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- � .,���� <br />�"� r � <br />:;,�.,�. ��_:.:. <br />��u 1dORiGAGE--Saving� and lmn Form—{Dlrect Crodlt Pl�) 255�2 (Spociaq <br />� ..,........ . . . � <br /> � "lb- (1073�'7 MORTGACE <br /> ��No <br /> rrftts tt�mENTUAE.maae wu 18th �,,:, of December ,1e�� by and botweea � <br /> LARRY R. THOMPSO"I AND CONNIE L. THOMPSON'; husband and orife, each in his and her otun <br /> � ri�ht and as spouse of the other <br /> 2 <br /> - o� � � Ha 11 rouaty,Nebraaka,aa moriqaga 5.and Home Fedeml Saviage aad kw¢Asvociation ol Grand lal�d � �� � � � <br /> . a corpo:atioa oiganised aad eslatlnq uador the laws of Nebrmka wilh Ile prindpal oifice and placo ol buaiaeaa at Grand lel�d Nebraaka . . � � � <br /> A . , UD fDOf�QOQOB; . <br /> WITNFSSETH: That aaid moAgagor S !or and fa coaeideratloa o!the eum of � . �� <br /> '' TWENTY SIX TH011SAND PIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100-----------------------r 26,500.00 �. <br /> � ollate (S . <br /> % �the recsipt o! whlch fa herebp acknowlodged do_by those preeentn mongago and warrant unto eaid mortqagea, its eucceasore and � . - . <br /> . aaatqne,torever,al!Ihe following dexribed ieal ealate,dtuated in tLe county ot ��ali . � <br /> ��: � and State ot Nebraaka,tawlL• � f � � � <br /> > <br /> LOT NINE (9) IN ISLAND ACRES N0. 7, A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF FRACTIONAL � <br /> SECTION SEVEN (7); PART OF THE WEST HALF OF TFIE WEST HALF (W'�W�) OF � <br /> ; SECTION:EIGt�'f (8); AND PART OF LO'P TWENTY-FOUR (24), ISLAND ACRES, ALL S <br /> IN TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11) NORTE{, RANGE NINE (9) WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., IN $ <br /> � THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEIIRASKA. $ <br /> � � � <br /> :C � $ <br /> i �� <br /> r �S <br /> z" # � <br /> � � r <br /> a t+ �f <br /> �# r <br /> � S 7ogolher wilh all heating, lightiag, and plumbing equfpmwt and fiztu�ae,includinq etokere and 6umere,eaeenn,awainge,etormwindowe $� <br /> ��' .. S and doora,and window ahadee o[bltada,wed on or im m�nection with said property,whet6er the eame�o now Ixated on eaid p:apariy $j <br /> � S or hereatter placod thezeon. <br /> { jt <br /> '� � �f TO HAVE AND TO HOLD 7fiE SAt+IE, together with all and eingular the tenemaals.Lareditaments and appurteaan[ee theiounto belong- $S� <br /> - $� ing,or in anywiae appartaininq,lorever,nnd wmrant the title lo tha eame. Said mortqagor S here6y mvenaaf—_with eaid mortqaqee +# <br /> S � <br /> $� tya�,�hok_ are ��he dolivery hereol,the lawtul ovmers ot tho premisee above conveyed and deecribed,aad 8Te f1# <br /> '� $t seized o!a good and iadeloaeible entate ol in6erilance therein,lieo and clear of all eucumbr¢acen,and lhal�o�will wmrant m�d >� <br /> �.� S; detond the ll�le thereto lotever against tho claima and demnnds of all persor.e whomxoevac �{ <br /> � PROVIDED ALWAYS, and tLis inatrument is execuled and dellvered to aocure the payment ol tho sum ol �� <br /> t <br /> # TIaENTY SIX THOUSAND I'IVE HUNDRED AND NO/100----------------------nonara �s z6,500.00 �. #� <br /> # wilh in�erest lheteon,togo[her wilh auch chaxges and adv¢nces as may bc duo md poyablo fo said morlgageo under the lerm� and { <br /> � conditione ol tha promi�sory aole o! even data herowith and aecuied hereby,ozecuted 6y emd morigagoc S to said moriqeqee,payaLle �S <br /> � 3 aa expreaeed N said aote,and to secuTe the pedormance ol all tho torme and coaditionn contained theroia. The terma o! aaid note a:e { <br /> . � heieby Iamrpomted hcreSn by Wia rolorence. #� <br /> $ it(n lhe intontlon and agreament of the pa:tiea 6emto that thla mortgage ehall alao socuro any lutura advancee mado to eald y <br /> � aactgagor S by edd mortqagee,and any and all indebtodnene ln addltion to tho amount above stated which eaid moriqagora,or aay j <br /> o!them,may owo to eaid morigagee.howevec evideacad whethec by oote,book accounl oc otherwiea. Thin morigoge ehall remala fn tull $ <br /> j� torco and et(oct betweea the partiea horeto and their heire, pe:eonal mpreaentatives. succcaeote and as�lqna, unW all amounW eecurod � <br /> •�` � hereundar,tncludinq lunue advaacen,are perid Ia lull with intereet. <br /> f �. The morlqagor S hereby¢aeiq�to said moctgageo all�en1a aad inwme �ininq al my and all timea ttom said pcoperty�d <br /> 6exeby authorize emd morignqae oe ite ite option,vpon dotaul6 to take charga o(said proporty and collact all cente aad income +� <br /> tt therolmm and apply lhe eamo lo the payment o!intoieet,ptindpal,lnnucance pvemiume,tazan,aeaoenmanle,repmie or lmprovnmeatn aecon• S <br /> �. � aary lo keep said property in teaaatable rnaditlon,m lo olker chacgee or papmenv pcoWded!or hereia or 1n tho aote herehy aecured 7Wa � <br /> zent a�algnmeat ehail contiano in lome uatil the unpafd balaaae oi said uote is fully paid 'fhe laitinq ol possemian hcieunder ehali in no y <br /> :y mannor p�event or ietaxd�aid mortqagee In the collectlon of eaid sums by torecloeura or otherwfea. � <br /> {'� �' The lailure ot the mortgagee lo aseer!anp o!its dghte Loceuuder at any time ehall aot be conntruod aa a maiver ol ita right to anaeri �� <br /> �i_ $S tha aame at anp later time.�d to lnniet upon aad odocco�trict compllanca wi�h all tha te�mn and p�ovielone of naid note and of thln <br /> �. $� mortgaga. f� <br /> $� If eaid aortqaqoi S ahall.eause to ba paid to eaid moriqageo t6o entire�ouat due it heraundcr,and undor Iho terma and proviaioa� <br /> $ of satd nota ha:eby wnued includinq tuture adv�cae,and any ariemioas o: renewale thoreo! In accordance with tha terms aad provi�fom � <br /> - SS lheceof,aad tl eaid mo�tqagor S. ehall comply with all the provialone ot eald note and ot thls mortgnge,thea lheee pronenls nhall be votd; <br /> , �' ol6erwieo to mma3a in!ull 1o[ce aad efloct,uad said mortgaqee ehall be eatilled to We poeseuton ot all ot naid piopecty,aad may,at fte <br /> opt7oa,declare tha whole ot sald note and all ladehtodaeu zepte�eated tha:eby to be immedl¢tely due aad payabla,and clay focedoea thie � . � . <br /> �� mortqage or take anp other logal actloa to protect fts right, aad lrom�he date o[auch de(ault all ltem�ot indehtedneu�ocured hareby , <br /> { ehall draw Intureet at 990 per anaum. Apprdiemeat wai�ed N <br /> S <br /> � Thls mortgage aholl be bindlaq upon and ehall eauca�to tha beaellt o!the hek�,ezacvton.adminbtraton.�ucceewre and aneiqm o1 � � � <br /> • t� iho re�pecGve p�Hee heteto. � <br /> $ n tt <br /> � IN WF�REOY, sald,�rSprtqagor 5 ho"e hereu¢to �el thCl.T Qa�_t6e day and year llret above � � <br />�`:' � wdtt � --� /// . h �. <br />"+�� � - �! ��•'� ���/ � � . <br />�. .� • �L��� �. -G",'.Y�t��%:V_'�'"-�' �{..�... / �i% /.'Jn �/r �� " <br />.};� � /I„4�'ry R. � 'ompson Connie L. Thompso� <br />`�, s�. - � - i <br /> f <br />,,�` �- � � <br />'`=`� <br />--� <br />.`..� <br />: � <br />