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<br /> �tORTGAGL LOAN N0. 22�Q62
<br /> ` KNOW ALL�fEN BY THGSE PRESENTS:That Al bert E. Brown and Evelyn A. Brown each 111 f11 S dtld h2Y'
<br /> � own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> . _________Mortgagor_whether one or more,in consideration of the sum of
<br /> Fourteen Thousand Five Hundred dfld NO/IOO— � DOLLA[LS
<br /> luaned to said mortgagor by The tiquitable Duilding and Loan Association of Grand Island,Nebraska,Mortgagee,upon 145 shares oC stock of
<br /> y, ; said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No.L 22,462 ,do lie�eby grant,wnvey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the Collowing
<br /> described real estate,situated in Ilall County,Nebraska:
<br /> �. ; NEBRASKA.
<br /> �; ^
<br /> $, ;
<br /> together wi�h afl the tenements,hereditaments�nd appurien�nces thereunto belonging,including attuched tloor wverings,all window screens, �- . � � .
<br /> N'10(IOW SI78(IOS�blinds,storm��•indows,awnings,heating,aie conditioning,and plumbing and water equipmrn[and acressories thereto,pumps,stoves, � � . .
<br /> refriger�tors,and other fixtures xnd eyuipment now or hereafter attached to or usrd in connectiun with said�eal esiate. � � . � .
<br /> And w�hereas the said mor�gagoz has agreed and does hereby agme tha� [he mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied or � � . .
<br /> ,i' assessed upon said premises and upon diis mortgag�and the bond secured thereby before ihe same shall become delinquent;m(urnish approved . . � .
<br /> insurance upon ihe buildings on said premises situateJ in the sum u(S 14�500.OQ paya6le to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br /> ;;��� ASSOCIATION the policies for said insursnce;and nut to commit or perm�t any waste an ur about said premises; �
<br /> In case o[de(ault in the perfurmance of any uf�he terms and conditions uf this mortgage or ttie bond sewred hereby,the mongagee shall, � � . �
<br /> .i. mt demand,be entiqed to irt�mediate pussession o(Ihe morigaged premiscs and the mortg:�eor hereby assigns, t�ans(ers and sets uver to the �
<br /> mortgagee all the rents,revenues and income to be derived(rom the mortgaged premi:ss during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall«mxin . � � � �
<br /> .� � unpaiJ;and the mortgngee sl�all have the power io appoint any agent or agants it may desi�e(or the purpose a(repairing said premises and renting � . . �
<br /> � the same and wllecting the rents,revenues and income,and it may pay out o(said income all expenses oC repairing said premises and necassary � � ��
<br /> commissions and expenses incurred in reming snd managing the same urd of colleceing mmals therefrom; the balance remaining,if any,m be � � � � � - �
<br /> applied tuward Ihe diuharge of s�id mortgage indebtedness;these rights of the mortgagee may be exercised at any time during the existenet of:uch
<br /> �' default,irrespccti��e of any temporary waiver of the same. �
<br /> i
<br /> These Presents,huwever,are upon the Cundition,That if dic said�fongagor shall rcpay s�id loan on or before thr maturi�y of said shares by :
<br /> payment:pay monthly ro said ASSOCIATION o(the sum specitied in the Uund recured he�eby as inter.st and principal on said luan,un or be(ore � .
<br /> �he Twentieth day uf each and every month,untii said luan is Cully paid;pay all taxes and�ssessmentt levied against said premises and on this Alortgage
<br /> and the Bond secureJ thereby,be(ore delinquency;fumish appmved insurance upon the buildings thereon in the sum uf 5 LQ�5��.0� payable
<br /> tu said ASSOCIAT(ON:rep�y to said ASSOCIA'IION upun demand all money by it paid fin euctt taxes,assessments and insurance with interest at - .
<br /> the maximum Irgal rate thercon from date oC payment all oC K�hich Afortgagor hereby agrees to pay:permit nu waste on said premises;keep and compty �
<br /> � wiih all the agreemenis and condi[iuns o(the Bond for S 14�5OO.00�his day given by the said�lorigagur tu said ASSO(:IATION,and cumply
<br /> wi�h atl the requiremcnts of the Constitution and Dy-Laws of said AS50(:IATION:�hen thue presents shalt become null and void,otherwise they
<br /> �i. shall remxin in full(urce and may be forecloxd et the optiun of the said ASSOCIATIOM1 a(ter failure for threc months to make any of said . .
<br /> payments or br th�ce months in arrears in making said monihly payments,or to keep and comply with the agceements and conditions o(said Bund;
<br /> i' and Aiorter•gor�grces to have a receiver appuinted forthwith in such foreclosure proceedings.
<br /> ,�� � . If qicre is any change in ownership of the real cstate mortgaged harcin,by salc or utherwise,then�he entim remaining indebtedness herehy
<br /> '; . secured shall,at the option of The Lquitable Ouilding and Loan Association of Crand Island,Nebraska,become intmediatety due anS payable without
<br /> (ur�her notice,and the antount�em�ining due undcr s�id bond,and any other bond 1'or any additiunal advanres made thereunder,shall,from the
<br /> dale of exercise o(s�id optiun,bear interest at lhe maximum legal rate,and lhis mortgage mxy then be Coreclosed tu satisfy the amount due un said
<br /> �� �. bond,anJ any other bond for additional ad�ances,toeeiher with all sums paid b}'said The fiquilable Building and Loan Association o(Grand Island,
<br /> t� . Nebraska fur insurance,taxes and assessments,and absiracting extension charges,with inlereit thereon, from date uf paymmt a[the maximum
<br /> 4 legairate.
<br /> As provided in Ihe Hnnd ucured hereby,while this murtgage remains in eflect the mortgagee may hereafter advance additional sums lo the
<br /> p � makers of said Uond,iheir auigns ur successors in inte�est,whicl�sums shall be x�ithin the security ot this mortgage ihe same as the tunds originally
<br /> �� � secured thereby,the total amount of principal debt not to exceed at any time the original xmount ot this mortgage.
<br /> Daled this 15th ��>��� Decemher ����.»76
<br /> ���ti,7 E /��--�-��--
<br /> Albert . R�,tonrwn /� n
<br /> � �i+...1� ;( % i`�.�LFr�,�-�
<br /> t
<br /> "� � Evelyn A. Brown
<br /> S7A7E OF NL•BRASKA.�Ss. On this 15th day of December 19�6 ,be(orc me,
<br /> � �he undorsi ned,a Notary Public in and Cor said County,perwnally came ��; �
<br /> Brown and Evelyn A. Brown each in his and �ier own right and as spouse of each
<br /> �� . �C({' Wt1O are P«sonallyknownto N
<br /> � r.'4nar�;,li�� 9�i• pe S e�s r
<br /> � t,� 5de i , rwn whose namcS are a(fixed to thc above instrumcnt as mort o� und they severall �^
<br />� f� �� t their �'
<br />� !; �aticnowledgedQlR said Pstrument lo be voluntary act and deed. �. t➢'
<br />� � . i, , �;' �' ,,,� � � S my hand and Notarial Scal[he dato aCoresaid. � ' . � � �
<br /> � �Iv Ck�mmission expircs �..�,�.�e� �� ����p 1\ '1� I,� -
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