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<br /> � 20�44—arr Fn�n OF bIOA?GAGE—Cary�rulon Tno uwr��o�rnl buPP11 Honao,I.fncata�Mu
<br /> !N CONSIDERATION o� thc Qoy�nent nf the debt �ia�urd 1;ier�Yr: the'--T-------` --- .'__._ t ._._�
<br /> FI.Oxer-�anS Company l:cre5y releaset ttse rmvrtr�ngc s�+ade to� :
<br /> i '
<br /> ;f Fred Yocum Ly Flower-Ebans Company � ;;
<br /> on tHa follouting descri6cd real rst�tc,to-zc�it: i
<br /> �I ,
<br /> Y ( '
<br /> � '
<br /> � of Sectio�s 10 in 1'oum.rkiF 11 ldorth Tmlq� 9 West nf tJ:e 6th I�, ,+,:,, Hall Document �4�
<br /> ' Nebreska :uhids is rrcorded in L� n Xeat Estate.tlert r:�, , 76-00014�7 :
<br /> � CountV, State o( 1 9 . '�.�' �
<br /> + of tl�e records o(taid Connty. !
<br /> i /N TESTIMONY bV1-lERrOF, the sa(d rlower Evans Company ;.` ��/ .r�;u cau.red+
<br /> these presenta to bz erecuted Ly its�residcr.t cnJ its Corporatc 5��� to a�°d�axed J:crcto thu 3rd ' ._
<br /> � � �--
<br /> �y of t�orember , i9 76 � i�- , . . -1 �� �, �
<br /> � GVttnrss: _ F�UJI'[�.I2� CO�i1FfANY � , _ . .j
<br /> ' �~',' �r7 -
<br /> �`' I ......._...................................... .. ............. .................... L'} / �� �.���-��.�.�� ._: tPr.zrident� '
<br /> ; 6. Z:�v'att5-..
<br /> . ` r.
<br /> i , I ..........._..................... ... .................... ....... ... .lttcst ... .... .. ._............ J� Caa'�i+�r Secretnrti `
<br /> i STATl OF ...........PJebraska....................................� rci I�Tovemb�e.�x�� �� 76 j
<br /> , On rlcis....3.............dcy o�... . ........ :......., t . ..._
<br /> � y� ����'r'�i,� ss. f r o•c�r.e, the��»dursi r�cd,a.N�tcr��P,�?�iic ir,and m said !
<br /> - �� , .. .. .......... .............c,,,:nrv ) f 9 f
<br /> I ,��`�:...
<br /> ' y� �_ _ G L �a11s............. .................... .. I rrsid�nt of tl�e '
<br /> � Cow,(�,r^"tb4laG.t'•tti+ c�i.......�....�.. .... ....... ................. ........... .............. , I
<br /> s� � �� ._. '
<br /> . .�. .
<br /> '� I �Lbtter-Evans Com�an,Y............................. .. ..... ...................... ............. ............. ....... . ... a CerQOratio� I
<br /> If�r,�.e�¢�r�»rutUy,h.noten fi� Lc U�r Yresidrnt mod i�ir»titel per•so�: 2cicose nan:e is ainxed ta !Irc above relcase and �
<br /> a�irotyled_qed'the exerstti¢*i Urerro( to be his z�olunt_ry act mid deed as such of�icer, a+:d f!« vai�rntart���t and deed , '
<br /> , i oj7aid-�orporat:on ' ; j '
<br /> ' � �l�uau�rs-.�1s�han�{�d A'otarin[Se�!at....Grand.Island} Nebraska ;n said County die day and year '
<br /> ' �� � last a��e ft�rirtett. �. � �—�-� � ,/� � � . .
<br /> ". : � G1y eou�rn ai'�it'e�sFires..Jtule..l . . .. .., �9 e0 . �l .1,.�/,�.��? ✓-��;��_...........Natary Pu61ie�
<br /> ; �atri.cia B: Ogdeno �
<br /> ' ..__. .._. ... . ...... . ....... _ ,j .:'.-'_.:...
<br /> .._.. {- .:"�:_ :.:._"'_. .'.:'...__. .. _._. . . _ ..-.:_"'.-
<br /> :;
<br /> (:::
<br /> �` Lot Eighteen (18) in FY�ank P. Bark's Stibdivision l70. 2, located on uart oi the East-Hal�of
<br /> %`: the Northeast Quarter (�ti�Tn'y) of Section Ten (10), in Toi�ship Eleven (ll) tdorth, Range
<br /> iline (9), West oS the 6th P.i•t., in }Iall County, idebrasra;
<br /> and
<br /> All of Lot 17ineteen (19) of Franl: P. 3ark's Subditi-ision Mo. 2 of a part of the East Half
<br /> ;' (i2) of the ilortheast QsarEer QJFa) of Section ido. Ten (10), Tonz�ship IIeven (11) tdorth, Range
<br /> I3ine (9) 1•�est of �he 6th P.M., except tract of ground in the Plorthwest corner of Lot 11ine-
<br /> teen (19) described as £ollows: Corm:encing at the Norttnaest corner of said Int P:ineteen
<br /> (19) a distance of 69 feet, thence eouth parallel xith the west line of said Lot, a distance
<br /> of 153 feet, thence west So: a distance of 69 ieet to the freat line of said lot 19, and
<br /> thence north ior a distance of 153 £eet to the nlace o* beginnir.g;
<br /> ;� and
<br /> � IIeginning at the northxest corner oF Int Trrenty-one (21) of Frank P. Eark's S�bdivision ?io. 2
<br /> of part o'' the T'ast F?a1S oi the I�ortheast Quarter (E1�,1�) oi Section Ten (10), Tosmship IIeven
<br /> (11) ilorth, Aange Ydine (9) 41est of the 6th P.*1., as surveyed, platted and recorded in the
<br /> of£ice of the P.egister of Deeds of Ilall County, Idebraska; thenco proceedi.ng easter�y along
<br /> _ and upon the north boundary of said Lot ltrenty-one (21) a cli.stance of One Ifiindreti SiYty-five �
<br /> (165) feet; thence turning right 90 degrees and proceeding in a southorly �rection for a
<br /> distance of (lie Hundred Thirty-txo (1j2) Feet; thence tuming right 9� degrees and proceeding
<br /> in a westerly direction £or a distance of ninety-nine (99) feet; thence turnir.g left 90 degrees . � . .
<br /> and proceecii.ng in a southerly direction for a distance of One Hundred Tnirty-Two (132} feet;
<br />�c thence ri.ght 90 degrees and proceeding in a westerly direction for a distance of sixty-six N�•'
<br />;fi- ' (bb) feet and theace turning right 90 degree3 and proceeding in a northerly direction a distance � � "`
<br />�� ' of tao hundred si.xty-four (26l�) ieet to the point of beginning. :a ,
<br />� �.
<br />� �,a
<br /> bi:���. . . . . .
<br />�,'�
<br />`_�.
<br />``�L � � �
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<br /> i
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