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<br /> �10RTGAGC
<br /> ��oiircnce[.on*�?ao. L z2�471 MGI C
<br /> KNOWALLh1ENf3YTHESGPRESLN'fS:That Paul H. ;(oods and Betty J. �loods, each in his and her
<br /> '� � �
<br /> own right and as spouse of each other,
<br />. e
<br /> � �lurtgagor,wLether one or more,in consideration of the sum of . � � � �
<br /> ' Thirtv-nine Thousand Six Hundred and No/10�-------------------------------------- oo�[.aas
<br /> luaned lo said mor�gagor 6y'Phe @quitable�uilding and Luan Association o((;rand Islvnd,Ne6raska,'�tortgagee,upon 396 shares oI stock of � . �
<br /> saiJ ASSOCIATION.Certificate No.L 22+4�I MGI C,�o hereby grant,cum•ey and mortgage unto the said ASSOClATION the fullowing � � �. �
<br /> � described real estate,situated in Hall County,Nebraska: : � �
<br /> t
<br /> r:. '
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> {-.. � �ogelher with �ll �he tenements,heredi�aments and appurtenances thereunto belonging,including auached tloor coverings,all windon�screrns, . � .
<br /> Y�. window shades,blinds,sturm windo�es,�H�nings,heating,air conditioning,and plumbinc and water equipment and accessories thereto,pumps,s[oves, �
<br /> refriger�tors,:�nd other(i�tures and eyuipment no«�or herea(ter attached tu or used in connectiun with saiS real estate. � .
<br /> ` And whereas�he said mort�agor h�s agrced and does hereby agrce th�t the I11UfIC�4�f SI1;1II and will pay all tares and assestments levied or �
<br /> �� assessed upun said p�emises and upon thii mortg�ge and thc bond secured dureby betore�he same shall berome delinquent;to fumish�ppruved .
<br /> � insurance upon the buildings on s�id premises situated in die swn of 539�6��.�� payable to said �SSOCfA710N and to deliver to said �
<br /> � �z� ASSOCIATIO�die policics(or said insurance;and not ro mmmit ur permit any aaste on or about said premises � �
<br /> ;� � � In case uf de(ault in the pedormance of any of the tenns and conditions of Ihis morteage or the bond secured here6y,die mortgagee shall, � �
<br /> � on demand,be entiiled ro inunediate possession oC the mortgaged premises and the murigagur hereby assigns, trans(ers and sets over ro ttce �� �
<br /> - � mortgagee all the rents,revanues and income to be derived Irom the morigaced premises during such time as tht murtgaee inde6tedness shall remain .
<br /> � unpaid;and the murtgagce shall have the poH�er w appoint any aeent ur agents it may desire for the purpose o(repairing s:�id premises and renting .
<br /> � the same and collecting the rents,revenues and income,and i[may pay out oC said income all expenses of repairing said premisas and neassary
<br /> � commissions and rspenses incuned in rentine and man�ging the same and o(cnllec�ing rentals themCrom;the balance remaining,if any,tu be
<br /> � applied tux•ard the dischaigc of s�id mortgage indebtednesr,these rights uf the murtgagee may he exercised at any time during tho eaistence uf such
<br /> �` . defaull.irrespective o(any tcmporan•waiver of the eame.
<br /> A
<br /> � These Presents,ho+sever,are upon d�e Condition."Ihat ii the said lfong�gor zhall rep�}�s:tid loxn on ur bcfbro[he maturity of s�id shares 6y
<br /> �- � paymenl;pay mun[hlp�o said ASSOCIATlO\ot thr;um specitied in the bund secured hrreby�s imeres[and peincipal on said lu;�n,on or before . �
<br /> Y� �ihr Twenticth day uf each and evrry month,until said loan is fullp paid;pay ell taxes and asszssmentt levied egainst said prcmises and un this�lortgage �
<br /> i�. �. and lhe Bund xcured thereby,before delinyuency;fu�nish approved insurance upon the buldings thereun in the sum of 5 39�(�� QQ pa)'able �
<br /> to said ASSOCIATION;repay to s�id ASSOCIATION upon demnnd all monev bp it paid 1'ur such taxes,assessments�ndmsurance wnh intecest at
<br /> the maaimum lee�l rate therrun frum date oi payment all of which�tortgaeur hrreby aerees w p�r;permit nu waste on said premises;keep and comply �
<br /> '� u�ith all the agrcements and condiiions uf the Bond(ur S 39 600.00 ����s day given b)'the said 9lortgagor[o ssid ASSOCIATION,and comply
<br /> � �vith all tl�e reyuirrmems of[hc Cunsiitution and By-Law�s of said ASSOCIATION;�hen these presents shall become null and void,uthen��ise�hey �
<br /> - sh�ll rcmain in full furce and msy be forccloud a�the option uf the said ASSOCIAT101 a(ter failure for three nwnths to make any o(said
<br /> � p�ymems or be ehree munths in arrc�rs in m�king said montl�ly payments,or to Acrp and cumplyµ�ith dte agreemenu and conditions uC said Bond;
<br /> � and;�1or�gaeor agrees to have a recciver nppuinted fonhH�ith in such foreclusure procecdings. �
<br /> t- If there is any change in ownership o(ihe real estate mortgaged herein,�y saic or uthcrw�isc,then the ancire remnining indebtedness hertby
<br /> ' � 5ecured shall,at the option uf The Equit:�ble Building anJ Luan Association of Grand Island,Nebraska,bemme immedi�[ely due and p3yable without
<br /> �"� . funher notice,and the amount remaining due under said bund,and any other Uond for any additional advences m�de thereunder,shell,(rom Ihe
<br /> f. � dale of exercise ol said upiion,bear interest�t die maximmn legal rate,and this mortgace may then b:Coreclused to satisfy the amoun[due on said
<br /> . bond,and any olher bund Cor additional advances,together with�II swns paid by said The Gyuit�ble Building and Luan Association of Grxnd lsland,
<br /> Neb�aska for insuranm,taxes and assessments,and abstr�cting extension charges,�vith interest thereon. from dace o(payment at the maximum
<br /> � legal rafe.
<br /> � As provided in tl�e Uond secured hereby,while tliis mortgage remains in efiect the mungagee mny hereafter advance additional eums to the
<br /> makers of said Bond,tl�eir assigns or suaeswa in interest,which sums shall be within the security of this mortgage the tame as the funds originally
<br /> . ucu�ed thzreby,tlie total amount u(principal debt not to exceed ut any time the urieinal amount of this murtgage. �
<br /> Datedthi: zOt j� ,�. ,�i December ,� i�.i�76
<br /> L�� ��� �
<br /> au . r, o s ;:etty J. oods -"
<br />� . STATE OF NEBRASKA,l ss. Oiuhis 2�th day of December 19]( .before me,
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL� ., i .
<br /> � the undervgned,a Nutary Public in and for said County,personally came -
<br /> Paul H. kioods and Betty J. 'floods, each in his and her own right and as spouse of each �cv -.
<br /> other who dre Prrsonallyknuwnto >
<br /> I m
<br /> �. (� me tq`be dre,t7.entica.l person S whose nam5 dre a(fixed to d�e abuve instrument as mort�gor 5 �°� they secerally �
<br />���� � .'acknnwledged,tJie�i�id`nstrument ro be thei r voluntar�•act and decd. ��
<br />�: :�'$'I7'NF�SS my hand and Notarial Scal the daic afomsaid. I 1 �
<br /> � .
<br />*.�;� .� `At�C mmission expires t� � n �✓� `I � . . .
<br />�� � � �P-�; , Y �� �����o '� .,.�`� �� ��_
<br /> N �ry Public
<br />'. ' 54�9NRI j�" .. `
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