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<br />��t 76- (1�73�3 REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE �
<br /> GREGORY D. fdEHRING, a single porson 4
<br /> �
<br /> of We County of Ha�� and State o+ IJebraska ticreinnftet called the party of the first part,in �
<br /> f �
<br /> �'% consideraUon of FORT'f—FOUR THOUSAND E I GHT HUNDRED A��D tJ0/100 -------------------�oLLAItS, �
<br /> in hand paid,do hereby grant,bargalq sell and convey unto t6e Home Federal Sanings&Loan Assoclation of Grand Island,
<br /> Grand Island,Nehraska,and its successors and assigas,the following real estate,situated i� Ha I 1
<br /> County,State o� Nebraska ,�towit:
<br /> �
<br /> d " �
<br /> a; �x
<br /> Together with all the apputtennnces thereunto belongine,and all covensnts in all the title deeds running with said mal estate �
<br /> and all tLe rents,issues and prolits atising therefrom after detault in performance of any covenant or condition herein con �
<br /> b tained;and warrants the title thereto perEect and clear except for this mortgage.
<br /> � �^', During the time this mortgage is in force the mortgagors agree: ��
<br /> First. To pay all taxes and special assessments levied against said premises, inciuding all taxes and assessments levied z;
<br /> upon this mortgage,or the debt secured by this mortgage.
<br /> 3 Second. To keep all buildings thereoa insured against loss by fire,lightning and tomado in some company,to be ap� �
<br /> proved by the snid Hame Federal Sa�zngs&Loan Association of Grand Island in the sum of S �nsurab l e Va I ue for '`i
<br /> the benefit of the said Association,2nd its successors or assigns; and to deposit said poLcies with said Association,and shall not
<br /> � commit or suffer any waste on said premises, nnd shall put and keep said real estate buildings and improvements in good �
<br /> � � order. �
<br /> �� Tturd. To pay or cause to be paid to the Home Federal Savings& Loan Association of Grand Island,its successors or
<br /> � ' FORTY—FOUR THOUSA.t:D E�GNT nUIJGReu k"JD tJ0/100 ----------------
<br /> ' � assigns,the sum of$ DOLLARS,
<br /> �; payable as follows: �
<br /> k
<br /> n
<br /> � 544,BGO.00 CUE J P.t;UAR'f I, I�78 `j
<br /> : i� i;
<br /> l , i.j �
<br /> - P,
<br /> � k. :,
<br /> .� with Interest thereon paynhle,accordinS to the tenor and effect of the one certain first mortgage note of said mortgagors,
<br /> ibearing even date w�th these presents. After maturity said bond dra�cs interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum
<br /> g �j It said taxes and assessments are nat paid when due, or if the buildings on said premises are not insumd�s above pro- �
<br /> �� vided,or if any of said interest is not paid when due,then said whole debt shall 6ecome due immediately,at the option of the ��
<br /> x �
<br /> :y, said Association,and shall thetea[ter draw interest at the rafe af nine per cent per annum. {�
<br /> F: The mortgagor_ hereby assig� to said modgagee all rents and income arising at any and al] times from said �;
<br /> ' }+ property and hereby authorize said mortgagee or its agent,at ils option, upon default, to take charge of said nroperty and �;;
<br /> S' collect all rents and income therefrom and app]y the same to thc paYment of interest, principal, insurance premiums,taxes,
<br /> " � assessments, repairs or improvements necessary to keep said property in tenanta6le condition, or to other charges or pay- �
<br /> �'
<br /> ments provided for herein or in the note hereby secured.This rent assi�,wnent shall continue in force until the unpaid bal• '?
<br /> i ance of said note is fully p•rid. The taking of possession hereunder shall in no manner pre�•ent or retard said morlgagee in t�
<br /> � the collection of said sums by foreclosure or otherwise.
<br /> f'� �Vhether said debt becomes due by lapse of time, or by reason of the failure of the party of the first Part to comply `�`�
<br /> �� with any condition herein,the said Home Federal Savings &Loan Association of Grand Island, tlie successors and assigns,
<br /> � shall ha�•e the right to begin the foreclosute of this mortgage at once on the whole deUt herebp secured, and tn include �
<br /> £t therein all taxes, assessments,insurance premiums aad costs,paid by it or them; or said Association, its suceessors or
<br /> : t� assigns, may foreclase only as to the sum past due, �vitfiout injury to this mortgage, or tLe displacement or impairment (�
<br />' �. of the lien lhereoL +^
<br /> �. � And the sald iirst party and thc makers of said notc,especially agree and declare that the separate estate of each and �
<br /> �., �� every one af them,including bot6 that now owned and that hereafter acquired, is pled�;ed and bound fot the pay7nent of
<br /> '} the debt hereby secured. �"a
<br /> After the commencement of any s•,ut in foreclosure thc plaintiff therein shall be entifled to the immediate possession of
<br /> �� said premises and the appointment of a mceiver therefor, notwithstanding they may be the I�omestead of the occupant and �
<br /> ; notwitLstanding the parties liable far the debt may be solceat, and the first party hereby consents to the appointment of a tt
<br /> » Receiver upon the producflon oE this indentute,without other evidence. f� �
<br /> �,, The foregoing condilions and ngreements, all and singular,being fully performed,this conveyance shall be void,othcr-
<br /> ;� wise to be and remain in full fame nnd eftect. � H�',,�
<br /> ` � f fi
<br />� � Signed th+a ZOth �Y af December (� � �
<br /> Jn�„�ia 7� y
<br /> A % ,� 1�.i'+,.+ gQf
<br /> a� (/1�/�,(l '
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<br />;� � �re_o�,;C. =1n;�r i n�, � s i r.zTe oerson t �
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