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<br />'�' TtORSGAGS—Saviug� and l.oan Form—(Dl�act Cred11 Plm) 255�2(Spedall
<br />.
<br /> ...,.»cw�«»........�....... ,.... ......,......,..».,.............�^^�^^^.,r.,`..."�^^^'
<br /> �' 7�5-O U 7 3�.'.:) MORTG�4GE
<br /> � � .. . � � Loan No . � . .� �� .
<br /> ��.. �. � � . .. � . ^ . . . .
<br /> TMS INDENSURE,.made 1h1� 1 71'h day.of December �9�by and bMwn I
<br /> DAVID R: ANDERSL•N AND T[RES� J. A�DERSEN, husband and wife, each in his and hor own
<br /> ; right and as spuuse of the other
<br /> � oL_� H���� � Countp,Nebraeka.m mottgaqor_S,and Home Fedemi Savinq�and imn AesodaUon of Grand 41and� � � � � � �
<br /> � �a mrpomNon orqantzod and eaistinq uader tho law�o!Nebraaka�eilh SU prindpal oll[ta and pluto o!buainee�at Granfl I�land Nebm�ka.. : � � � � �
<br /> . . aa mortqagee;� � . � . � � �
<br /> , � WITNESSETH: That eaid morigaqor___.`-' !or and tn eoneidormfon ol Iho aum of__—_ � � � � � -
<br /> � _ C-1GHTEEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND NO/100 ---------------------- naimn 15 18.400.00 �,
<br /> tha receipt o! which te�hereby acknowledqed, do_by tAeae pre�onte mortgage and wmmnt unro et�id martqvgee, ib euccoaeou and �� � ��� . � �
<br /> asaigne, iorever,all Ihe tolloaing deecrihed teal eetata,aituated In Ihe county of ��{��� __ � . � � �.
<br /> - ' and State of Nebmelm,to-wiL• � � �� � � � � � �
<br /> �
<br /> y ��
<br /> �
<br /> t :
<br /> �
<br /> i .. � � . �. � .
<br /> ..f. . � . � . . .
<br /> �S Togulhcr with all heatinq. Ilghting, and plwnbtng equipment aod tixlutea.includinq eloken and bumcrn,sacans.awninqe,etormwindows �
<br /> �� and doorer cnd window nhndea or blfnd�,uned an er in rnnnectfon w+lh said propet�y,ahelhet tha namo a�u now located on eaid proporty . . .
<br /> .`- � on c�zcaltei nlaced thereon. � , .
<br /> ��� � i0 I{AVE AND TO HOLD TI�SAME,toqethe[ wilh alt and eingular the tenomente,hereditaments and oppwtonancce thoreunto belonq� fI
<br /> 7f,
<br /> Inq,o�in anywiae appartaining.breve�,and warrant Ihe fllle lo the eame. Said monqagor—herebp rnvcnanl_wilh said mortqaqoa
<br /> ; f# ���a�_t�_� are nt lhc delivery hereol.lhe law•lul owncr_�I Ihe ptemisee above mnveyed and doeaibed,and �rE' . .
<br /> ��. �f eei:ed ol a geod and indeloaelble eelate ol inhe�ifance therein, I�eo and clear ol all encumbmnces,and Ihat t he�`__Nill wartanl and t . .
<br /> ' defend.�he title lheteto torener aqainat Ihv dnima and demanda ol all pe�aonn whamnocvea � .
<br /> S: t �
<br /> � �f PAOVIDGD ALWAYS. and Ihis inetrument ia executed and delivered to socure Ihe payment of tho eum e!_ � . �
<br /> ;+ � _��_�I�TEEN,_THOUSANO FOUR NUNDREL AND NO/I CO -------_-------- nollare i5 �9.400.00 �
<br /> ' { wilh iate[cai then+on,logethcr wYth such thatqce and advances aa may be duo and payablo to said mor�vagm mder the terma and . � �
<br /> a j
<br /> f conditiens ot lho promiaaory nole ol even dale hecewith and aenuad hereby,erecvled 6y wtd mortqaqor.�_lo eaid morlqoqee,payable
<br /> � ; ae esprcaeed in sald no�o.and to eccurc the petbrmancc ol all tho rorms und coadi�iona wntainad tl�oreln. 7he te�ma o7 said ao�e aco
<br /> t� hece6y inmrpo�ated ficrcin by tM�:elerenco.
<br /> $ 11 ie�hc In�ention and aqrcemenl of thc pariice her¢�o thm this moctgaqe ahdl alao �ecure any luture advancee mado to aaid
<br /> °�� � monqagor 5 by sald mortqagee, and ony and atl indebtedncee fn addlHon to ihe amount obove stated whlch nnfd mortgaqot�,or aay
<br /> ��� � . al Ihem,may owo lo eaid mo�tgaqee,howevec evidencod whelher 6y nole,book account or athotwiee. Thi�mottgage ahalt remain in lult
<br /> � forcn and ellea be�ween the partiea hemto and lheir 6Mn, penonal �eprenentnGvea. cuccesao�e and aaeigne. until all amounu eecured
<br /> he�cundec,intlud!+iq futvre advances,axe paid in lull wilh inlere�l.
<br /> Tho mortqoqor S hcreby aadq�—to saSd monqageo atl rcate and Inrnme arieinq at any and nll time� Icom eaid properry and �
<br /> . � hereby authocize eaid mo�iqagee or fla agent.at fie optlon. upon dafault.to take charqe ol eaid propetly and calleci all rcnle and ineome ++�
<br /> t the�alwm and apply lhe enmo lo the payment ot Intorest,principol.Iaeumnco promfuma,lases.asaevementa, repairs or imptovnmeuta nerne• (
<br /> ' � aary lo Ceep wld proporty In tennnlabie condilion.or lo o�her chatgoe ot pagmenl�pmHded fot ho�Mn ot In Ihe nole horebq emired. 17ils 1
<br /> tent aseignmrnl a}wll continuo tn fotca until Iho un�xild balance ol wid note fn fu11y paid 7ho lakinq of posaeaeian he[eunde[�hall In no �
<br /> !� manner prnvenl or rela:d wid mortgagee fa tre mllection o! eaid�uw by Iwecloaure or othenvi�o. f
<br /> �i The laflure ol thn mestqaqce to aue�t anq ol tu riqhti hcteundar at any lime thall nol be conelrucd m a wal.-er a!ite cig6l!o maert $f
<br /> $3 Ihe eame a�any Ialet time.and to imi�t upon and enloccro su{ct mmpllance wl�h ail the terma and ptoviefona ol eai3 mle and o! thla f
<br /> f� mo�tqaqa. �
<br /> . 31f it said mo��qagor S ahalt cau�c to be paid ro wfd mo[tgaqae the ontits amwnt due it horeunder,aad under Ihe totmt and pro�is{ou� �
<br /> y; ol eafd note hereby sotured.Inciuding futu�e cd�rne,and anp eztomions os ron�wnb thereo! In vocerdance w�ith Ihe term�and p�ovidoa�
<br /> �� tha�eoL.vnd i!wld motlqaqor S, �hall mmply�atth all Iho prorldon�o!said note and of tAls moctqaqo.than thess prceaol��haii be vold;
<br /> t otherwl�e to remain In lull toiee.and clfot4 md wid mor�Qaqss ahall be�ntttled to�he po�saulon ol ali o[wid propeny,and maq.at Ib �
<br /> (3 opUon.doclare iho�vho4 ot�e(d nole and all tndabledneu reprc�ented the:eby to bs Immedtatalq due and payabto.and map lorccloee�hls j
<br /> � >� moitqeqn or tak+anr athar leqal actlnn to protoet It� riqhL and !rom t?�e da�s d�uoh delaul�aU iiem�ot Inoab�edneu �a�vred peraby -
<br /> Snhail draw into�nt at R'k'pi�nmum. AppmLemsnt vrulved ' ' ..
<br /> Sk�� Th(�mcttqaq��hal(be bindinq�upon and�uali mure fo Ih�b�nellt o1 t6e hdn,�:ocuton,admin7almtor�.�uttroawn�d aesiqe�d � -• N
<br /> L. ${ �he roap�ctiro partlee�eteio.. �
<br /> � their
<br />� f IN W[StiE59 WFIEAEOF. wtd MortQaqor .`'_ha Ve herounto �et haod=tho dap and yca�lint abor� � '�"
<br />� Wrttt�a _ . , r -1 t`' ,
<br />�� _fL%7//c'G�': L/����"'�311�, `\ ( i_�c.s a �!r �t.�-t.�__ ,'�_ . � � .
<br /> �_f`
<br />�` ' � David R. Andersen Teresa J. Andc�r �n
<br />�
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