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<br /> STATE OF NEBRA.SKA, County of ....................................................: •
<br /> I
<br />�,: , 1 iled for racurd ou ................................. 19........nt............................ o'cloc6 ........................ �Jf. '
<br /> ':`: and recorded in ihe Deed Reeord ................................. Yugo .............................
<br /> �
<br /> ........................ ..... ................ I3y ............. ....... .... .........................
<br /> . .......... .................. ........ ............... ..................
<br /> ` Register of Deeds lleputy ltegister of Deedx �
<br /> �
<br /> Dale W. hlcCoy and Ileane D. McCoy, husband and wife,
<br /> ,herein called the grantor a•hether one or more,
<br /> in consideration of �'wenty-Fonr Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty and 00/100 Dollars
<br /> reeeised from grantecs, does grant, bargain, sell convey nnd confirm unto
<br /> Alfred T. Salmon and Dorothy D. Sa1m�n, husband and k�ife, '$"�y�'�'` "�'���ry�Y -
<br /> as joint tennnts �cith right of survivorship, nnd not as tenants in conunou, th'e following described real
<br /> property iu Xall...................................... Couni}�,:�cUraska:
<br /> A tract of Zand situated in the North Ha1f of the Northwest Quarter (N'�NW�i) of
<br /> Section Twenty-seven (27), Township 2toelve (12), North, Range Nine (9) West of
<br /> the 6th P.M., more particularly described as rollows: Corrm�encing at a point on
<br /> �` the t4est line of said Section 27 which point is located 421.55 feet South of
<br /> the Northwest corner of said Section 27, running thence South along and upon
<br /> "' the West Section line of said Section 27 a distance of 106.55 feet, running thence
<br /> 4.,
<br /> ,t East a distance of 696.2 feet to an iron stake situated 530.10 Feet South of
<br /> the North line of said Section 27, running thence North a distance of 106.55
<br /> feet to an iron stake, running thence F;est a distance of 695.6 feet to the point -
<br /> t ` of beginning, also knocrn as and being the same property described as Lot Six (6)
<br /> Ed Ross Subdivision ?f3 being a part of the North Ha1f of the L'orthwest Quarter
<br /> �; (N�fNW'�) of Section 2lventy-seven (27),Township Twelve (12) North,Range Nine (9),
<br /> West of the 6th P.M., Na2I County, 1Jebraska.
<br /> I' ' To ha��e and to hold tlie above descrited premises togetlier �cith all tenements, hereditaments
<br /> r and appurtenances ttiereto Uelonging uato the gc•nntees and to tLeir ESSl�'ll5� or to tUe heirs uud nssiens
<br /> ?
<br /> of the snrz��or of tl�ecn forecer.
<br /> �lnd grantor does t�erei�y covenant ti�•ith Uie grantees and scith their assigns und �cith tLe heirs
<br /> nnd assigns of the suni�•or of thetn that grantor is]u«•iullp seised uf said prunises;that thep are free from
<br /> �', enenmbranceexcept easements and restrictions of record.
<br /> r
<br /> � tlmt gravtor has goud rigiit aiid la���ful autLorit}• tu cunve}• the ����uc; and that �rantor «•tirrnnts and �cill
<br /> defend the title to said premises a;_aiust the la�cful elaims of all persons icLomsoe�•er.
<br /> It is t}ie intention of all parties Lereto that in tlie event of the death of eitl�er of ttie grantees,
<br /> R
<br /> � fht� entire fee title to this r�°�il prup�•rt�� �hall ce�c in ihc survicii��grantee.
<br /> - Dated December 16 19 76
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<br /> � STATE OP ......Jdebraska.................................... l'umrty of .....Hall.............................................: '�/
<br /> Before me,u notary public qualilicd for said count}�, personally came Da1e W. NcCoy and
<br /> Ileane D. 1".cCoy, husband and �ife, each in his and her own right and as spouse
<br /> of the other,
<br /> �
<br /> Lnown to me to be tlie idevtical person or persons tivho siKned thc foregoing instn�ment and ackuotir•ledgcd -��! �
<br /> tLe execution thereof to Le his,Ler or tlieir ti•oh�ntary r ; �nd deed. ������N
<br /> �j' �-r'� �� � / H 7 � '
<br /> ' �Vitness my hund nud notarial seal on ........� :f.ti. iGL.-��......,r..�............. 19....1,�.... �
<br /> A � /� , . �� / �✓;;, 1 �
<br />�- / .:l...L.._..... /�..✓G-CGa:1.7'..... \ot:iry Public � I
<br /> CHARLES E.DeIAR��1 .......�...(��Lz.Ci. . ✓.� . �I �p
<br /> �' � � Gen:r_It;oary-Stzteo[t+_hr.. ,` .
<br />` � 61y Ccmmissiort Espires /% � � /I y �� �- � -
<br />�
<br /> xc � _: April 17,1978 li}• commission expires...........c/��..h:��.I.�................. 1 ........ .... T
<br />�� Fariu �.'_' '1'o be �ippcored Uy \eLr�i�ka$tntc l3ar:1>sociatiev sda�(rwou co..uaa��.t:���.
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