARE THEN 7HE OWNERS �OF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY, UPON REQUEST OF THE UNDERSIGNED, OR EITHER OF THEM, <br /> PAYEE AGREES TO FURNISH TO THE UNDERSIGNED 300% OF SUCt1 PRINCIf'AL PREPAYMENTS, UNLESS ADVANCEMENT IS PRO• <br /> � HIBITED BY THE REGULATIONS OF CHARTERING AND SUPERVISORY AUTHORITIES THEN IN EFFECT. ALL SUCH ADVANCEMENTS � � � . <br /> SHALL BE SECURED BY THIS MORTGAGE IN THE SAME MANNER AND EFFECT AS IF NO PREPAYMENTS HAD BEEN MADE. � � � <br /> r THE A10R1'GAGOR FLJRTIi�R COVENANTS AND AGR�ES: <br /> ` 1 ; <br /> b <br /> ' Thnt the Ttortgegor will ��n.V the indebiednrse as h�•reinb�>[nre prnvided . . . . . . <br /> � 1'hat the Morfgn�;or is ihe owner of said pro��c�cly in fue vimpl<� and has go�:d ri�:ht ��nd luwful authorit.}' to sell ��nd � . . <br /> convi•�• the sume und that the snmr is free and cli�ar o( e+ny lien or t�ncumbrunc�•: ��nd that Alurfl'��1;�,r w•ill �eerranl and defend the � � � . � <br /> - litic to ciid premiscy . uKninst tho claims ot all persnns whomsucver. � . . . � <br /> � Tu pny immediotely � whe�n duc und paynble nll genertil tuxes. special taxrs. speciiil asse�srnenti. tv;der rharges,. sei��er xera- � � . � <br /> � ice churges, mid oiher lazes and charges ag�iinst snid ��rtoperty. :+nd all t�izes I��v��d nn the debt a� currd hcreby, und to furnish Ihe . . . . . . . <br /> � Mortgxgee. upon request, H'ith ihe uriginnl or rrecipls thrrcfoc 'Chi� \torl �;agur u�rres Ihrii lherc ,hall be added lo . . <br /> � r.nch monthly� pnymcnt reyuirrd herruuder or under the evidince of drlrt secured here•by an amnunt estimated by ihe �1url�:agre . <br /> � �ta he tiu6cient tu ennhle ihe il9uregagee in pay. as Ihey become duv. ;dl taae.;, :is,essmenls, and similar cf�arFrs upon the prem- � . <br /> � iv�s subjccf iherclu; ;+ny deficiency because u( lhc iusutlicie•ncy of such additionul pnyments zhall he fortl�u�ilh drpusiled by fhc• � . . <br /> � Afurf4+�K�r �vith Uie htortgngce upon drmund by ihe \lorlgage.e. :1ny dc!null under this p:�r���;raph +hall bc drrrnrd fi dc(auli in � . <br /> . : p��ym��nt ot t:�xrs. ussessmonls, or similar ch;v�;t�s rrqnirrd her��undec � �. <br /> 'fhr b1i�rtgngor a�rres thot therr �hnll �J.o br nddrd tu unrh mnntfilp paqmeN of princlpal :uid inlerrst rcquirrei her�- � � � . . <br /> �' � undrr an xmuw�t eslitnuli�l by fhe Norlga�ee tn bo su7licirm tu enubb� the Afnrtg;�gre to pay. ;�= il brcumc�= duc. the i«suronce � . . <br /> � premiwn on nny insura+ncu pulic}• d�livered lu the Afurtqngei�. Any d�•ficie��c>• b��cause nf fh�� in,n�liciimcy n( suc6 nddilionul pay- - � <br /> � �ucnta +Iiull be (urlh��'ith dcpwifed by Ihr Alortg:��;ur �eith ! he ;11orl�;uKre upon dem:md bt' lhr �\1ort�agee. Any de[ituit und�•r this � . <br /> �i ' parugrnph shull be deemed a di•laidl in � hr payancnt nf in,ur.mce premiwns. If thr p�di���� nr pnlicu�s drpn;i �rd :ve wrh ns hume- . . . . . . <br /> ^;_ � . uwnen ur all risk pulicies, �md lhe di�pusils xr�� insufGcii�nt ta pn)' Ih;• ruGrr prrmimn. the• Vnrtgo-i�ce may apply Ihe deposil to . . . <br /> � . pny prc•miums un risks rryuired to Ui� iusurril hy lhis murlgagr. � . <br /> a�. � <br /> � Y:�vmenL� nmde by lhe �1nrt�:ugor w�drr thc �i6nv�= p:vatir.�piu mac. :d thc upt �on uf the 'durtqa�;re. 6r hi�ld by it und . <br /> � f�' �� - ronvnin�led with other such funds ur it� u�.vn funds for thr payment nt ;;u<•h il��m;. :md uulil �o up�di��d. =uch p�rvrnents :ve� hrrrby. - . <br /> � . � plee(ged eis necurily (ur thr unpaid b:�l:ma• uf tLe murtl':�t;r inde6ler6ic�=. . � . <br /> � 'Cn procurr„ deli��er tu, �i�d maint»in fur lh�• hen��lii ut ihe Alurthn�;rt� ducinK ihi� li[r uC this mnrfgagr uritiin,il P��licirs and <br /> � renew�ds lher�N�(. delivercd �rt. lcast ten d:p•s be[nre thc rxUiraliun <�t xny such policirs. i�surin�: ;��:ninst hrr and r.ther insurnble � <br /> ' hai,irds. r:ivunllie:;, anei contingencies as ihe �1unKnt;�'�• ���:�Y require. in :in +�mount equal tu tl�e , indebtedneas secured hy � his : <br /> �fnrtKage. and in cumpanies accrplable fu the A1urt�:a�ee. a�ith loss payablu t9�use in (avur u( aud in form �cceptabla lu tLe Alurt�;a- �. . . � <br /> � gee. In ihe ��eunt any polic>• is nut rrnewod nn ur br(um lrn d�ays o( iis expirati<m. thu idurteagi��r may prucure in,urnncr nn ihr . <br /> � improventenis. puy Ihe premium thrre(ur. und such sum sh;dl bi�c:�m�� i�nmediu�oly duo and payablu ���ith inir�n•=t at ihr rate set � <br /> � (urlh i�t snid nnl�• until paid ;md ,hall Li• ,erured bp thi. mur� ;;age. Pailure on tlie part uf Ute nlort�;ugor tu furni+h such renew�ls ' . . <br /> as nm hcrein requircd nr L•iilurr in pny auy vmns �idrnncrd h�•rrundrr shall, nt 16i• nptiun nf thi• \turt ��igrr. ivnslitutc a di•(uult . . . <br /> r � under tLe tc�rns of thi; mort;;a�r. T6�� di�livrry of surh pulicies shall, in thr event ui drf��ult . run.,hliNr :an u:si;;nmi�nt n( Ihe un- . . <br /> earnrcl prrmium. � � . <br /> � Auv sums mceived bp fhi• \lurlgagee bc ma�un n( Ine., nr riantu�;r inatmd :i„:�ins! mnp hr rrtainrd bc Ihe Jlurt:::�i;i�c . <br /> � ;md applied to�rard lhe P%�5'�nent ot � he drbl hrmhy ���cur��d. ur. .+t the nplinn � �( Nir 11ort �atiee, s�ch ;ums rilhi�r �chollc ��r in � . <br /> t'� � p;�rt muy hr paid o�-��r t�� U�c Adorty;agur lu L�� used lo mpair surh buildin;;n or t �r bnild new buildin�s in Ihcir I�I:ire ur (or .�ny <br /> r <br /> 3 � olher pu7P��.;�• ��r objrct s� tiafllrtory' In ihi� A7url �a�;rr wi � huu� �dTr<�tinu thi• li��n un thc morl�;a�:i• f��r iho � ull armnuV si�currd h�•rr- <br /> �i- . Ly b��(um vu�•h paym��nt erer I � kik pl��ce. <br /> i 'I'n prnmptly rrpnir. rrv�ure nr rrbuild +uiq huildinK. � � r unprr�rrrnrnc; nu�c ar h�•m:dicr un Ihr Pn•tni;rs �chich :nae 6�•. . . <br /> `I <br /> ,y runn• dumai;ed ur destrocrd: tu }:rrp ,;ud Gr��mi=es in ti�r�d couditiun .�nd ropair und G��.• frum an}� rn�•rh:�nic's lirn ur othrr lirn nr <br /> i. . , claim of lien nol �•xprr.;sh� suburdin�ilod tu IL�� li�•n h�•moC n��l tu +ulTrr nr prnnit anp milm.��ful u,�• u( ��r an>' nui�:�nce �u rxisl on . . <br /> z : v:iid pruprrq' nnr tu permit �v:fxN• on zai�l Prcrt�i.e+. n� �r � u du �m)' uthrr nr� wh�•rob}' ihv pruprric horrl�v cuu}�r����d z�ufll Iu�comi� . <br /> t: <br /> - ; � lusti ralunbir. n��r ln dimiuish ur impair it: c:ilu�• bp ;m�� srl ��r nmi..ion m ;ict : t � � rampl� ���ith :dl n�qwmnu�nl.; � �1 la��• wilh m�prct <br /> � tn lhe mur�t:a{;vd premises wid Ihe us�� � h��rco(. <br /> � �Chid should 16e prrmis�•i ur anv p:vl fhon�u( IK� l:ik��n nr durnu�;od h�' r�•nsun of :uic publit• irnpru��umrnl ur cundrmnn�ion <br /> z, . prceecdink. or undrr llm ritiht u( rnunrnl domain. or in auy o� hcr manm�r. th�� A1urh:aFrr �luill hr �•ntitL�d fu nIl rumpcnsutions. <br /> 1� �iwiv<Is, and �ny' ath�•r P�iymont ur rvlief thrrr(ur. aud shall 6u enlitled. nl il� upiiun. tn c��rnm��nce. ;�pprnr in +wd prt�irute m it.=. <br /> nwn nume onp aclinn or Pru4�cJin;;, ur �u makc anp cumprnntis�• ur .��t �l!•nu•nt in cunm�ctii �n �cith vuch t��kin: ur dnma:;c, :111 .;uch <br /> ciunpcnwlion. award�. dnmaur.. ri;;hl n( artion :�nd prure�vls ar�• h��rrhy a-;itnrii in tlie �inny:agre. w9�io m;�l'. alirr di�duc�in�; <br /> ��� � there(ruln all iLv, ndeose anp mnneyc sn rrc,�ivrd Lc it � �t :�Pplp fh�� ;wn�• nu :ui)' ind�•htrdnrs. ircnre�i hvn�bc. 'I�h�� Alnrt - <br /> - `;� I;n{;or agmes to execute cueh furth��r a;signments nf nny r�:mprn=:di� �n. �r.c;ird.. dnrn:i�:rs. arol righ�s ul arliun and n. Lhe <br /> � hlurt�;ntiee !n�+Y rrquirr. <br /> � <br /> 'I'hnt in c��sv o( Liihiro In prrtarm any ul Ibr �'ucen:mts h��n�in. Uic \lurlti:i�;ei� nu�y riu on Ih�• \I� �rt�a�:ur�s trehrtlf r��rn�tiiinF <br /> . so covenrmf<•d: tliat thc illnrlF;a�cc ruay nlvu du an}� act it ma�� drrm nra�s,.� n• t�� � mut�-ct th�• lirri then•nC Uc�t ihc Atur. qn�;ur v.�ill <br /> - n•pny upnn demnnd tmY �������ece paid or dis6uned bp tlm \lurt�;a�;er I��r nny nf the aba���• purP�n�'.,. euid surh nroncys togrlhrr with <br /> � :� infcrest lhrrron ut thi• ratc pruvidrd in naid uulr shall bi�come <n murh :iddi� iun:d indobl �Ylnr,�z h,.•n•b�� ,rcurrd 'and muv bo in � <br /> t� � cluded in nrry drercr furrclaiing tnis murt�;a�c :md hc p:�id nut uf th�� mnts ur prurr��•ds af :::�I�• ��( x;ud pmnusrs i( not �nhrnciso <br /> ' paid: that it shnll nol be ubli�;nlory upan the nlort�n�:ei• tu inquirr inln the vnlirlilp o( um• li,� u. rn�unil�,n�nr��.. ur rl+iim in nd - <br /> e:mcin�: momtyv as �il;nvi< aulhorixrd. but uothing hrrrin runlninrd Ix� cun,trucd :w rryuirin;; ihr Alnr��:accr I � � adr;inci� :�ny <br /> }.� . moneys for any such purpus�� nor fo du any act h�•r!•undrr nnd lhnl �1nn �;:it;�•�• sh;�ll n� �l incur am' por.�nial liatrilit}' L,�r:m=e ��f ari��' <br /> �. � � thintC il nv�y du ur nmif fu J� � hen•umirr. <br /> Jn � 6c ��v��nt o( lhi• Jef.tull by \Inr�4ncur in Ih�• p:�yutrnl � d :�np inst:dlrn�mt . �u n•yuirrd 67� thr i�ulr -r<�ur��d Lrrrhy . ��r <br /> - in lhe per(urmance u! ihe ubli�;aliu7i in this morlga�;e or in thr note ��Y•ured lhereLy, the �1orll;:�K<:i• sh:dl L�• rniitlr;l to drel:ur ihr " <br /> drbt srcured hereby Jue unrl pay:�ble wi�hnW noticc•. rtnd l6e Aiorf�agre shall hr rnlillyd sf il� nplinn. �•�ithunt notfcr. �•ither by itsell � { . <br /> nr by a recYivcr lu bc �ippuinic+i Ly Ihc ��uurt ehenr�L �md without n•tiard fn ti�o ndryuary of ony ..,curit �• (� �r thr ind��btrdm�sti v�. . . .. �� <br />� �. �vrrd hemby. to ent�•� upun nnd ta6i pn•:o-r.siun nf ihe n�ortgat;ed and tu culkct .ind nc��ier Ihr rent. �:� . w ; :�nd prulits r N� . .' . <br /> L therenf. und apply ihe �:un�. lrtis ro �� u( nperahan and cullec�ion. uPon tLe in�iebti•dne�s ��cun•d f�c � Lis morl�,,i6� , �.�id rrnts, � <br /> �c;urs and profiLv Ininl; hereLV ;usigned tu lhr I�1urt�;:4:w• nv fnrthrr sa�urih• f� �r thr pacmrnt uf nll indrbir�dm•s, .�,rnn d hrm6y. <br /> �t <br />�x�� '1'tir A1ort�ngce slmll have thr puwrr tu appoint any :igeN nr �i �;rnls ii may �ir�in• (ur thr purP�^�' � �( r���;:iirin� vii�i prem � n � � . ,. <br />`�� � iu�s: rentmg the same: cnllecting tlu• mnts. n•vrnues ;md incume. ;ind il rna�; puy uut uf s:�id inrame :iil ��� � � mrurnvl in rrnt� � �- <br />�a,; . in�; und munaginK thi• snm�� and u( cullectinC (hr rrnl:J. � hrm( ro�n. '1'hr L��lancv r��m;unin�. if :inc. � Ir� ll hr appli��d t��:vard th�� . <br />`:" � dic��nnry:e nf lhe moitK�4:�• indi�b[�•dnesr. 7�his :is.i�;nin�mt in tn Irrmin�lr nnd In�v� �m�� null �inri n �i�i n �;: �n mi��n��. nl thiv m��rl�;ogo. . <br />'�dc. <br />:�,^ <br />�y�qE I1 <br /> �Li �'+� � <br />�' ! <br /> ' ..� <br /> .;; � <br /> � <br /> - F <br />